Resultats cercant per
categoria Puignero
29-11-2014 (8668 lectures)
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Why should anything written by the Genoeseexplorer Christopher Columbus be counted as Catalan literature?Yes, many people consider Columbus not to have been Genoese at all,but a Catalonian. And if he were, then the letter he wrote in 1493to Ferdinand and Isabella on his way back from the Indies, called"the most important printed document of universal history [1]," isoneof the most significant things written by anyone of his nation.This study addresses not only the claim that since Columbus...
29-11-2014 (4318 lectures)
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29-11-2014 (4005 lectures)
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I met Bilbeny two years ago, at the Catalan Summer University, in Prada de Conflent, and I must admit that the fact explained on his doctoral thesis surprised me. That same day I told myself that I would help him in the tiring task of spreading the true truth of this great lie that we have been believing for years and years. The new millennium must begin with a clean conscience and peace of mind. In fact, the pursuit of truth has always been one of the goals of mankind, and sooner or later the...
30-06-2014 (7035 lectures)
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29-06-2014 (4876 lectures)
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Vaig conèixer a en Bilbeny ara fa dos anys, a la Universitat Catalana d'Estiu, a Prada de Conflent, i he de reconèixer que les exposicions que em va fer sobre la seva tesis doctoral em van deixar atònit. Aquell mateix dia em vaig dir a mi mateix que l'ajudaria en aquesta tasca esgotadora de difondre la veritable veritat d'aquesta gran mentida que portem anys i panys creient-nos. El nou mil-lenni s’ha de començar amb la consciència neta i tranquil-la. De fet, la recerca de la veritat ha...
14-06-2014 (838 lectures)
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Columbus’ Catalan origins
Historian Jordi Bilbeny’s latest book on Columbus claims he was a Catalan noble born in 1414
Catalonia Today
06-05-2018 PĂ gina...