The House of Carreras was a tobacco business that was established in London in the nineteenth century by a nobleman from Spain, Don José Carreras Ferrer.
The Carreras Cigarette Factory is a large art deco building in Camden, London in the United Kingdom. It is noted as a striking example of early 20th Century Egyptian Revival architecture. The building was erected in 1926-28 by the Carreras Tobacco Company ...
Carreras Limited is the leading marketer and distributor of cigarettes and tobacco related products in Jamaica. The company is a publicly listed company with ...
9 gen. 2013 - Cigarette factory turned online fashion and media HQ (Colour pics: Stephen ... The Carreras company's origins are unclear, however Charles ...
5 febr. 2016 - ... was built between 1926 and 1928 for the Carreras Tobacco Company. ... (Carreras used a black cat on its Craven A cigarette packaging).
28 juny 2011 - Carreras Limited got its start in Spain in 1788, where it was founded by ... During the First World War, Carreras, like other tobacco companies, ... › ... › Tobacco
Like other tobacco companies, Rothmans contributed to the war effort by supplying ... Don Jose Carreras-y-Ferrer, its founder, came from a family of tobacco ... › ... › Publicly Traded Companies
Carreras Limited is the leading marketer and distributor of cigarettes and tobacco related products in Jamaica. The company is a publicly listed company with ...
The building was erected in 1926-28 by the Carreras Tobacco Company owned by the Russian-Jewish inventor and philanthropist Bernhard Baron on the ...
18 des. 2003 - THE Carreras Group, the parent of the Cigarette Company of Jamaica, will, beginning January 1, 2004, take over the manufacturing of
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