17-07-2021  (767 ) Categoria: Mold

Eliminating fungus from wood



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How to remove the fungus from wood

The fungus is a real punishment when it appears on the wood, since it not only dirty it, but can also spoil it. Do you want to know how to remove the fungus from the wood? Keep reading and know the keys to do it effectively.

Steps to remove the fungus from wood

  1. The first thing you have to do is clean the wood, at least the part that is with the fungus.
  2. Use a rubbing brush, sponge or cloth and moisten it in a mixture of water and neutral soap or any special wooden cleaner.
  3. You can make another pass with a specific product to remove the fungus from the wood or any other material.
  4. The complete removal of the fungus is very complicated, sometimes more may appear, but the important thing in this case is to remove it from the surface.
  5. This treatment can be applied in all types of wooden furniture or other elements of this material, such as beams, skirting schools, etc.
  6. When you have already removed the fungus, perhaps there are stains, which should not worry too much since it is a purely aesthetic thing and does not influence whether the fungus returns or not.
  7. Check if there are moisture problems in your home, if there are any, you can solve it and there will be much less possibility of mold in the future.
  8. If you want to remove this stain, the best option is to sand this area to make it disappear. If the stain is very deep, you won't just get it with sand.
  9. Another way to remove mold stains is by cleaning with bleach, although be careful as it can discolour the area and then different shades would look. Do a small test to check it out.
  10. When you have finished removing the fungus and potential stains, it is recommended to apply a sealant or fungal paint to ensure that there is really no more fungus left, and it will also prevent it from reappearing.


Mold spores float through the air, either indoors or outdoors, without being detected until they begin to grow. Therefore, if the conditions are correct (i.e. the environment is warm and humid), the fungus will begin to develop. So it can be devastating to realize that your favorite piece of furniture is covered in mold stains. If so, be prepared to clean it by moving it to a place where the fungus does not spread and suck loose spores. If the fungus stains are light, you can clean them with sunlight, cheap vodka and dishwashing detergent; but if they are harder to remove, use a bleach or sand solution on the surface of the furniture.

Get ready to clean the fungus

  1. 1
    Wear gloves, safety glasses and a mask. Mold spores can be very harmful to health, especially if introduced into the lungs. To avoid this, you must wear a mask, rubber gloves and safety glasses without ventilation grilles every time you clean mold stains.
    • Due to the particularly harmful effects that mold spores have on your lungs, use an N95 mask, which you can buy from most hardware stores.
    • If you are allergic or sensitive to fungus, cover most of your skin with a long-sleeved T-shirt and a set.[1]
  2. 2
    Clean outdoor furniture to prevent the spread of mold spores. If you don't have other options, you can do the cleaning inside, although you must first make sure you open the windows.[2] During the cleaning process, spores can be accidentally extended to other furniture or parts of the house. To avoid this, it is best to perform the task outdoors.
    • If you take the furniture outside, cut one or two garbage bags and use them to cover it. In this way, you will prevent spores from spreading throughout the rest of your home during the transfer.
    • Many cleaning agents, such as bleach, produce harmful vapours. Therefore, do the cleaning at least in a well ventilated area.
  3. 3
    Vacuum areas with fungus. Use a vacuum cleaner with arm fastening and a HEPA filter to vacuum all floating waits along with dust and dirt. It vacuums slowly and several times over the mold areas.[3]
    • When emptying the vacuum cleaner bag or packaging, do it outdoors and directly in a plastic bag. Then seal the latter firmly and discard it.[4]

Clean light mold stains

  1. 1
    Remove all the light mold stains you see in sunlight. You can usually remove light stains of mold and the smell of fungus by ventilating furniture in sunlight. Place them outside early in the morning, after the dew has evaporated (if any) and put them back in the house in the evening. Repeat this procedure for one or two more days if necessary.
    • Even if it's a light fungus, be sure to wear gloves, mask and glasses, as it still produces harmful spores.
    • Keep in mind that the fungus develops in wet environments. If your home environment is wet, place the furniture in a small room with a dehumidifier for results similar to cleaning with sunlight.[5]
    • To improve the power of sunlight in the elimination of mold, mix water and white vinegar in equal parts and spray this solution a little on the furniture in the morning when bringing them outdoors.[6]
  2. 2
    Use vodka to remove light mold stains. To remove the light fungus or fungus that resists cleaning through sunlight, use a bottle with atomizer and cheap vodka. Pour the latter into the bottle and spray all the furniture, and then let it dry under direct sunlight for better results.[7]
    • It is unlikely that the fungus can penetrate painted or dyed wood, so in these cases soft cleaners must be effective.
  3. 3
    To remove the most difficult mold stains, use the dishwashing detergent and a soft flange brush. If fungus stains support treatments with sunlight and vodka, you can usually get rid of them using a soft homemade detergent. To do this, mix it in a bucket of warm water and rub the mold areas using a soft gloss brush and making a circular movement.[8]
    • When finished, clean the surface of the furniture with a wet towel. If there are no traces of mold, clean the wood again with the help of a dry cloth. Otherwise, repeat the procedure.
    • However, before doing so, do the test in an uns visible area of the furniture, since some brushes can damage certain finishes.[9]
  4. 4
    If the detergent doesn't work, try the distilled vinegar. Distilled white vinegar is an excellent agent for the elimination of the fungus. If the dishwasher detergent fails to remove mold stains, add vinegar in an atomizer bottle and completely spray the affected furniture. Wait an hour and clean the surface with a damp cloth.
    • If necessary, reapply the solution this way. Once you have removed the fungus, thoroughly clean the wood with a dry cloth.[10]

Remove difficult mold stains

  1. 1
    Prepare a bleach solution to remove difficult mold stains. In a bucket, mix a homemade detergent (e.g. a dishwasher detergent) with bleach and water. Use 1/4 cup (60 ml) of detergent, 2 1/2 cups (590ml) of bleach and 5 cups (1 litre) of water. Use a widget to remove the solution well and distribute the ingredients evenly.[11]
    • If you only use bleach, you will only remove the fungus located on the surface of the furniture, while the fungus that has penetrated the wood will require an added surfactant, such as detergent.[12]
    • Bleach can completely lighten or bleach the colors of some dyed fabrics, such as clothing or carpet, so be careful when using it and consider putting on an apse or garments that you don't mind discarding.
  2. 2
    Apply the bleach solution to furniture. Immerse a rigid or sponge hair brush in the bleach solution. Apply moderate pressure and make circular movements during cleaning. After thoroughly cleaning the molding areas, let the furniture dry outdoors and repeat the procedure if necessary.[13]
    • For the best results, take the furniture outside and clean them as described with the bleach solution and let it dry outdoors in the sunlight.
    • If you use a rigid hair brush above wooden furniture, you could damage the finish. If this happens, you will need to restore the thde finish of the wood.
    • If the bleach solution does not completely clean the fungus, it could penetrate deep into the wood to remove it using only cleaning agents.[14]
  3. 3
    sand fungus resistant to cleaning solutions. Use fine-grained glass paper (120 to 220) for soft sand mold areas.[15] Sand while the wood remains moist to prevent spores from spreading. After polishing and letting the surfaces dry outdoors, clean them with the bleach solution.
    • Even a soft polishing will damage the finish of the wood, so it must be restored after removing the fungus.[16]


  • Mold spores are harmful to humans, so always be sure to use the appropriate safety equipment when cleaning it, such as gloves, safety glasses without vents and mask.
  • If the fungus has significantly infected the furniture, it is probably impossible to remove them. In this case, it may need to be discarded.

Things you'll need

  • mask (N95 or better)
  • bleach
  • Cleaning cloths
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter (preferably with hose-type accessory)
  • Rubber Gloves
  • safety glasses
  • glass paper (optional)
  • Soft Flanges Brush
  • sponge
  • bottle with atomizer
  • rigid bristled brush

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