28-02-2016  (5925 ) Categoria: Medicina

Differences between back pain and kidney pain

how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain


2 Answers
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How can I distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain?


kidney pain is usually on one side only and typically prominent to the side of the spine and below the ribs. Also, kidney pain is associated with pain traveling around to the groin on the same side with sometimes burning urine, blood in urine etc.
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
1 Answers

How to tell the difference between back pain and kidney pain?

Let me try agian

Pain in the upper back that is a dull, one-sided ache, particularly if it is accompanied by fever and urinary symptoms may be real kidney pain. This may due to a kidney infection, or stone typically causes waves of sharp, intense pain, which doctors call renal colic .There's no sure way ,do urine test to find out. Sometimes you could have both together this way the testing is very important.
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
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How can i tell the difference between left side back pain and kidney pain?

Exam, xrays and scan

see your MD
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
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How do I know the difference between left side back pain and kidney pain?

See answer below

To distinguish the two sources of pain one would look for associated symptoms. For example, back pain may be associated with pain in the hip, buttock, or leg while kidney pain may be associated with fever and/or painful urination. Back pain may worsen with activity while kidney pain would not. Finally, back pain should ease off when lying down while kidney pain may not
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
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How can you tell the difference between backpain and kidney pain?

See below

It can be difficult to distinguish between the two you need a medical examination and maybe some tests.
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
1 Answers

How do you know the difference between backpain and kidney pain?

Physical exam

generally physical exam, history, and possibly labs or imaging
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
1 Answers

what are the differences between backpain and kidney pain?


location of pain and physical exam are often very telling.
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
2 Answers
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How can you tell the difference between real kidney pain and just lower back pain?

Spine vs kidney pain

Kidney pain is felt directly over the kidney but can radiate to the back (in other words you have pain in both areas). Back pain is felt closer to the spine and generally radiates to the hips, and back of the legs
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
2 Answers
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can you actually tell the difference between kidney pain and muscular lower back pain?

Yes you could

Kidney Pain is severe and occurs in waves. Pain experienced in the lower back to the left and right of spine and above the hips. Back pain; Dull and continuous pain becoming worse with movement. Injury to back caused by mild sprains to severe cases of slip discs, cancer etc. Pain predominant in the back due to problems in muscles, nerves, bones and joints of the spinal cord. Thank You
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Related to how can i distinguish the difference between back pain and kidney pain:
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What is the difference between kidney pain and lower back pain?


Like real estate, the difference is location, location, location. Kidney pain is usually flank pain more on the sides of the back than along the spine. Low back pain is located along the spinal column in the muscles.
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