Evidentment Santa Barbara de Califòrnia va ser fundada per catalans .. i els seus canons fosos a Barcelona.. ref d'en en Llauradó (premeu el link..)
En Josephus Barnola, que segons està gravat sobre el canó, és qui va fondre EL GALLARD.. era el mestre campaner de Barcelona que també va fondre LA TOMASA i altres campanes a la foneria de Barcelona..
L'antiga Foneria de canons va construir-se el segle XVII, però la façana actual és del segle XVIII, quan es va enderrocar l'antiga muralla que la protegia. S'hi van fabricar canons fins que -segons es diu- Felip V va prohibir que a Barcelona es fabriqués artilleria, dada que es contradiu amb la inscripció del canó EL GALLARD del Presidi de Santa Bárbara..
De fet es va destinar a la fosa de campanes i entre d'altres, en van sortir les campanes Tomassa i Honorata de la Catedral de Barcelona. La Tomassa, que pesa uns 2241 quilos, la va fondre el campaner Josephus Barnola el 1758..
Weapon: Ordnance: Cannon: Spanish: 8 PDR: El Gallard, 1766. Mexican War.
Description: Bronze cannon; green patina; 63 ½ in. long; muzzle 8 ¼ in. diameter; bore 3.3 in.; base ring 10 in. diameter; right trunnion 3.3 in. long with 3.2 in. diameter; inscribed around the muzzle: JOSEPHUS BARNOLA FECIT BAR-1766; on the chase EL GALLARD; a Spanish coat-of-arms to the rear of the trunnions; on right trunnion 7 Q 68 LS PEO CASTO [7 quintals, 68 pounds, Castilian weight, equals c.1,540 pounds]; on left trunnion VIEJO [old copper/bronze]; no carriage.
Source:Â Transferred from New York Navy Yard, March 1877.
Historical significance: One of thirteen Spanish cannons transferred from the New York Navy Yard in March 1877 by order of the Chief, Bureau of Ordnance dated January 23, 1877, and reputedly taken by the U.S. Navy in California during the Mexican War, 1847-48. In the records the piece has been designated in different entries as an 8-pounder, as a Spanish canon de campana 4-pounder, and as a 6-pounder. It was cast by Josephus Barnola at the Royal Foundry, Barcelona, Spain, in 1766
Josephus Barnola at the Royal Foundry, Barcelona.
The cannons are not evident in the earliest lithograph of the statue, published by April 1853, but the cannon tubes, without their carriages, ... All four of the cannons were fashioned by Josephus Barnola at the Spanish royal foundry in Madrid.
The cannon were cast by Josephus Barnola of Barcelona, Spain. Two bear the ... Memorial Urns In 1 872 Secretary of the Navy George M. Robeson ordered two memorial urns to be cast at the Washington Naval Yard brass foundry. Weighing ...