MAGAZÍN D'INVESTGACIÓ PERIODÍSTICA (iniciat el 1960 com AUCA satírica.. per M.Capdevila a classe de F.E.N.)
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"La història l'escriu qui guanya".. així.. "El poble que no coneix la seva història... es veurà obligat a repetir-la.."
23-10-2023 (2737 lectures) | Categoria: Llengua |
A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing and the different kinds are Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective Noun and an Abstract Noun. Two nouns or one noun and any other parts of speech combine together to form "Compound Nouns". They are usualy also called "Nominal Compounds".
"WITHOUT A HYPHEN.. An adjective in front of a "compound word" qualifies "ALWAYS" the second member of the compound.."
Let’s explore these examples that beautifully illustrate how adjectives play a crucial role in qualifying compound words.:
Digital image processing: Here, the adjective “Digital” indeed modifies the second part of the compound noun “processing.” It refers to the manipulation of images signal using a digital computer with various algorithms and techniques.
Analog image processing: Similarly, “Analog” modifies “processing.” In this case, it pertains to the manipulation of images (such as photographs or film) using traditional analogic methods.
Digital signal processing: Once again, “Digital” qualifies “processing.” This field involves analyzing, modifying, or enhancing signals (such as audio, video, or sensor data converted to stored bits) using digital techniques.
Analog signal processing: Here, “Analog” modifies “processing.” It relates to the manipulation of continuous signals (e.g., electrical voltage) using analog circuits or methods.
Digital signal processor: In this case, “Digital” modifies “processor.” A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized digital microprocessor designed for efficient signal processing tasks.
Analog signal processor: Finally, “Analog” modifies “processor.” An analog signal processor would handle continuous signals using analog components.
Teaching Pronunciation p195: A COURSE BOOK AND REFERENCE GUIDE - Donna Brinton, Marianne Celce-Murcia, Janet M. Goodwin - 2010- 576pages
Teaching Pronunciation p145: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of ... - Celce-Murcia, Marianne Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, Janet M. Goodwin - 1996 - 441pages
The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher's Course - Marianne Celce-Murcia, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Howard Alan Williams - 1983 - Google Books
An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language in which the words are ... - David BOOTH (Author of the Analytical Dictionary.) - 1830 - Google Books
Nominal Compounds or Compound Nouns are formed by combining or joining two main words.
The combination can occur as:
Noun + Noun – steam-engine, hydrogen bomb, armchair, honey bee
Adjective + Noun – mild steel, darkroom, five-rupee note, sweetheart
Noun + Verb – milk shake, headache, rainfall, snakebite, madman
Verb + Noun – run way, breakfast, flashlight, watchdog, cutthroat
Gerund + Noun – rocking chair, dining room, swimming pool
Noun + Gerund – glass painting, day-dreaming, rope-dancing
Adverb + Noun – underemployment, overcoat, afternoon
Adverb/preposition + Verb – outcome, outlet, off-shoot, offspring
Verb + Adverb/preposition – farewell, breakdown, send-off
The combination can be between two parts of speech also:
Noun + Adjective – seasick, snow-white, tax-free, watertight, sky blue
Adjective + Adjective – red-hot
Noun + Participle – fact-finding, heartbreaking, home-made, town-bred
Adjective + Participle – high-sounding, easygoing, full-grown, ready-made
Adverb + Participle – downtrodden, outspoken, never-ending, everlasting
Nominal Compounds are useful in avoiding lengthy sentences, avoiding waste of time. They serve to promote easy readability, brevity and clarity in technical writing. For e.g.: An engine which runs on steam be easily written as a steam-engine.
Examples for expanding the Compound Nouns:
Expanded Compound Nouns:
Expand the following Compound Nouns:
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