MAGAZÍN D'INVESTGACIÓ PERIODÍSTICA (iniciat el 1960 com AUCA satírica.. per M.Capdevila a classe de F.E.N.)
VOLTAIRE: "El temps fa justícia i posa a cadascú al seu lloc.."- "No aniràs mai a dormir..sense ampliar el teu magí"
"La història l'escriu qui guanya".. així.. "El poble que no coneix la seva història... es veurà obligat a repetir-la.."
17-09-2014 (1578 lectures) | Categoria: CartC_ALE |
Pag. 4:
I do not talk. When they saw vns they fled. And I find many and large dörffer for the sake of some. I do not see anything nice. And I take the road through the middle of the night with the wind blowing in the river. When it stops and what is synonymous with midday, the wind blows and the wind waits. And so, for my sake, I returned to the island on the opposite side. Until I came to a well-known port, which I marked. Do I bother to ask yn // to ask the country to a lucky or a big stat in dê country // were. They did dry tagrey and found on zal vil volckes // and kleyne hüβlin.But against the folk what keyn regimêt .// So they came and brought me the mer. The wile I heard from some of India , that I was trapped there like a island. So for me at the city gen dffgang d // sunnê bis.c.vij.myl. Uñ of the same island I saw one and island // gen Orient ligent wyt from eight toe myl / and gave yr ouch dê // namê Spaniola. Uñ for wyter out vff gê mitternacht.c.viij.//vnd achtzyg the islands that I have called do the above spa // niola . And that is the one of the most sterile and the most marvelous island vu // the yn all.vñ has vil port.des môres me dañ · the others all // whom I have seen in cristeity.vnd has great gû = // ter water that it's a miracle. The eateric of the island has // vi.d the most all mountain vñ tal.vnd synt vast fruit // bar vñ pretty mountain dar yñ vol wander vol vol pretty // erbôm tusenterley gestalt.vñ so beautiful vñ high that you can not reach sky.vñ I gloub that they do not foliage // verlyren.vrsach half. That they synonymous in winter so fresh synd. It lends itself to fruit with fresh flowers, and some with green blots. / / As they by us in hispania synt in meyê., Yet it is ictz ym no more than what by fûr.vñ the thistle vogel finctê //
Pag. 5:
and a hundredth of a hundredthird bird I hear by a bylichê wol sin = // gen wa vff or abfür ouch yetz ym Nouember.The synonymous in the inscribed island synd sechβ or achterley thatlen bôm .// that is a miracle zû see. Against which the in foreign landsê // synd. The same vil anderley bôm with fruit vñ ouch early. and make onch konig vô mâchetley ertz of metal. And in this famous island synd söliche gûte fields zebuwê forn // or what you wil have. And the water of the merteyl flows // and carries gold with yn vβ the mountains. Item in the island io // hanna there are vastly vil specery.vñ are also there large of gold and other metals on yse. And i have experienced that the love in all these islands / it syent one or frowê // nachend gont how they are geborn by mûterlyb. As soon as the shame fills with loub of the ladies and etnally with a thing of the woolen. Sy hont ouch we = ys yen still steel nor any weapons.vс like wolsy strack // louis lut synt so it hurts noon wôr.dañ the gate the î // the island awake.the hnt frontê spizig or stuck spiczi / / gehölrzlin dariñ / and with werent they werent.vnd but nevertheless // the roz nit happy break. And if I were near a country, hon thou was, and slew me yederman, and the sun of the father, and yet thou shalt not answer. So I have always been mercifully. I was with hon.vñ dared to throw and give what I have lifted. And have sy about kumê that she has talked to me. And so if I have them over there, then they have been largely for the sake of it, and not even hidden from me and the myeses, which I and the mv = ns have been haunting. It has been delicious, or so, so long as they give it to me, and to mynê, and in serenity, when //
Pag. 6:
I or my volckyn showed something as stucco of cert rochnen // erdin schüβlen.oder of broken gleser.oder ouch steffte // of the nestlen.das what yn all vβ the measure even seltzsam.vñ // dar gabent gave us what we begertê.to an amaniet that is // a ship was for a nestel dry ducaten gold heavy.//and vmb the nuwen castilian plaphart valid for a toe // ducaten.vnd gabent vns ouch dat for what you wolt.wañ // it ynen seltzsam was.vnd vmb a solichê castilianischê plap = // hard they gave a bag woll.vhd wieter so fer bi // to the broken reiff of the fesslin they gave what mâ wolt // vind what they hetten.als werent they nit vernünfftig. And I do // solichs touch me like solichs who wer.gnd were // n · yter I heard myn folck vff from yn zenemen // And gave and schicket yn wol tusenterley gûter thing that I by / / I het. And thou shalt do it, that they may gain a love, and they shall love and practice their habit, and serve both our king and queen, and ouch, // all the nation of Castile, and see them with us .do thet = // tent they are able to satisfy all we vns, to surrender all dz // they hide and are only provisional warent.Also, I've found no abgôttery on anyone else. DAN alone dz they gloubent // the all stetcke vnd yn everything good sygeyn hymel.//vnd the gloubent vestiglichen I come up with images this schiffung UN och // multitudes syge vnd come from hymel.vnd habent me // at locations all enpfangen with such a big ere.vnd dat after sy lost the saw that we ynen // nit thûn wolten. Dat by man may like to note that the sye are not nit or thoren. But sye habent ouch even great subtyle // vernunfft.vñ sint solich mañ in dê selbê landê the ships // farêt in dê selbê môrê dz a sore ist.vñ gebêt gût antwurt vô //
Pag. 7:
Because of all these things, because they ask you, they have not seen you, so they have had their ship. And as soon as I came to the land of india / vyn yn // the first island indie / nam I selected several mañ with.Damit dz // she to me forbid give what in the same end and land // were. Thus, soon after, they understood us by giving them by name and talking with them, and as we wished to have another of them, and the same one had used me much. And // they have still hüt of the day by mir.vñ they hond ouch keyn // anderê glouben dañ that we kommê hymel. By the way, they have been synd so long by us. And also the same ones of india synt al wegê which we were in the // nuwe founds kommê syent so hont they said the selbi = // gen lüten we kommê vom hymmel. So they synthen the same // blessing from the very beginning to the next with the great / sweet spoken vñ geschribê. Kommêt comment // so yt yt the folk of the hymmel mañ vñ frouwê. After that, vv yr hertz has been safe before synt the kommê vñ is // neither rich nor poor vβ blibê.vñ has something to eat yedermañ vô // eat vñ trinckê with ym bracht.vñ habêt vns vβ groser lieb och / / gebê vô the selfigê spyβ. And they have made in all parts of the ship the synt in the shape as the ship of four benches some of the greatest of many a few of them made synt of eym eymgê board and holtz. is un nit to gloubê they to so vast with FARET vô // an island of anderê.vñ they triebêt ouch kouffmâschatz yn // the inβlen UN Fieret the kouffmâschatzung vff the selbige schif // fen hyn UN ago. Well, I have seen some ship as well, synd Zwentzyg or eight and Zwentzyg mâ and ye = more often with synem eygen rûder drove. Uñ in allê dysê vor = // geschribê inβlê I have not seen vil vndscheyd from ge = //
Pag. 8th:
if the blood still spoke in the wonheyts. And they all must have it. Whoever and syge would have been the darling of the other, darn thu.dar with which they kumê zû vnsern gloubê.dar zû // They have been cleverly and skilfully syndicated, when I have seen and understood them from all.
Item when I warned a hundred years zwenczyg myl at the // equitable syten / by occident gen orient through theisland iohan // nam genant.I thought I was a solichen wyten away / that I gloub the same island big syge dañengelland vñ schot = // th country zesamen gerechnet.dañ wyter from the obgenantê hû = // changed vnd zwenczyg myl belibet with vff the syten gen occident // ZWU prouintzen I nit durchfaren habvñ the one prouintz // benent youhanant .da werdent lüt geborn with schwenczê.vñ // the same two prouinczen môgent nit wol mynder have len = // gin dañ fünffczyg or sextzyg myl. After that I have come to the stand of the indians whom I have caught with me fûr.wañ sy wis = // sent by a fairy tale even say of the bitches all.//
A inβlen Of the prouintzen vnnd says ouch Ptolomeus // how do lüt the schwencz hond.vnd are ligent the inβlen dry in dê // Indian Môr gen noon degree GUENET the mitlen zürckel // the hymels equi noctialis genant.vnd of occident gen Oriet // count one hundred and five and sybenczyg grad.dar by // wilt you so like ouch wol rechnê as vil myl it sy vñ how wite // and how could i pronounce the vorgenantê island than you the indi // heyssen qwanahim nit are al do geyssen. But if I neglect it in the middle of the day, like the yetz genât per / uintz, and in lenge, she sends herself against the Orient, and avoid, as she does not, with the well-known In = // sel taprobana before after vns her.wen of the same inβ // lê schribêt the masters resembled / as he wrote it dz ers erfarê //
Pag. 9:
Item the island Spaniola geyessen has so vil wyt in mer // Dan the gantz spania to expect vô the Suelen dz // end of môres.das ouch erterich louffen between is biβ // fonterabia in vistania a prouintz so genant / that is wol.n.// hundred myl long.vñ a tagreys toes mil zû rechnê.
After that, I have been warned about eight years eightygyl of // orient gen occident / vn have the beasts of honor occupied all the names of our men's kings, all synt all cared for. And, oh yes, my lord, too, may be able to do me good in all but me synez // künigrich Castilian .
The island of spaniola is situated at the end of the month of the month where it is possible to have no other datathe gold is otherwise so or so yvv I have the possession genô = my very great stat.that have been called Lanauitat .vñ // in the same stat I have also gebuwê a pastey od schlosβ like // mañ it nemt.vñ have the gloubê they syge ietz vβ made.dar // iñ have left volck with books vñ Protected by any weapons. Ouch spvβ a gantz iare // UN champions the ship announces machê.vñ so have great love vnd // ouch fruntschafft überkommê with the kinig the same country // he VN me / VN ouch vβ the masses so dear Large dz he me // shout as who I syn brute. And whether it is true who he wants to do that for the sake of the sake of it, I have since left it in the pastey. And I thought that he was too strong or hurting me, and he could not do so. she does not know // tell of nieley wór.were she sint or naked naked.vñ // as I said before so forchtsam.als you groped in the world // syn.vñ after all alone with the people so i there left // I could not destroy the land all it would have wanted.
I don`t dysen allê islands I do not avoid the //
Pag. 10:
a year to have a wybe vast genûg. But ire kü nig vad ouch yen upper bothers you all in zwentz = // czyg wybwr gehaben.vñ duncket me ouch that the wyber mer // work there the man.vnd kan nit versten
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