Resultats cercant per
categoria LED
08-12-2023 (361 lectures)
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The blue LED was invented by a trio of scientists, Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura. They made the first blue LEDs in the early 1990s, which enabled a new generation of bright, energy-efficient white lamps, as well as color LED screens...
03-12-2022 (2971 lectures)
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El 1968, es va convertir en la primera companyia a iniciar la producci贸 en massa del primer tipus de d铆ode emissor de llum (visible) (LEDs), utilitzant l'arsenur (fosfur) de gal路li. Aix貌 va marcar el comen莽ament de l'era de l'actual LED per a il路luminaci贸, encara que al principi eren de baixa intensitat. De 1968 a 1970, les vendes es van duplicar cada pocs mesos. Els seus productes (LEDs discrets i pantalles num猫riques de set segments ) es van convertir en els est脿ndards de la...
04-05-2020 (993 lectures)
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11-03-2014 (40165 lectures)
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Although the first visible light emitting LEDs were made in 1962 by the group of Nick Holonyak at General Electric, in 1968 Monsanto, the manufacturer of the raw Gallium Arsenide Phosphide semiconductor material, established its own high volume production of both alphanumeric displays as well as discrete LED lamps. The type MV1 featured on this page was the first of the company's solid state lamps, and is widely regarded as being the world's first commercial visible light...