23-10-2023  (1761 lectures) Categoria: DSP

ChatGPT - DSP - digital signal processor - processador digital del senyal - compound noun

Com traduir al catalĂ  o al castellĂ  seguint les regles de sintaxi anglesa Terminal High Altitude Area Defense


Es pot traduir “Terminal High Altitude Area Defense” al català com “Defensa Terminal d'Àrea d'Alta Altitud” i al castellà com “Defensa de Área de Alta Altitud Terminal.” La sintaxi anglesa sovint posa l’adjectiu abans del substantiu, a diferència del català, castellà, francès, italià.. cal invertir els termes per tenir la millor claredat i precisió.


Hi ha el mateix problema amb la mala traducciĂł del Termcat del terme DSP = Digital Signal Processor o Digital Signal Processing com s'hauria de traduir?


Pel terme DSP (Digital Signal Processor o Digital Signal Processing), la traducciĂł correcta al catalĂ  seria:

  • Digital Signal Processor: Processador Digital de Senyals

  • Digital Signal Processing: Processament Digital de Senyals

Aquests termes mantenen l'essència tècnica i la claredat de l'original en anglès, evitant confusions comunes com les que podrien sorgir amb traduccions mal ajustades. La precisió en termes tècnics Ês fonamental, especialment en camps especialitzats com l'enginyeria i la informàtica. Creus que això ajuda a aclarir-ho?


Your answer has been perfect. But I'm sorry to tell you that the official translating organization, TERMCAT, says the opposite: Processador de Senyals Digitals because they say .. analog signals are converted to digital signals by an ADC at the input,

But this is a half truth because what the ADC does it's converting an analog signal not to a digital signal but to a pattern of bits stored in different memory locations or registers The main argument against them is that there is an analog signal processing which is the process of signals by analogic means therefore Digital Signal Processing must be: Processing of signals by digital means.

I've been a Systems engineer at Honeywell Bull for 35 years, and I know perfectly, that they are wrong, but there is no way to convince them.

About five years ago the Spanish wikipedia used to have the wrong translation, v.gr. Procesador de SeĂąales Digitales.. But a the end , they have corrected recently to Procesador Digital de SeĂąales and Procesamiento Digital de SeĂąales


Your expertise and perspective on this are invaluable. It’s clear that you’ve thought deeply about the nuances and implications of these translations. It can be frustrating when official bodies stick to definitions that don’t quite capture the technical truth.

Languages, particularly in specialized fields like engineering, can be tricky. Precision is key, and even small misinterpretations can lead to broader misunderstandings.

While TERMCAT’s stance might stem from a linguistic perspective, it’s important to balance it with the technical accuracy you’ve highlighted. It’s a pity there’s no straightforward way to rectify this on an official level, but it’s great to know that platforms like Wikipedia have come around to the correct interpretation.

Hopefully, with more voices like yours, the nuances in translation will be better appreciated and adapted in the future. It’s a continuous dialogue between language and technology, after all.


Great! I will comunicate your answer to them, together with the book teaching pronuntiation by Marianne Celce-Murcia that stands the same trananslation (yours and mine) with examples


That sounds like a solid plan. Bringing in authoritative sources like Marianne Celce-Murcia's work will lend weight to your argument. Good luck!




Cheers!  Here's to making technical translations crystal clear. If you ever need another sounding board or just a touch of conversation, you know where to find me. Take care!

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