29-04-2014  (2048 ) Categoria: Articles

Capmany: Books downloader


pervenerunt hac portum bagnarie intra palos intraverunt cum hominibus ianue qui tum erant in eis



Full text of "Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno ...

Full text of "Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno Christi .... In perficienda hac editione, gui tabuHariis et bibHothecis et puhlicis et monasterio- rum ...... Quorum canonicorum necrologia quae ad nos pervenerunt, sunt haec: 1.


Memorias historicas capmany galio lloret


Memorias historicas sobre la marina comercio y artes de la ...

books.google.es/books?id... - Tradueix aquesta pĂ gina

Antonio de Capmany Surís y de Montpalau ... y Rere Alguer , mercaders ciutadans de Barcelona siåm stats supplicats , que havent ells fet fer y fabricar en la Vila de Lloret Bisbat de Gerona , dins la present Provincia un Galio anomenat Sant ..

Full text of "Acta Aragonensia; Quellen zur deutschen ...

Ad id eciain, ^) quod significastis nobis de verbis habitis inter reverendum patrem ..... KaUaretano . . . quam in CasteUo castri et in portu Bagnarie CasteUi castri. .... exercitus Florentini inter cesos et captos ad manus hostium pervenerunt. ..... et casteUus^) funda- tus est super saxum aliciuantulum moUem versus portum, ...

este me funciona!!



On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 7:28 PM, Manel Capdevila <mcapdevila@gmail.com> wrote:


5 Tools to Download any Book from Google and save it as PDF

Google Book Search is a tool from Google that searches the full text of books that Google scans, converts to text using optical character recognition, and stores in its digital database. Many popular books are available with Google Book. The books available can be read online only and cannot be downloaded for later use. You can download certain books as pdf that allows public-domain works and are free from copyright protection. Only few books are available with full preview based on agreements with publishers.

Following are different tools using which you can download any Google book and save it as PDF file or print it.

1) Google Books Downloader

Google Book Downloader is a tool that allows you to save book as PDF from google to your computer. Before using this tool make sure you have properly installed Microsoft .net Framework 3.5 SP1(Install)


How to use Google Books Downloader?

  1. Download Google Books Downloader. Extract or unzip the file. Double click mdgb.exe to run the application.
  1. Paste the URL of the book you want to download.
  1. Press “Check” button. Book will be checked and all available pages will be retrieved.
  1. Press “Download entire book” button to download all the pages in one go.
  1. Press “Save entire book as…” button. All downloaded pages will be saved in PDF format.

2) Leechvideo

Visit leechvideo and input URL of the book you searched from Google. Input the URL for the book you want to download and press the ‘Grab’ button. The page retrieval process in the form of image files will start as soon as you press the ‘Grab’ button. Click right mouse button on the links and save it manually one by one. You can use Orbit for batch downloading

3) Greasemonkey script

This is the most powerful and stable way to download Google Book. You can easily download any book from books.google.com using Greasemonkey script. Just follow the simple steps below.

  1. This hack only works with firefox browser. Make sure you install firefox browser.
  1. Install Flashgot to firefox browser and restart your firefox browser.
  1. Search any book on books.google.com and you’ll notice a download button at the sidebar as shown in screenshot.
  1. Click the download button to download the images of each. Select the pages you wish to download and then right click and select FlashGot Selection to download the selected pages.

4) Laneware.net

Visit laneware. The tool works only on IE browser. Input the URL of the book you wish to download and you will get the links of the pages retrieved. I tried the tool but did not found much success. You can use its ‘FAQ and Help’ section for troubleshooting tips.

5) ClickBook

If you are looking for advance tool that can download google book and can print them for you as well then ClickBook is the best solution for you. The tool does not come free and is available for $49.95. Works only with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista. Visit ClickBook for more details.

6) Download book without using any Tool

  1. Open computer with admin privileges and launch your Internet Explorer (Not Firefox). Now visit to the page in books.google.com that you want to download.
  2. Navigate to “C:Documents and Settings%admin_name%Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files” of your computer machine and delete all of the content of the folder.
  3. Browse the pages of the books that you want to download.
  4. Open “Temporary Internet Files” folder. Copy all PNG files. These files are nothing but the pages of the scanned book
  5. You can print the png files and arrange them in order for reading.

Please share other methods that can be used to extract the books from Google book search service.

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