23-02-2017  (2856 ) Categoria: Naips

Naips - Cartes catalanes

French Catalan pattern

Cartes Catalanes by Dieudonne, France, c.1895

These Spanish-suited cards are used in a small area in the Eastern PyrenĂ©es region of Southern France which has strong Catalan traditions. The French Catalan pattern seems to have developed its own identity in Perpignan at the end of the eighteenth century. The designs are derived from the old “Spanish National” pattern but are different from the modern Catalan pattern. The broken frame lines, or ‘pintas’, have been preserved.

Cartes Catalanes, 1895

Above: Cartes Catalanes by Dieudonne, France, c.1895.

Cartes Catalanes by La Ducale, France

Cartes Catalanes are used in a small area in the Eastern Pyrenées region of Southern France. Cartes Catalanes are used in a small area in the Eastern Pyrenées region of Southern France.

Above: Cartes Catalanes are used in a small area in the Eastern Pyrenées region of Southern France., 48 cards.

See also: The Dauphiné pattern The Paris pattern The Genoese pattern Spanish-suited cards by B. P. Grimaud Cards for Algeria by B.P. Grimaud The 'Parisian' Spanish pattern Boisse English pattern, c.1870 Dieudonné & Cie, Aluette

Last Updated June 25, 2016 at 11:17am

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