In 1987 I bought in New York the traditional Jewish song "A Yiddishe Mamme" "Jewish mother" and I was amazed that the first nine stages (beats) were identical to those of the Catalan song "Birdsong", it should be noted that along with the singing of the harvesters, there are two important Catalan folk songs, which have a common root with traditional Jewish songs.
I've read the article about Reapers song, I've seen as well the video referred in the article where an author says the "Song of the reapers" comes from a pornographic musical theme that was sung by the reapers during the harvest.. About that tesis I can only say "bentrovatto .. ma non è vero," the branches have hidden the wood to Mr. Ayats " for... many popular songs have a pornographic version (videt. the Levantine, etc ..) so.. this fact does not prove at all that it couldn't exist a previous serious version, coming from a Jewish religious anthem or not ..
Note that the Catalan anthem (Song of the reapers)
... has a close relationship with a Jewish religious song
... While the Spanish national anthem..
it's similar to an Al-Andalus song
Spanish national anthem (guitarrra)
Anyone with two ounces of common sense could see why ..
We should not forget that the Jews were about the territories of the today's Catalonia, from the time of the Phoenicians and throughout the whole period of the Roman Empire, there were established for centuries with their own idiosyncrasies, so it is normal they have something in common in this field of the Catalan Culture (or maybe they were partly in its origine).. for they exist many obvious evidences in other fields.
It should be added that the direct ancestors of the royal catalan family were Jewish. The grandfather of Wilfred the Hairy was the exilarca Habibai Ben Natronai of Babylon an important fact but somewhat unknown in the history of Catalonia.
Moreover, Stelle Irizarry explains in his "book on the writings of Columbus", "in the Middle Ages, the only place on the peninsula where Jews had adopted the local language, was Catalonia" but after the 1390 Jewish massacre of the Call, they were scattered throughout the peninsula resulting in what is now known as "ladino"
Acà teniu una cançó judeu-catalana que ha perdurat 500 anys a Israel
Els jueus han sobreviscut als egipcis, babilonis, perses, grecs, romans, otomans, alemanys, soviètics i la resta del món que ha volgut acabar amb ells ...
Perquè creuen els que es manifesten davant de l'ambaixada d'Israel que algun dia guanyaran la partida contra els jueus?
Si juguem a la borsa, s'utilitzen teories del jueu Markowitz, .....
Cap dels que es manifesten contra Israel, per coherència ideològica, no haurien d'anar a veure a cap psicòleg (Sigmud Freud era jueu), ni podrien prendre aspirina (Spiro era jueu)
Tampoc poden ser diabètics, perquè ja em direu!... el creador dels mitjans d'administrar la insulina, Karl Landsteiner era jueu.
No podrien vacunar-se contra la poliomielitis, ni contra el còlera, ni contra la tuberculosi, els seus inventors o descobridors van ser famosos jueus.
Cap manifestant contra Israel podria anar vestit amb roba confeccionada ..... Isaac Singer, inventor de la mà quina de cosir, era jueeu ...
La primera mà quina calculadora va ser idea d'un jueu, Abraham Stern.
Els llumins de fòsfor són invent d'un jueu, Samson Valobra. Per cert, no haurien d'anar a cap manifestació que tingui res a veure amb les teories filosòfiques dels jueus: Durkheim, Spinoza o Strauss encara que siguin fonamentals per a la nostra societat actual ...
Res d'utilitzar Google ja que els seus creadors, Larry Page i Sergey Brin són jueus.
Tots els manifestants contra Israel hauran de jugar amb joguines de corda perquè les piles Energizer són cosa del jueu Joshua Lionel.
SÃ, ladies& gentlemen: Kafka era jueu, Albert Einstein era jueu, Ana Frank era jueva.
Una empresa israeliana ha estat la primera a desenvolupar i instal·lar una planta que funciona amb energia solar per produir electricitat en grans quantitats en el desert de Mojave, Califòrnia.
Quin paÃs ha desenvolupat la primera cà mera de video ingesta, tan petita que cap dins d'una pÃndola.. que s'utilitza per observar l'intestà prim des de dins, i ajuda en el diagnòstic del cà ncer i altres desordres digestius
Quin paÃs va desenvolupar la tecnologia de "reg per degoteig"?
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