19-10-2023  (538 lectures) Categoria: Samsung

Volume loss for bad 'ear piece' after droping an iPhone or Samsung S20

Buscando: como sale fuera de la caja del smartphone s20+, el sonido del microauricular interno

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Hola, gracias por tu pregunta. Si entiendo bien, quieres saber cómo es el sonido del microauricular interno del smartphone s20+ cuando lo sacas de la caja. Según he encontrado en la web, el sonido del microauricular interno del s20+ es de buena calidad y se puede ajustar fácilmente desde los ajustes del teléfono1Sin embargo, algunos usuarios han reportado problemas con el sonido del s20+, como que se cambia la tasa de refresco2 o que se retrasan las notificaciones push2Estos problemas pueden deberse a un mal funcionamiento del software o a un componente de audio defectuoso1. Para solucionarlos, puedes probar algunas de las siguientes opciones:

Espero que estas soluciones te sean útiles. Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, no dudes en contactarme.

Dropping an iPhone from a height of 1.5 meters (about 4.9 feet) can potentially cause damage to various components, including the internal speakers or earpiece. The earpiece, which is the component that allows you to hear phone calls and other audio during calls, could indeed be affected by a drop. Depending on the nature and severity of the impact, it might suffer damage that leads to a reduction in sound quality or volume loss.

If you've dropped your iPhone and are experiencing issues with the earpiece, such as reduced volume or poor sound quality, it's possible that the internal components have been damaged. In such cases, it's advisable to have the device inspected and, if necessary, repaired by a qualified technician or at an Apple service center. They can assess the damage and provide you with an appropriate solution, which might include repairing or replacing the affected components.

Remember that repairing or replacing internal components of your iPhone should be performed by professionals to avoid further damage and to maintain the device's warranty, if applicable.

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