06-05-2022  (663 )

Arche - Arkhe

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01-05-2022  (544 )    


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20-04-2022  (894 )    


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17-04-2022  (578 )    

Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

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05-04-2022  (679 )    

Refine Google web searches

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02-04-2022  (526 )    

Magnetic stainless steel - acero inoxidable

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31-03-2022  (630 )    

Mendeléiev somnià la taula periòdica

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30-03-2022  (535 )    

Cart brake

Holding back a vehicle in precipitous terrain by the draught animals alone, was not always possible, consequently various devices for the purpose were brought into practice. According to the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company, "The early records are very sketchy, but it seems clear that brakes originated in the first century. The Latin word for brake was 'sufflamin' mean­ing 'a blow under*. This implies that the first brake was a pole or wedge driven under the

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28-03-2022  (541 )    

Fre de carro

El fre de carro, és un sistema, més o menys senzill, que fricciona les rodes d'un carro per a reduir la seva velocitat. Normalment no permetia detenir la marxa del carro, però s'utilitzava com a reductor de velocitat en les baixades. Es podia fer funcionar mitjançant una corda, una palanca o un vis sens fi accionats amb la mà, utilitzant algun tipus de palanca que generava una fricció contra la superfície externa de les rodes, aplicant la força tangencialment.. Cal esmentar que tot

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26-03-2022  (642 )    

voice stress analyzer - phone lie detection

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25-03-2022  (545 )    


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23-03-2022  (679 )    

Profecies dels Simpson

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20-03-2022  (708 )    

Microorganismes, enzims, i fermentació

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20-03-2022  (625 )    

Fermentació de la cervesa

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19-03-2022  (864 )    

Marketing de les Gillette - fulles d'afaitar

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19-03-2022  (538 )    

Peluix - Pig Plush

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15-03-2022  (609 )    

Diction lessons - accent reduction - accent neutralization

Diction lessons are taken to accomplish some accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a systematic approach for learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning the sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation of a language so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity. In some cases the student's goal may be to eliminate their accent

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15-03-2022  (689 )    

Web fonts

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15-03-2022  (704 )    


Diction lessons are taken to accomplish some accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a systematic approach for learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning the sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation of a language so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity. In some cases the student's goal may be to eliminate their accent

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15-03-2022  (756 )    


Diction lessons are taken to accomplish some accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a systematic approach for learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning the sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation of a language so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity. In some cases the student's goal may be to eliminate their accent

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15-03-2022  (633 )    

Lliçons de dicció

Diction lessons are taken to accomplish some accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a systematic approach for learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning the sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation of a language so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity. In some cases the student's goal may be to eliminate their accent

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15-03-2022  (1043 )    

Sistema vocàlic - Vocalisme

Diction lessons are taken to accomplish some accent reduction, also known as accent modification or accent neutralization, is a systematic approach for learning or adopting a new speech accent. It is the process of learning the sound system (or phonology) and melodic intonation of a language so the non-native speaker can communicate with clarity. In some cases the student's goal may be to eliminate their accent

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14-03-2022  (821 )    

Llengua koiné

Llengua Koiné és qualsevol llengua que s'utilitza com a model i que és comuna i general en un mateix territori. Aquesta llengua s'oposaria a qualsevol dialecte. El terme koiné prové del grec koine i designava una llengua grega que es parlava a la Mediterrània durant el regnat d'Alexandre el Gran. Aquesta llengua estava basada en el dialecte

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13-03-2022  (679 )    

GM Medium Diesel engine

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