Resultats cercant per
categoria Gioconda
23-10-2023 (3535 lectures)
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23-10-2023 (2827 lectures)
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02-10-2020 (2952 lectures)
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És un paisatge real el paisatge de la Gioconda? Com que només l'han pogut identificar amb el paisatge del Monte Cristallo a les Dolomite (fora de context), la majoria dels entesos creuen que és imaginari. Però, per què hauria d’inventar un paisatge el pintor que més va fer perquè la pintura semblés real? Seguint les propostes d’en José Luis Espejo, que situa el fons de la Gioconda a Montserrat, ara l’Albert Fortuny, sense abandonar Montserrat, ens proposa un nou punt de vista per...
23-10-2018 (6850 lectures)
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L’espaci lingĂĽistic occitanocatalan constituĂs un continuum de parlars romanics qu’al moment de sa formacion a l’Edat Mejana aviá una granda omogeneĂŻtat. Al sen de les lengas romanicas los parlants d’aquel airal tenián una nauta possibilitat d’intercompreneson e establissián de ligams creissents entre eles. Malgrat que lo Mond occitan, a partir del sègle XIII, comencèsse a tombar jos la dominacion de dinastias francesas, durant fòrça sègles l’influĂ©ncia lingĂĽistica...
23-10-2009 (129933 lectures)
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Seventeen years of research, beginning in Germany, has led Adelaide historian Maike Vogt-Luerssen to the conclusion that she has solved a centuries-old conundrum.
The private art historian with a passion for the Renaissance is convinced she has uncovered the identity of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and the heartache behind her sad and mysterious smile. Mona Lisa, says Vogt-Luerssen, is really the lovesick former Duchess of Milan, Isabella of Aragon - and not the wife of a Florentine silk...
11-10-2009 (464 lectures)
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Seventeen years of research, beginning in Germany, has led Adelaide historian Maike Vogt-Luerssen to the conclusion that she has solved a centuries-old conundrum.
The private art historian with a passion for the Renaissance is convinced she has uncovered the identity of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and the heartache behind her sad and mysterious smile. Mona Lisa, says Vogt-Luerssen, is really the lovesick former Duchess of Milan, Isabella of Aragon - and not the wife of a Florentine silk...
18-06-2009 (4684 lectures)
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SĂ, els Da Vinci tindrien origen catalĂ . El seu escut ho exposa ben clarament, ja que Ă©s idèntic al del Regne de Mallorca, que senyoreja a la Cerdanya, el RossellĂł i el Conflent durant tres quarts de...