10-06-2014  (2795 lectures) Categoria: Porto


I`m specialist in medieval portolan charts, a still unsolved mystery of science. I hope to find on Wikipedia people with similar interest or with usefule information.

1. What is unsolved about portolans? The Problem of the Portolan Charts

2. With focus on cartometric: The History of Portolan Research

3. Some info on oldest chart: Carte Pisane

4. The portolans of the North and the relation to the southern portolans: "Caerte van Oostlant"

5. The most important portolan and the transmission map: Pizigani 1367 Chart

6. A crucial issue: The Ptolemy Problem

7. The root origin: Traces of a Classical Portolan World Map And how the survey was done and the role of the Secret Courts.



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