16-08-2023  (243 ) Categoria: Articles



By Daniel Romani
Newspaper ARA
August 14, 2023
Vista de la Facultat de NĂ utica de Barcelona SOJ / FNBView of the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies SOJ / FNB

BarcelonaAt the end of the eighteenth century the states promoted naval trade itineraries to have more income. They needed, therefore, to have a professional navy for trade, and also for the navy. From this need for pilots, several nautical schools were born.

In 1769 the Nautical School of Barcelona was created. It is the first nautical school in Spain. Free of charge, it was initially installed in an apartment in Barceloneta. The studies included a practical part of navigating America and northern Europe. Today, affiliated to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Faculty of Nautical Studies is still active in a majestic neoclassical building dating from 1932 designed by the architects Adolf Florensa and Josep Vilaseca, which is well worth knowing.

"There is virtually no unemployment among those leaving the Faculty of Nautical. Both those who embark and those who work in the maritime port business sector find work," says Captain AgustĂ­ MartĂ­n, dean of the Barcelona School of Nautical Studies and ambassador of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN's most important arm in the maritime field.

We are on the ground floor of the building of the Faculty of Nautical, under a large skylight, where the star piece is located: the ship San Carlos, a model of warship that was commissioned by Sinibald Mas, a seaman, from Torredembarra, who was already sailing at the age of 14, and founder of this School of Nautical. now Faculty of Nautical. This boat was made for a purely educational purpose: for students to learn the names of the parts of the ship and how the maneuvers are made. "It has 74 guns and a length of 3.7 meters", Juan Antonio Moreno, vice-dean for institutional relations and promotion of this faculty, who also accompanies me, tells me.

Cannons at home?

"Some guns are missing!" I tell them. "Yes, years ago there was a tradition that whoever finished their degree would take home a cannon; only a few did...", Juan Antonio replies. "A lousy tradition," I do. "Replicas have been made in the Faculty's workshop, but they are still missing," says Agustí. The originals were made of bronze, and now they are all made of wood," he adds. I can understand that in a moment of euphoria one takes a cannon home – or you know where – but I would choose to appeal to return them without any warning.

We go up to the first floor by a majestic staircase. When Juan Antonio was a student at this centre, he never walked in, due to this staircase, which was reserved for teachers: students went up and down a small side staircase.

I stop halfway up the staircase: on the wall, like an exterior window, there is a splendid leaded stained glass window depicting a rowing and sailing barn, which lets in a beautiful afternoon light, which acquires the colors of the stained glass window. Just in front of the stained glass window hangs an immense lamp representing the caravel Santa Maria, by Christopher Columbus.

On the first floor I look out into a classroom. It says "Room 11, Room 11, Classroom 11". When Catalan and Spanish are identical, should it be repeated? I think not. I see two girls among about thirty boys. "What percentage of girls are there among the students?" I ask Juan Antonio. "9%." Then Juan Antonio invites me to enter the planetarium – an essential element in any nautical school. The front door is to the north. So when you go in, you're already oriented. Ah! And the planetarium entry reads: "Planetarium, Planetarium, Planetarium". Had?

We are now in the Dean's office. Under two octants there is a microwave, a sign that Agustí spends long days there and does not have time to go out to eat. Dean reminds me of some of the good times he's had as a sailor. He has enjoyed as a child through seas and oceans. "When I first embarked in the late seventies, the criminal and disciplinary law on the merchant marine was still in force. We weren't military but we were subject to the same regulations, extremely harsh," he says. It also reminds me of how important the captain has been. Some of its functions are gone. "Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the captain was a commercial agent, who bought and sold the cargo of the ship. Some Catalan captains played an important role in the slave trade during the second half of the nineteenth century." What has not changed is that, in case of difficulties at sea or shipwreck, the captain must be the last to abandon the ship.

THE THREE GREAT NAUTICAL SCHOOLS. Catalonia had three major nautical schools: Barcelona, Arenys de Mar and MatarĂł, and smaller schools in El Masnou, Vilassar, Tarragona... Thanks to these schools, Catalonia has had high-level pilots.

BRING YOUR HOME SHEETS FOR EXAMS. The School of Nautical Studies went through difficult times, of great hardship. Thus, some years of the Franco regime, students had to bring the sheets from home to take the exams: the School did not have money to provide them. In addition, teachers had rationed chalk to write on the board (one bar per class)

On han anat a parar els canons que falten de la nau de guerra de la Facultat de NĂ utica?

By Daniel Romani
Diari ARA
August 14, 2023
Vista de la Facultat de NĂ utica de Barcelona SOJ / FNBVista de la Facultat de NĂ utica de Barcelona SOJ / FNB

BarcelonaA finals del segle XVIII els estats potenciaven els itineraris comercials navals per tenir més ingressos. Els calia, doncs, tenir una marina professional per al comerç, i també per a l'armada. D’aquesta necessitat de pilots van néixer diverses escoles nàutiques.

El 1769 es crea l’Escola Nàutica de Barcelona. És la primera escola nàutica d’Espanya. De caràcter gratuït, va instal·lar-se inicialment en un pis de la Barceloneta. Els estudis incloïen una part pràctica de navegació per Amèrica i el nord d’Europa. Avui, adscrita a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), la Facultat de Nàutica continua ben activa en un majestuós edifici del 1932, d’estil neoclàssic, dels arquitectes Adolf Florensa i Josep Vilaseca, que val molt la pena conèixer.

"Pràcticament no hi ha atur entre els que surten de la Facultat de Nàutica. Tant els que s’embarquen com els que es dediquen al sector del negoci marítim portuari troben feina", em comenta el capità Agustí Martín, degà de la Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona i ambaixador de l’Organització Marítima Internacional (OMI), el braç més important de l'ONU de l’àmbit marítim.

Som a la planta baixa de l’edifici de la Facultat de Nàutica, sota una gran claraboia, on hi ha la peça estrella: el navili San Carlos, un model de vaixell de guerra que va ser encarregat per Sinibald Mas, home de mar, de Torredembarra, que als 14 anys ja navegava, i fundador d’aquesta Escola de Nàutica, ara Facultat de Nàutica. Aquest vaixell va fer-se amb una finalitat únicament educativa: perquè els alumnes aprenguessin els noms de les parts del vaixell i com es fan les maniobres. "Té 74 canons i una eslora de 3,7 metres", em diu el Juan Antonio Moreno, vicedegà de relacions institucionals i promoció d’aquesta facultat, que també m’acompanya.

Canons a casa?

"Falten alguns canons!", els dic. "Sí, fa anys hi havia la tradició que qui acabava la carrera s’emportava un canó a casa; tan sols alguns la feien...", em respon el Juan Antonio. "Una pèssima tradició", faig. "Se n’han anat fent rèpliques al taller de la Facultat, però encara en falten –diu l’Agustí–. Els originals eren de bronze, i ara són tots de fusta", afegeix. Puc entendre que en un moment d’eufòria un s’endugui un canó a casa –o ves a saber on–, però jo optaria per fer una crida a retornar-los sense que això suposi cap amonestació.

Pugem a la primera planta per una majestuosa escala. Quan el Juan Antonio era estudiant en aquest centre no hi accedia mai, per aquesta escala, que estava reservada als professors: els alumnes pujaven i baixaven per una petita escala lateral.

M’aturo a mitja escala: a la paret, a manera de finestra exterior, hi ha un esplèndid vitrall emplomat on hi ha representada una nau de rems i de vela, que deixa entrar una bonica llum de tarda, que adquireix els colors del vitrall. Just davant del vitrall hi ha penjada una làmpara immensa que representa la caravel·la Santa Maria, de Cristòfor Colom.

A la primera planta trec el cap a una aula. Hi diu "Aula 11, Aula 11, Classroom 11". Quan el català i el castellà són idèntics, cal repetir-ho? Jo crec que no. Hi veig dues noies entre una trentena de nois. "Quin percentatge de noies hi ha, entre els estudiants?", pregunto al Juan Antonio. "Un 9%". Tot seguit el Juan Antonio em convida a entrar al planetari –un element imprescindible en tota escola de nàutica–. La porta d’entrada és al nord. Així, quan hi entres ja estàs orientat. Ah! I a l’entrada del planetari hi diu: "Planetàrium, Planetarium, Planetarium". Calia?

Som ara al despatx del degà. Sota dos octants hi ha un microones, senyal que l’Agustí hi passa llargues jornades i no té temps de sortir a dinar. El degà em recorda alguns dels bons moments que ha viscut com a navegant. Ha gaudit com un infant per mars i oceans. "Quan al final dels setanta em vaig embarcar per primera vegada encara estava en vigor la ley penal y disciplinaria de la marina mercante. No érem militars però estàvem sotmesos a la mateixa normativa, extremadament dura", diu. També em recorda la importància que ha tingut la figura del capità. Algunes de les seves funcions han desaparegut. "Fins a principis de segle XX, el capità era un agent comercial, que comprava i venia la càrrega del vaixell. Alguns capitans catalans van tenir un paper important en el tràfic d’esclaus durant la segona meitat del segle XIX". El que no ha canviat és que, en cas de dificultats a la mar o de naufragi, el capità ha de ser l’últim a abandonar el vaixell.

LES TRES GRANS ESCOLES DE NÀUTICA. Catalunya va tenir tres grans escoles de nàutica: la de Barcelona, la d’Arenys de Mar i la de Mataró, i d’altres menors al Masnou, Vilassar, Tarragona... Gràcies a aquestes escoles Catalunya ha tingut pilots de gran nivell.

PORTAR ELS FULLS DE CASA PER ALS EXÀMENS. L’Escola de Nàutica va passar èpoques difícils, de molta penúria. Així, alguns anys del franquisme, els alumnes havien de portar els fulls de casa per fer els exàmens: l’Escola no tenia diners per facilitar-los. A més, els professors tenien racionat el guix per escriure a la pissarra (una barra per classe)

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