02-06-2023  (349 ) Categoria: Dones

An andalusian woman: Lubna

Manel Capdevila

New exciting character in Andalusian history. Another intellectual woman with a story for a movie. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you.. Lubna de C贸rdoba

She was born slave in a family of Christian slaves in Medina Azahara, in the court of Abderram谩n III. Very little is known of her biography and we do not know how she ended up writing in the library of C贸rdoba. It wasn't a very exceptional case, because there were 170 copyists women in this library.

She was so clever and good worker, that she scalated all steps from scribe to administrator of the library of C贸rdoba and there she drawed the attention of Alhaken II, one of the monarchs who have been most concerned about culture in the Hispanic kingdoms (one of those nobody remembers) and freed her from slavery.

Within the court of Alhaken II, Lubna worked as a grammar teacher, as a poetesse, a personal secretary, a copyist, a mathematician and as calligrapher, for that reason some scholars pretend there is a mixture of different personalities in the figure of Lubna.

But I will maitain the same point many women would, in such a case. If it happened to be a man who did all that, surely nobody would doubt about the possibility that he did it alone, for exemple: Leonardo da Vinci the "Homo Universalis", but since she was a woman.. it may not exist a Mater Universalis, they had to be several women instead of one, because it would be impossible that all this work could be carried out by only one woman

The fact is that Alhaken had a special commission for Lubna, to collect as much knowledge as possible, so he sent her to El Cairo, Damascus and Baghdad to collect books that she brought to C贸rdoba. C贸rdoba library housed about 500,000 books.

Lubna did not work alone but gave the opportunity to another woman to accompany her as an assistant. About her, we only know her name, she was called Fatima. By the way, the destiny had prepared Lubna to be the founder of the royal library of Medina Azahara.

Unfortunately, with the early death of Alhaken and the rise of Almanzor, who burned the library in 979 and all her work was lost. Lubna died in exile in a Carmona palace 6 years later (although in a palace nobody is exiled.. at least she could survive).

The amount of exciting characters (between them Wallada and Lubna) almost unknown in Al-Andalus is scandalous. We'll keep talking about them until they appear in newspapers.

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