La vaca

22-09-2014  (2317 ) Categoria: Articles

substitute A for B - substitute A by B

Tot va començar quan Cervantes empra una sintaxi "incorrecta en castellà" definint les cinc estacions..:
« primavera sigue al verano, el verano al estío, el estío al otoño, y el otoño al invierno y el invierno a la primavera..»

Anonymous lluís Mª Mandado diu... 03 maig, 2007 00:10

Sr. Jeipi, podria explicar també com es que la "primavera sigue al verano"...?, a Catalunya va al revés, els Castellans sempre portant la contra...

Li vaig dir a en Lluis que en anglés passava una cosa semblant..De fet he trobat alguns LLIBRES que ho canvien a la sintaxi correcta en castellà:
«..A la primavera sigue el verano, al verano el estío, al estío el otoño, y al otoño el invierno y al invierno la primavera..»

Mireu aquest dos casos i veureu que van al revés..
  1. Chapter 6, Conditional and Macro Assembly - University of ...

    In assembly languages where symbols have types, an issue to be discussed in ..... "B 2" as the actual parameter to be substituted for LINE in the body of TWICE.
  2. What is assembly language? Explain the assembler ...

    It is sometimes referred to as assembly or ASL, assembly language is a low-level ... difficult language and is usually substituted for a higher language such as C. Below, is an example ... B #Sunday,D2, the assembler treats it as if it were ADD
Emprant el "by" i  el "with" no dona peu a cap controvèrsia..
penso que el problema és va iniciciar pel fet de que "for" també vol dir "para, per a, pour.."
Amb el pour en francés també en fan un ús diferent al nostre
diuen: "merci pour ton cadeau" quan hauria de ser "par ton cadeau"

NGRAM: substituted for,substituted by

Als s.XV i s.XVI ho deien com nosaltres


Atès que és un problema que tenim tots els de "llengües romàniques" quan ens iniciem en la llengua anglesa n'he fet un article per tal deixar-ho el més clar possible..

1.-Hydrogen was substituted for oxygen. --> hydrogen was used
1.-Considerable disagreement exists regarding the extent of substitution of chlorine for hydrogen in given alkalies. --> disagreement over the use of chlorine rather than hydrogen

2.-Hydrogen was substituted by oxygen. --> oxigen was used

These are the patterns that that emerge in the usage of substitute:

1.- substitute A for B --> A takes the place of B --> use A
1.- substitute CAT for DOG --> CAT takes the place of DOG --> use CAT

1.- A was substituted for B --> A takes the place of B --> use A
1.- CAT was substituted for DOG --> CAT takes the place of DOG --> use CAT

2.- substitute A with/by B --> B takes the place of A --> use B
2.- substitute CAT with/by DOG --> DOG takes the place of CAT --> use DOG

2.- A was substituted with/by B --> B takes the place of A --> use B
2.- CAT was substituted with/by DOG --> DOG takes the place of CAT --> use DOG

- substitute X for sy/sg --> sy/sg is replaced by X => X replaces sy/sg => replace sy/sg with X

- substitute --> context tells:
I was substituted in the second half ... after I had broken my arm. --> I left, sy else took my place
I was substituted in the second half ... and 5 minutes later, during the closing minutes, I scored an equalizer. --> I came in to play


To sum up:
CASE1.- when there is the preposition for with substitute, what comes after for is removed
CASE2.- with by and with, it is the other way around
