10-02-2019  (1183 ) Categoria: Telecom

Twitter - Facebook -

If you use a # hashtag on twitter, it marks the tweet with that topic. They are used for topics. If you make a tweet about birds, you would say #birds.
On the other hand if you want to send a tweet that's to a particular Twitter user or other person in the world, then you use an @ symbol to say the tweet is addressed to that person. I have used it on Facebook if there is a post, and a whole bunch of comments, and I want to respond to one of the comments, but it's not the most recent comment. @ Gabrielle, you have a great personality #flattery
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Comment from Gabrielle Wilkinson Adams
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Kabir Thapar, Business Development | Digital Marketer | SEO | Youtube SEO
Answered February 6, 2019

On the off chance that you utilize a # hashtag on twitter, it denotes the tweet with that subject. They are utilized for themes. In the event that you make a tweet about winged animals, you would state #sex.
Then again on the off chance that you need to send a tweet that is to a specific Twitter client or other individual on the planet, at that point you utilize a @ to state the tweet is routed to that individual. I have utilized it on Facebook if there is a post, and an entire cluster of remarks, and I need to react to one of the remarks, however it's not the latest remark. @ Google, you have an extraordinary identity #kabiraa

How to create a thread on Twitter

Sometimes we need more than one Tweet to express ourselves. 

A thread on Twitter is a series of connected Tweets from one person. With a thread you can provide additional context, an update, or an extended point by connecting multiple Tweets together.

View instructions for:

How to create a thread

  1. Tap the compose icon  to draft a new Tweet.
  2. To add another Tweet(s), tap the highlighted plus icon  (the icon will highlight once you have entered in text).
    Note: If you go over the character limit, the text that is over the limit will be highlighted for easier editing before you Tweet.
  3. To delete any of your Tweets, tap the gray delete icon  To delete the entire thread, tap the blue delete icon
  4. When you have finished adding all the Tweets you’d like included in your thread, tap Tweet all to post.
    Note: A thread can be saved as a draft by tapping the delete icon  Drafts of threads are distinguishable from a single Tweet draft by indicating the number of Tweets in your thread. Tap View (number of) Tweets to review and or edit any of your drafts prior to Tweeting.

How to create a thread

  1. Tap the compose icon  to draft a new Tweet.
  2. To add another Tweet(s), tap the highlighted plus icon  (the icon will highlight once you have entered in text).
    Note: If you go over the character limit, the text that is over the limit will be highlighted for easier editing before you Tweet.
  3. To delete any of your Tweets, tap the gray delete icon  To delete the entire thread, tap the blue delete icon
  4. When you have finished adding all the Tweets you’d like included in your thread, tap Tweet all to post.
    Note: A thread can be saved as a draft by tapping the delete icon  Drafts of threads are distinguishable from a single Tweet draft by indicating the number of Tweets in your thread. Tap 

  5. View (number of) Tweets to review and or edit any of your drafts prior to Tweeting.

How to create a thread

  1. Click the Tweet button to draft a new Tweet.
  2. To add another Tweet(s), click the highlighted plus icon  (the icon will highlight once you have entered in text).
    Note: If you go over the character limit, the text that is over the limit will be highlighted for easier editing before you post.
  3. To delete any of your Tweets, click the delete button
  4. When you have finished adding all the Tweets you’d like included in your thread, click the Tweet all button to post.
Note:Once you have posted a thread, you can always add additional Tweets from the thread detail page.  Simply click or tap Add another Tweet to post additional Tweet(s). This prompt is only visible to the thread author.

How to create a thread

  1. Tap the compose icon  to draft a new Tweet.
  2. To add another Tweet(s), tap the highlighted plus icon  (the icon will highlight once you have entered in text).
    Note: If you go over the character limit, the text that is over the limit will be highlighted for easier editing before you Tweet.
  3. To delete any of your Tweets, tap the gray delete icon  To delete the entire thread, tap the blue delete icon
  4. When you have finished adding all the Tweets you’d like included in your thread, tap Tweet all to post.
    Note: A thread can be saved as a draft by tapping the delete icon  Drafts of threads are distinguishable from a single Tweet draft by indicating the number of Tweets in your thread. Tap View (number of) Tweets to review and or edit any of your drafts prior to Tweeting.

How to create a thread

  1. Tap the compose icon  to draft a new Tweet.
  2. To add another Tweet(s), tap the highlighted plus icon  (the icon will highlight once you have entered in text).
    Note: If you go over the character limit, the text that is over the limit will be highlighted for easier editing before you Tweet.
  3. To delete any of your Tweets, tap the gray delete icon  To delete the entire thread, tap the blue delete icon
  4. When you have finished adding all the Tweets you’d like included in your thread, tap Tweet all to post.
    Note: A thread can be saved as a draft by tapping the delete icon  Drafts of threads are distinguishable from a single Tweet draft by indicating the number of Tweets in your thread. Tap 

  5. View (number of) Tweets to review and or edit any of your drafts prior to Tweeting.

How to add a thread

  1. Tap the compose icon.

  2. Pull down from the compose window and tap Continue Thread to Add to your last Tweet.

  3. Add content, and tap Tweet to add to your thread.

  4. To add a thread to an earlier Tweet, click  to Select another Tweet.
Note:Once you have posted a thread, you can always add additional Tweets from the thread detail page.  Simply click or tap Add another Tweet to post additional Tweet(s). This prompt is only visible to the thread author
hread from someone you follow with 2 or 3 Tweets will generally appear on your timeline connected by a line to distinguish them as a bundle. When there are 4 or more Tweets in a thread, the Tweets will be truncated, and you’ll see an option to Show this thread. Click or tap this message to expand the full thread.

Threads from someone you follow with 2 or 3 Tweets will generally appear on your timeline connected by a line to distinguish them as a bundle. When there are 4 or more Tweets in a thread, the Tweets will be truncated, and you’ll see an option to Show this thread. Click or tap this message to expand the full thread.

Threads on your profile timeline will appear as separate Tweets, in reverse chronological order. Each Tweet that is a part of your thread will have an option to Show this thread to view the thread in its entirety.

More about threads

Direct Messages:

When you share a single Tweet from a thread via Direct Message, the recipient will see the Show this thread option to expand the entire thread for full context.


If you are mentioned in a thread, you’ll receive a notification through your Notifications timeline, a push notification, and/or an email notifications – depending on your settings:

Notifications timeline: Each time you are mentioned in a thread, it will be visible in your Notifications timeline. The Tweet will indicate it is a part of a thread through the Show this thread prompt.

Push notification: Each time you are mentioned in a thread, you will receive a notification to alert you. Additionally, if you have elected to receive push notifications when an account Tweets, you will receive one notification when they send a thread.

Retweets and Retweet with Comments:

When you Retweet or Retweet with Comments from a thread, the Retweet or Retweet with Comments will include a Show this thread prompt for people to view the entire thread.


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Do you mean delivered to the recipient (two gray ticks), or delivered to WhatsApp's servers to be delivered to the recipient (one gray tick)?

If you mean the first: the recipient must have an active and working internet connection to be able to receive messages. If (s)he is offline, (s)he won't be able to receive messages.
If you mean the second: you must be connected to the internet to be able to send messages. If you aren't, then they won't send.

Being blocked by someone in wasap

There are a couple of indicators that you may be blocked:

  • You can no longer see a contact's last seen or online in the chat window. Learn more here.
  • You do not see updates to a contact's profile photo.
  • Any messages sent to a contact who has blocked you will always show one check mark (message sent), and never show a second check mark (message delivered).
  • Any calls you attempt to place will not go through.

If you see all of the indicators above for a contact, this could mean that the user is blocking you. However, there are other possibilities. We have made this intentionally ambiguous in order to protect your privacy when you block someone. Thus, we cannot tell you if you are being blocked by someone else.

About last seen and online

Last seen and online tell you the last time your contacts used WhatsApp, or if they're online.

If a contact is online, they have WhatsApp open in the foreground on their device and are connected to the Internet. However, it doesn't necessarily mean the contact has read your message.

Last seen refers to the last time the contact used WhatsApp. Through our privacy settings, you have the option to control who can see your last seen. Please note you can't hide your online.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see a contact's last seen:

  • They might have set their privacy settings to hide this information.
  • You might have set your privacy settings to not share your last seen. If you don't share your last seen, you can't see other contacts' last seen.
  • You might have been blocked.

Configuring your privacy settings

By default, WhatsApp sets your privacy settings to allow:

To change these settings, simply go to WhatsApp > tap More options > Settings > Account > Privacy.


  • If you don't share your last seen, you won't be able to see other people's last seen.
  • There is no way to hide when you are online or typing.
  • If you turn off read receipts, you won't be able to see read receipts from other people. Read receipts are always sent for group chats.
  • If a contact has disabled read receipts, you will not be able to see that they have viewed your status update.


Para enviar un mensaje desde Facebook:


  1. Abre Facebook para Windows.
  2. Haz clic en
  3. Escribe o selecciona el nombre de un contacto.
  4. Escribe el mensaje en el cuadro de texto de la parte inferior.
  5. Haz clic en .


  1. En Chats, toca en la parte superior derecha.
  2. Escribe o selecciona el nombre de un contacto.
  3. Escribe el mensaje en el cuadro de texto de la parte inferior.
  4. Toca .

iPhone o iPad:

  1. En Chats, toca en la parte superior derecha.
  2. Escribe o selecciona el nombre de un contacto.
  3. Escribe el mensaje en el cuadro de texto de la parte inferior.
  4. Toca .

¿Cómo puedo saber si alguien ha visto el mensaje que he enviado en Messengerssenger utiliza iconos diferentes para comunicarte cuándo se han enviado, entregado y leído tus mensajes:

  • : un círculo azul significa que el mensaje se está enviando.
  • : un círculo azul con una marca de verificación significa que el mensaje se ha enviado.
  • : un círculo azul relleno con una marca de verificación significa que el mensaje se ha entregado.
  • : cuando tu amigo o contacto haya leído el mensaje, aparecerá una versión pequeña de su foto debajo del mensaje.
If you use a # hashtag on twitter, it marks the tweet with that topic. They are used for topics. If you make a tweet about birds, you would say #birds.

On the other hand if you want to send a tweet that's to a particular Twitter user or other person in the world, then you use an @ symbol to say the tweet is addressed to that person. I have used it on Facebook if there is a post, and a whole bunch of comments, and I want to respond to one of the comments, but it's not the most recent comment.

@xiuxin2, you have a great personality #flattery

On the off chance that you utilize a # hashtag on twitter, it denotes the tweet with that subject. They are utilized for themes. In the event that you make a tweet about winged animals, you would state #wingbird.

Then again on the off chance that you need to send a tweet that is to a specific Twitter client or other individual on the planet, at that point you utilize a @ to state the tweet is routed to that individual. I have utilized it on Facebook if there is a post, and an entire cluster of remarks, and I need to react to one of the remarks, however it's not the latest remark.

@xiuxin2, you have an extraordinary identity #kabiraa

José María Bigas Alberti

8 hrs


He oído a Pablo Casado decir algo así como que "no podemos integrar a los que quieren desintegrar España". ¿Significa eso que es partidario de darles la independencia?.

  • Guillermo Hita Es muy difícil saber lo que quieren decir los políticos. En este caso puede significar que es inútil intentar satisfacer a los eternos insatisfechos.
  • Felipe Ramos Más bien quiere decir que deben pagar por sus fechorías y no abrazarles como hace el actual gobierno.
  • José María Bigas Alberti Yo también creo saber lo que quiere decir. Lo que me sorprende es lo que efectivamente ha dicho. Que últimamente PC tiene un afloje verbal preocupante.
  • Manuel Capdevila En este caso lo que ha dicho el del master -arbitrari stultum est- es que "no los quiere integrados en España", no hay otra interpretación posible.. Sin irnos a las metáforas de Góngora, es muy clara la lengua castellana (que es como debería llamarse s…See More
  • Manuel Capdevila Al decir integrados, quiere decir en las cortes, es decir que no puedan votar, ue se les ilegalice como a Batasuna, no hace falta tener ni el bajo I de Casado para entenrlo, en fin un gran demócrata ha hablado..
  • Manuel Capdevila En Inglaterra tuvieron la suerte que su gran reina Isabel I murió "VIRGEN" y sin heredero, con lo que cogió al heredero de Escocia después de decapitar a su madre y lo convirtió en Jacobo I del UK, cómo se van a separar los escoceses si el rey de England es un rey escocés?
  • Manuel Capdevila «Para decidir en el asunto de Cataluña», por Azorín. (un buen patriota)

    «Para decidir en el asunto de Cataluña se puede leer o no leer, se puede leer mucho o no leer nada. Si no se lee nada, se acepta el resultado de un largo proceso de siete siglos y se da un fallo favorable a Cataluña. Todas las disciplinas: la historia, el derecho, la filosofia de la historia, la historia del derecho, la estética, la etnografía, el folklore, la poesía erudita, la poesía popular, la novela, la sociología, el derecho consuetudinario, la filología; todas las disciplinas, en suma, estudiadas demuestran que Cataluña tiene una vitalidad propia, que Cataluña es una nación. Las teorías que antaño corrían han sido reemplazadas por teorías nuevas. Creíamos conocer el ideario de los catalanistas, y tenemos que estudiar de nuevo sus programas; otras doctrinas están ahora en curso. Los hombres se suceden y las ideas también. Seguir las fluctuaciones de la nación catalana desde la Edad Media hasta el presente es contemplar el más bello panorama. Una historia de siete o más siglos y cuatro centurias de inquietud. De inquietud para Cataluña y de preocupación para el resto de España. No ha habido sosiego para Cataluña ni para el resto de España en ese largo período. Y es hora de que la inquietud y la preocupación terminen. Cataluña tiene derecho a vivir su vida. El resto de España debe, sin más dilación, hacer que Cataluña viva su vida».

    («En su integridad», por Azorín, El Crisol, 19-VIII-1931).
    Manuel Capdevila
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  • Manuel Capdevila Se ha llegado a la situación actual por no hacer Rajoy lo que decía la mente clara de Azorín.. => Mas pacta un nuevo estatuto "Cepillado" con Zapatero. Rajoy => "fregonetas con 10 millones de firmas para anularlo + suma y sigue hasta hoy..
  • Manuel Capdevila Si, si, les he llamado fregonetas, porque fregaron toda posibilidad de diálogo con Cataluña..
  • Guillermo Hita Para calmar el fragor dramático... Llamar "tortilla española " a la tortilla española no quiere decir que sea la única tortilla que se hace en España ni que las demás tortillas sean menos españolas. Es un nombre que los estudiosos (de verdad) dirán de dónde viene y los demás lo usamos sin mayor preocupación.
    • Manuel Capdevila La lengua define a un país o nación.. la tortilla no.. Es una gilipollez llamarle tortilla española en España a la tortilla de patatas..  Como por ejemplo en otros países: a) En Francia a la suya le llaman omelette, no Omelette Française b) La llave inglesa (un invento sueco) en UK es una adjustable spanner.. estoy hasta las narices de cuando digo en USA que soy español me salgan con el flamenco y las sevillanas, con los que no me siento nada identificado
    • Guillermo Hita Manuel Capdevila "La lengua define a un país o nación ". No entiendo. ¿En Cataluña hay dos países o naciones? ¿Parte de Cataluña y Andorra son el mismo país o nación? ¿España y México son el mismo país o nación?
    • Manuel Capdevila "He dicho culo" (Eugenio dixit).. tu mismo lo respondes..ya que México (no Méjico como decimos en España) y España no son el mismo país o nación, no hablan ni mexicano ni español..hablan la preciosa lengua castellana de Cervantes, que por cierto él y todos los del siglo de oro nunca dijeron lengua española sino castellana, algo debían saber..
    • Manuel Capdevila Adjunto la definición de país de la Espasa.. por ella => Cataluña es un país o nación donde se habla Catalán y Castellano.. Andorra es otro país donde hablan el Catalán como en el Alguer
      Image may contain: text
    Manuel Capdevila
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  • Manuel Capdevila Lo que estás definiendo es una sinécdoque y no es el caso.. Soy un humilde seguidor (y admirador) de la huella de Don Marcelino me he leído La H de los heterodoxos españoles (que no castellanos) en la que dice que la alquímia medieval tiene Nombre y dos apellidos catalanes..Mirate los comentarios en internet: Sólo pone a catalanes, que ponga a los castellanos pobres ilusos, que se creen que los ocultaba? respecto a la lengua.. Aquí tienes el texto íntegro para que opines.. https://books.google.es/books?id=OuMLsm04XaQC&pg=PA95...
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo
  • Guillermo Hita Demasiado complicado para mí, me supera. Sólo una precisión: los españoles no se dividen en catalanes y castellanos.
    • Manuel Capdevila Ahí discrepo... Dentro de los 47 Millones de españoles, hay unos millones que son vascos, otros que son gallegos, otros que son castellanos, otros catalanes otros valencianos como en inglaterra hay ingleses, galeses, escoceses, irlandeses y en Italia hay toscanos , napolitanos, sicilianos

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