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Sargon I -Source code









Block diagram


Rochelle Park, New Jersey
ISBN 0-8104-51554
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-64981

Copyright © 1978 by HAVDEN BOOK COMPANY, INC. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reprinted, or reproduced, or utilized in any
form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or
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Printed in the United States of America

       4  5  6  7  8  9    PRINTING
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86	   YEAR




Meet Sargon 1
The Chessboard in Computer Graphics 3
Chess Piece Summary 6
Users Guide to Sargon 11
Notes on the Implementation of Sargon 17
Equates 19
Direction Tables 20
Point Value Array 20
Board Array 21
Attack List 22
Pinned Piece Array 22
Score and Ply Tables 23
Table Indices Section 24
Variables Section 25
Move List Section 27
Board Setup Routine 28
Path Routine 29
Piece Mover Routine 30
En Passant Routine 32
Adjust Move List Pointer 33
Castle Routine 34
Admove Routine 36
Generate Move Routine 37
Check Routine 38
Attack Routine 39
Attack Save Routine 42
Pin Check Routine 43
Pin Find Routine 44
Exchange Routine 47
Next Attacker/Defender Routine 48
Point Evaluation Routine 49
Limit Routine 51
Move Routine 54
Un-Move Routine 56
Sort Routine 58
Evaluation Routine 59
Find Move Routine 60
Ascend Tree Routine 64
One Move Book Opening 65
Graphics Data Base 66
Standard Message 67
Graphics Variables 68
I/0 Macro Definitions 68
Main Program Driver 69
Interrogation for Ply & Color 71
Computer Move Routine 73
Forced Mate Handling 75
Tab to Player's Column 76
Tab to Computer's Column 76
Tab to Player's Column w/o Move No 77
Tab to Computer's Column w/o Move No 77
Board Index to ASCII Square Name 78
Player's Move Analysis 79
ASCII Square Name to Board Index 80
Validate Move Subroutine 81
Accept Input Character 82
New Page if Needed 83
Display Mated King 84
Set Up Position for Analysis 85
Update Positions of Royalty 88
Set Up Empty Board 89
Insert Piece Subroutine 91
Board Index to Norm Address Subr 93
Positive Integer Division 94
Positive Integer Multiplication 94
Square Blinker 95
Execute Move Subroutine 97
Make Move Subroutine 98
TDL/ZILOG Mnemonics Conversion 99
Index to Subroutines 113



SARGON is a computer chess program by Dan and Kathe Spracklen. In March 1978 it took first place in the first chess tournament held strictly for microcomputers. The tournament took place during the 2-1/2 days of the 1978 West Coast Computer Faire and drew large crowds each day. When the last battle ended, SARGON had won 5 games of 5 played. A tie existed for second place, with 3 programs scoring a total of 3 points in the 5 rounds.

SARGON is written in Z-80 assembly language using the TDL Macro Assembler. The program occupies 8K of RAM, which includes 2K of data areas, 2K graphics display and user interface, and 4K move logic. The move logic is the heart of SARGON. It is displayed in the block diagram as the set of routines called by FNDMOV (Find Move). FNDMOV controls the search for the computer's best move by performing a depth first-tree search using the techniques of alpha beta pruning. Listed first under FNDMOV's calls on the block diagram is PINFND (Pin Find Routine). PINFND produces a list of all pieces pinned against the king or queen for both white and black. Pinned pieces must be treated carefully when analyzing battles engaged on the chess board, since their attacking power may be an illusion. FNDMOV also calls POINTS (Point Evaluation Routine). POINTS performs a static evaluation and derives a score for a given board position. POINTS takes factors of material, board control, and development into account. Predominant in the evaluation is material. Material scores must be adjusted to reflect unresolved battles on the chess board. It is the function of XCHNG (Exchange Evaluation Routine) to judge the outcome of these unresolved battles. The factors of development and board control are not allowed to dominate the move choice. LIMIT is called to truncate the contribution of those factors to the score.

FNDMOV controls the generation of legal moves by GENMOV (Generate Move Routine). GENMOV produces the move set for all of the pieces of a given color. For each piece in turn, GENMOV calls MPIECE (Piece Mover Routine), which generates all the possible legal moves for a given piece. MPIECE itself calls a series of routines. PATH generates a single possible move for a given piece along its current path of motion. ADMOVE adds a move to the move list. CASTLE and ENPSNT (En Passant Pawn Capture Routine) handle the special moves. After MPIECE has produced all legal moves, GENMOV calls INCHK, which determines whether or not the king is in check.

Basic to the success of alpha beta pruning is the sorting of moves generated at each ply level. FNDMOV calls SORTM (Sort Routine) to accomplish this task. A sort is dependent on an evaluation, so SORTM calls EVAL (Evaluation Routine). To evaluate a given move on the move list, E VAL first makes the move on the board by calling MOVE. It is determined if the move is legal by calling INCHK. Then, if the move is legal, it is evaluated by calling PNFND and POINTS. Finally, EVAL restores the board position by calling UNMOVE.

The bookkeeping required by alpha beta pruning is for the most part coded in line in FNDMOV. However, FNDMOV calls ASCEND (Ascend Tree Routine) to adjust all the parameters in transferring the parameters up one ply in the tree.

At the bottom of FNDMOV's call list on the block diagram is BOOK. BOOK provides, an opening book of a single move. lfwhite, SARGON will play P-K4 or P-Q4 at random. If black, SARGON replies to any opening move with P-K4 or P-Q4, whichever is most appropriate.

The move selection logic of FNDMOV is embedded in a whole network of routines that forms SARGON's interface to the outside world. The DRIVER routine initiates and coordinates, the entire game. First on the block diagram in DRIVER's list of calls is CHARTR (Accept Input Character). CHARTR is a totally machine-dependent input routine whose sole purpose is to accept a single character input from the keyboard. All machine-dependent aspects of SARGON have been isolated in this manner to simplify conversion to Z-80 machines running under different operating systems. Machine-dependent code appears in only two other places. The first is the macro definition area, where all the output functions are listed, and the second is in the routine DSPBRD (Display Graphics Board and Pieces), where machine-dependent lines of code are clearly marked.

Next on the block diagram is ANALYS (Set Up Position for Analysis). ANALYS allows the user to set the board to any position of his choosing. The routine blinks the graphics board squares in turn, allowing the user to input a piece ofhis choice or leave the contents unchanged. When the board has been set to the desired arrangement of pieces, play of the game may be resumed. ANALYS also provides a handy means of correcting a move entered by mistake.

As a part of game initialization, DRIVER calls INTERR (Interrogate for Ply and Color). INTERR questions the player for his choice of white or black, and allows him to select the depth of search. DSPBRD and INITBD complete initialization by setting up the graphics board display and internal board array. PGIFND (New Page if Needed) and TBCPCL (Tab to Computer's Column) are used to control spacing in the move list. The move list is displayed to the left of the graphics board on the video screen.

The most important routines called by DRIVER are, of course, CPTRMV and PLYRMV, which are control routines for the computer's and player's moves, respectively. Central to CPTRM V is FNDMOV, the logic to select the computer's move, which has already been discussed. Below FNDMOV on the block diagram is FCDMAT (Forced Mate Handling). If the computer is checkmated, it acknowledges the fact with a message displayed in the move list and by tipping over its king. Assuming the computer is not mated, MOVE makes the chosen move on the board array and EXECMV displays it on the graphics board. In displaying the move, the piece first blinks a few times, moves to its new location, and then blinks a few times again. The function of BITASN (Board Index to ASCII Square Name) is to convert the internal move into a representation in algebraic chess notation on the move list, then INCHK determines whether or not the computer should call "Check."

When the opponent is on the move, PLYRMV controls the events. It calls CHARTR to accept the move entry. ASNTBI (ASCII Square Name to Board Index) converts the move to internal representation. Then VALMOV checks the player's move for validity. If the move is legal, EXECMV displays it on the graphics board as in CPTRMV. PGIFND (New Page if Needed) aadTRPLCL (Tab to Player's Column) control spacing in the move list.

The Chess Board in Computer Graphics

A graphics display is an eye-catching addition to a chess program. For the human player, a visual display of the board is far easier to relate to than a scheme which creates an array using purely alphabetic characters. Graphics display requires specialized hardware, and degree of resolution varies with existing displays. The SARGON program features a complete graphite board display. The video screen of the Jupiter III microcomputer, on which it is implemented, has a 96 x 128 dot graphics matrix. The screen display is controlled by a 2k area of static RAM. Information may be displayed on the screen by storing the desired values in that 2k area. So only moue instructions are required for graphics display.

The SARGON display utilizes 96 x 96 dots for the graphics chess board. The remaining area is used to list the moves of the game in algebraic chess notation. The display is arranged as follows:
The empty board and move list area are displayed using the block move feature of the Z-80. It requires no stored data. The memory required to store the piece shapes has been kept to a minimum through use ofthe concept of boundary and kernel dots.

Graphics Characters

By varying and combining bits that are turned on, a total of 64 different graphics characters may be produced. For example:

Now, 1010 0101 = 165 in decimal, which can be used as the ASCII code for this character.


Pillar and Bar Formatlnq

We've seen how individual dots are grouped into blocks of six dots each. The blocks are then laid out like tiles to cover the display area. So a dot matrix that is 12 x 12 would look like:

User's Guide to SARGON

  1. To begin execution:

    The start address of SARGON will vary depnding on the load address. It will always be the address of DRIVER. Once execution has begiun, SARGON will ask you a series of queations:

    "Welcome to Chess. Care for a Game?"


    To playa game of chess respond with "y." An answer of "n" will get you to the routine that allows you to set up a boats position. (See Item 5.)
    "Would you like to play white (w) or black (b)?"
    The player selects white by entering "w" or black by "b." Any other key defaults to black. White always moves first.
    "Select look ahead (1-6),"

    This allows the player to select the depth of search. For example, if you select 3 ply, SARGON will consider:

    1. All of his possible moves.
    2. All of your responses to those move,.
    3. All of his possible replies to your responses.
    At this point, the boats display will appear on the screen. If you choose white, SARGON will be waiting for your move entry. If you choose black, SARGON will make its move on the board, print it in the move list, and then for your move entry.


  2. To enter a move:

    Moves must be entered in algebraic these notation. This means you most tell SARGON the file and rank coordinates of the squares you are moving from and to. The files are lettered a-h and the ranks are numbered 1-8. So the coordinates of the board are:

    The move itself is entered as ff-tt so to play the king's pawn up two squares you would enter:


    If SARGON responded with the same move, it would print:



    Just enter the king's move. The rook will tag along. for example, if you are white and you wish to castle king's side, enter:


    You will see both your king and rook move. When SARGON castles, he lists it as 0-0 or 0-0-0 as in normal chess notation.


    To Capture En Passant

    if you wish to capture one of SARGON's pawns using the en passant privilege, enter your pawn's move. After your pawn move is displayed, SARGON's pawn will blink and then vanish. When SARGON captures en peasant, his move is displayed on the graphics board in the same way. SARGON prints it in the move list as PxPep.


  3. To play another game after checkmate:

    If either your or SARGON is checkmated, and you wish to play againk just hit any key. The screen will blank out and SARGON will ask:

    "Care for Another Came?"

    Replies to this question are just like those to the original l"Care for a Game?"


  4. To resign a hopless game or take back a move:

    Ifyou decide your position is hopeless, or you wish to change a move entered in error, first wait until it is your turn to move. Then enter "control-R." You will immediately get the "Care for Another Game?" question. If you want to start over, type "y," but if you want to correct the board display, type "n." You will then get the routine that allows you to setup a board position.


  5. To setup or correct a board position: If you typed "n". a "Care for a Game" question, SARGON will now ask:
    "Would you like to analyse a position?"

    If you answer "n" to this one, you will be out of SARGON entirely and back in the computer's monitor state. An answer of "y" will display the board just as you left it. The lower left-hand corner will blink. That, your signal that you can change the contents of that square, using one of the analysis commands.


    Summary of Analysis Commands

    A carriage return leaves the contents of the square unchanged and blinks the next square. If you are already at the upper right-hand corner, it wraps around to the lower left-hand corner and blink, that square.

    A backspace leaves the contents of the square unchanged and blinks.. square in the other direction. If, the opposite of a <:CR>, so you can go either direction.

    An entry of 0, or of the space bar, or any key not listed in these commands will empty the square.

    "Enter a Piece"
    To enter a piece, type in piece-code, color-code, moved-code.

    Piece-code is a letter indicating the desired piece (upper or lower case):

    K -- King
    Q -- Queen
    R -- Rook
    B -- Bishop
    N -- Knight
    P -- Pawn

    Color-code is a letter indicating the side the piece belongs to (also upper or lower case):

    w -- white
    b -- black

    Moved-code is a number indicating whether the Piece has moved or not:

    0 - Piece has never moved
    1 - piece has moved

    Some examples:

    To enter a black pawn on its original square type:


    A white knight in the middle of the board would be:


    A black king on its original square which has however moved:


    The wscape key will terminate the blinking cycle. SARGON will ask:

    "Is this right?"

    An answer pf "n" wo;; gp bacl tp setting up the board. If you say "y" then SARGON will ask for information it needs to resume play from this point. The color chooice and search depth questions are the same as in Section 1. In addition SARGON must be given the answer to:

    "Whose move is it?"


  6. To terminate execution:

    The way out of the SARGON program depend, on whether you're at the end of a game, in the middle of a game, or setting up a board position.

    At the end of a game:

    1. Depress any key.
    2. SARGON responds with: "Care for Another Game?"
    3. Answer with "n."
    4. SARGON responds with: "Would you like to analyze a position?"
    5. Answer with "n" and you're out.

    In the middle of a game:

    1. Wait until it's your turn.
    2. Enter "Control-R"
    3. SARGON responds with: "Care for Another Game?"
    4. Follow 3-5 as for the end of a game.
    Setting up a board:
    1. Depress the escape key.
    2. SARGON answers: "R this right?"
    3. Respond with nswering four questions at once.
    4. Follow 2-4 as for the middle of a game.


Notes on the Implementation of SARGON


  1. SARGON was assembled using the TDL Macro Assembler, which does not use the ZILOG mnemonics. Conversion to ZILOG mnemonic, can be performed on instruction for instruction basis using the conversion chart included with this listing.


  2. I/0 is based on the JOVE operation system which runs en the Wave-Mate Jupiter III computer. For ease in conversion all I/0 has been isolated to the following areas: Accept Input Character (p. 82), I/O Macro Definitions (p. 68), and Set Up Empty Board (p. 89).


  3. SARGON must be loaded at a start address which is an even 256 byte page boundary (that is, at an address of the form XXOO hexadecimal).


  4. Graphics routines assume a 96 by 128 dot matrix with black characters on a white background. To convert to a display with white character, on a black background, only six lines of code need be changed:

Location Is Change to
2 lines above IP04 JRZ IP04 JRNZ IP04
4 lines above IP18 JRNZ IPI8 JRZ IP18
2 lines above IP18 JRNZ IP2C JRZ IP2C
1 line below IP18 JRZ IP2C JRNZ IP2C

  1. SARGON requires a minimum of 8K bytes of memory available for user programs.

Image of page 19 for reference

;            SARGON
;	Sargon is a computer chess playing program designed and coded by Dan and 
; Kathe Spracklen,
; Copyright 1978. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be 
; reproduced without the prior
; written permission.
PAWN	=	1
ROOK	a	4
KING	=	6



; DIRECT --	Direction Table. Used to determine the direction of movement of 
; each piece.

	.BYTE	+09,+11,-11,-09
	.BYTE	+10,-10,+01,-01
	.BYTE	-21,-12,+08,+19
	.BYTE	+21,+12,-08,-19
	.BYTE	+10,+10,+11,+09
	.BYTE	-10,-10,-11,-09

Image of page 20 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; DPOINT -- Direction Table. Pointer. Used to determine. ; where to begin in the direction table for any ; given piece. ; ******************************************************* DPOINT = .-TBASE .BYTE 20,16,8,0,4,0,0 ; ******************************************************* ; DCOUNT -- Direction Table Counter. Used to determine, ; the number of directions of movement for any ; given piece. ; ******************************************************* DCOUNT = -TBASE .BYTE 4,4,8,4,4,8,8 ; ******************************************************* ; PVALUE -- Point Value. Gives the point value of each ; piece, or the worth of each piece. ; ******************************************************* PVALUE = .-TBASE-1 .BYTE 1,3,3,5,9,10 ; ******************************************************* ; PIECES -- The initial arrangement of the first rank of ; pieces on the board. Use to set up the board ; for the start of the game. ; ******************************************************* PIECES = .-TBASE .BYTE 4,2,3,5,6,3,2,4
Image of page 21 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; BOARD -- Board Array. Used to hold the current position ; of the board during play. The board itself ; looks like: ; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ; FF0402030506030204FF ; FF0101010101010101FF ; FF0000000000000000FF ; FF0000000000000000FF ; FF0000000000000060FF ; FF0000000000000000FF ; FF8181818181818181FF ; FF8482838586838284FF ; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ; The values of FF form the border of the ; board, and are used to indicate when a piece ; moves off the board. The individual bits of ; the other bytes in the board array are as ; follows: ; Bit 7 -- Color of the piece ; 1 -- Black ; 0 -- White ; Bit 6 -- Not used ; Bit 5 -- Not used ; Bit 4 --Castle flag for Kings only ; Bit 3 -- Piece has moved flag ; Bits 2-0 Piece type ; 1 -- Pawn ; 2 -- Knight ; 3 -- Bishop ; 4 -- Rook ; 5 -- Queen ; 6 -- King ; 7 -- Not used ; 0 -- Empty Square ; ******************************************************* BOARD = .-TBASE BOARDA: BLKB 120
Image of page 22 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; ATKLIST -- Attack List. A two part array, the first ; half for white and the second half for black. ; It is used to hold the attackers of any given ; square in the order of their value. ; WACT -- White Attack Count. This is the first ; byte of the array and tells how many pieces are ; in the white portion of the attack list. ; BACT -- Black Attack Count. This is the eighth byte of ; the array and does the same for black. ; ******************************************************* WACT = ATKLST BACT = ATKLST+7 ATKLST: WORD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ******************************************************* ; PLIST -- Pinned Piece Array. This is a two part array. ; PLISTA contains the pinned piece position. ; PLISTD contains the direction from the pinned ; piece to the attacker. ; ******************************************************* PLIST = .-TBASE-1 PLISTD = PLIST+10 PLISTA: WORD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ******************************************************* ; POSK -- Position of Kings. A two byte area, the first ; byte of which hold the position of the white ; king and the second holding the position of ; the black king. ; POSQ -- Position of Queens. Like POSK,but for queens. ; ******************************************************* POSK: BYTE 24,95 POSQ: BYTE 14,94 .BYTE -1
Image of page 23 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; SCORE -- Score Array. Used during Alpha-Beta pruning to ; hold the scores at each ply. It includes two ; "dummy" entries for ply -1 and ply 0. ; ******************************************************* SCORE: WORD 0,0,0,0,0,0 ; ******************************************************* ; PLYIX -- Ply Table. Contains pairs of pointers, a pair ; for each ply. The first pointer points to the ; top of the list of possible moves at that ply. ; The second pointer points to which move in the ; list is the one currently being considered. ; ******************************************************* PLYIX: WORD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .WORD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 STACK -- Contains the stack for the program. .LOC START+2FFH STACK:
Image of page 24 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; TABLE INDICES SECTION ; Ml-M4 -- Working indices used to index into ; the board array. ; Tl-T3 -- Working indices used to index into Direction ; Count, Direction Value, and Piece Value tables. ; INDX1 -- General working indices. Used for various ; INDX2 purposes. ; NPINS -- Number of Pins. Count and pointer into the ; pinned piece list. ; MLPTRI -- Pointer into the ply table which tells ; which pair of pointers are in current use. ; MLPTRJ -- Pointer into the move list to the move that is ; currently being processed. : ; SCRIX -- Score Index. Pointer to the score table for ; the ply being examined. ; BESTM -- Pointer into the move list for the move that ; is currently considered the best by the ; Alpha-Beta pruning process. ; MLLST -- Pointer to the previous move placed in the move ; list. Used during generation of the move list. ; MLNXT -- Pointer to the next available space in the move ; ******************************************************* .LOC START+O Ml: WORD TBASE M2: WORD TBASE M3: WORD TBASE M4: WORD TBASE Tl: WORD TBASE T2: WORD TBASE T3: WORD TBASE INDX1: WORD TBASE INDX2: WORD TBASE NPINS: WORD TBASE MLPTRI: WORD PLYIX MLPTRJ: WORD 0 SCRIX: WORD 0 BESTM: WORD 0 MLLST: WORD 0 MLNXT: WORD MLLST
Image of page 25 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; VARIABLES SECTION ; KOLOR -- Indicates computer's color. White is 0, and ; Black is 80H. ; COLOR -- Indicates color of the side with the move. ; P1-P3 -- Working area to hold the contents of the board ; array for a given square. ; PMATE -- The move number at which a checkmate is ; discovered during look ahead. ; MOVENO -- Current move number. ; PLYMAX -- Maximum depth of search using Alpha-Beta ; pruning. ; NPLY -- Current ply number during Alpha-Beta ; pruning. ; CKFLG -- A non-zero value indicates the king is in check. ; MATEF -- A zero value indicates no legal moves. ; VALM -- The score of the current move being examined. ; BRDC -- A measure of mobility equal to the total number ; of squares white can move to minus the number ; black can move to. ; PTSL -- The maximum number of points which could be lost ; through an exchange by the player not on the ; move. ; PTSW1 -- The maximum number of points which could be won ; through an exchange by the player not on the ; move. ; PTSW2 -- The second highest number of points which could ; be won through a different exchange by the player ; not on the move. ; MTRL -- A measure of the difference in material ; currently on the board. It is the total value of ; the white pieces minus the total value of the ; black pieces. ; BC0 -- The value of board control(BRDC) at ply 0.
Image of page 26 for reference
; MVO -- The value of material(MTRL) at ply 0. ; PTSCK -- A non-zero value indicates that the piece has ; just moved itself into a losing exchange of ; material. ; MOVES -- Our very tiny book of openings. Determines ; the first move for the computer. ; ******************************************************* KOLOR: BYTE 0 COLOR: BYTE 0 P1: BYTE 0 P2: BYTE 0 P3: BYTE 0 PMATE: BYTE 0 MOVENO: BYTE 0 PLYMAX: BYTE 2 NPLY: BYTE 0 CKFLG: BYTE 0 MATEF: BYTE 0 VALM: BYTE 0 BRDC: BYTE 0 PTSL: BYTE 0 PTSWl: BYTE 0 PTSW2: BYTE 0 MTRL: BYTE 0 BCO: BYTE 0 MVO: BYTE 0 PTSCK: BYTE 0 MOVES: BYTE 35,55,10H .BYTE 34,54,10H .BYTE 85,65,10H .BYTE 84,64,10H
Image of page 27 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; MOVE LIST SECTION ; MUST -- A 2048 byte storage area for generated moves. ; This area must be large enough to hold all ; the moves for a single leg of the move tree. ; MLEND -- The address of the last available location ; in the move list. ; MLPTR -- The Move List is a linked list of individual ; moves each of which is 6 bytes in length. The ; move list pointer(MLPTR) is the link field ; within a move. ; MLFRP -- The field in the move entry which gives the ; board position from which the piece is moving. ; MLTOP -- The field in the move entry which gives the ; board position to which the piece is moving. ; MLFLG -- A field in the move entry which contains flag ; information. The meaning of each bit is as ; follows: ; Bit 7 -- The color of any captured piece ; 0 -- White ; 1 -- Black ; Bit 6 -- Double move flag (set for castling and ; en passant pawn captures) ; Bit 5 -- Pawn Promotion flag; set when pawn ; promotes. ; Bit 4 -- When set, this flag indicates that ; this is the first move for the ; piece on the move. ; Bit 3 -- This flag is set is there is a piece ; captured, and that piece has moved at ; least once. ; Bits 2-0 Describe the captured piece. A ; zero value indicates no capture. ; MLVAL -- The field in the move entry which contains the ; score assigned to the move. ; *******************************************************
Image of page 28 for reference
.LOC START+300H MLIST: BLKB 2048 MLEND = MLIST+2040 MLPTR = 0 MLFRP = 2 MLTOP = 3 MLFLG = 4 MLVAL = 5 ; ******************************************************* PROGRAM CODE SECTION BOARD SETUP ROUTINE FUNCTION: To initialize the board array, setting the pieces in their initial positions for the start of the game. CALLED BY: DRIVER CALLS: None ARGUMENTS: None ; ******************************************************* INITBD: MVI B,120 ; Pre-fill board with -1's LXI H,BOARDA MVI M,-1 INX H DJNZ .-3 MVI B,8 LXI X,BOARDA IB2: MOV A,-8(X) ; Fill non-border squares MOV 21(X),A ; White pieces SET 7,A ; Change to black MOV 91(X),A ; Black pieces MVI 31(X),PAWN ; White Pawns MVI 81(X),BPAWN ; Black Pawns MVI 41(X),0 ; Empty squares MVI 51(X),0 MVI 61(X),0 MVI 71(X),0 INX X DJNZ IB2 LXI X,POSK ; Init King/Queen position list MVI 0(X),25 MVI 1(X),95 MVI 2(X),24 MVI 3(X),94 RET
Image of page 29 for reference
; ******************************************************* ; PATH ROUTINE ; ******************************************************* ; FUNCTION: To generate a single possible move for a given ; piece along its current path of motion including: ; Fetching the contents of the board at the new ; position, and setting a flag describing the ; contents: ; 0 -- New postion is empty ; 1 -- Encountered a piece of the ; opposite color ; 2 -- Encountered a piece of the ; same color ; 3 -- New position is off the ; board ; CALLED BY: MPIECE ; ATTACK ; PINFND ; CALLS: None ; ARGUMENTS: Direction from the direction array giving the ; constant to be added for the new position. ; ******************************************************* PATH: LXI H,M2 ; Get previous position MOV A,M ADD C ; Add diection constant MOV M,A ; Save new position LIXD M2 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get contents of board CPI -1 ; In boarder area ? JRZ PA2 ; Yes - jump STA P2 ; Save piece ANI 7 ; Clear flags STA T2 ; Save piece type RZ ; Return if empty . LDA P2 ; Get piece encountered LXI H,P1 ; Get moving piece address XRA M ; Compare BIT 7,A ; Do colors match ? JRZ PA1 ; Yes - jump MVI A,1 ; Set different color flag RET ; Return PA1: MVI A,2 ; Set same color flag RET ; Return PA2: MVI A,3 ; Set off board flag RET ; Return
Image of page 30 for reference
; ********************************************************************** ; ; PIECE MOVER ROUTINE ; ; FUNCTION: To. generate all the possible legal moves for a given ; piece. ; ; CALLED BY: GENMOV ; ; CALLS: PATH ; ADMOVE ; CASTLE ; ENPSNT ; ; ARGUMENTS: The piece to be moved. ; ; ********************************************************************** MPIECE: XRA M ; Piece to move ANI 87H ; Clear flag bit CPI BPAWN ; Is is a black Pawn ? JRNZ .+3 ; No-Skip DCR A ; Decrement for black Pawns ANI 7 ; Get piece type STA T1 ; Save piece type LIYD T1 ; Load index to DCOUNT/DPOINT MOV B,DCOUNT(Y) ; Get direction count MOV A,DPOINT(Y) ; Get direction pointer STA INDX2 ; Save as index to direct LIYD INDX2 ; Load index MP5: MOV C,DIRECT(Y) ; Get move direction LDA Ml ; From position STA M2 ; Initialize to position MP10: CALL PATH ; Calculate next position CPI 2 ; Ready for new direction ? JRNC MP15 ; Yes - Jump ANA A ; Test for empty square EXAF ; Save result LDA T1 ; Get piece moved CPI PAWN+1 ; Is it a Pawn ? JRC MP20 ; Yes - Jump CALL ADMOVE ; Add move to list EXAF ; Empty square ? JRNZ MP15 ; No - Jump LDA Tl ; Piece type CPI KING ; King ? JRZ MP15 : Yes - Jump CPI BISHOP ; Bishop, Rook, or Queen ? JRNC MP10 ; Yes - Jump MP15: INX Y ; Increment direction index DJNZ MP5 ; Decr. count-jump if non-zerc LDA T1 ; Piece type
Image of page 31 for reference
CPI KING ; King ? CZ CASTLE ; Yes - Try Castling RET ; Return ; ***** PAWN LOGIC ***** MP20: MOV A,B ; Counter for direction CPI 3 ; On diagonal moves ? JRC MP35 ; Yes - Jump JRZ MP30 ; -or-jump if on 2 square move EXAF ; Is forward square empty? JRNZ MP15 ; No - jump LDA M2 ; Get "to" position CPI 91 ; Promote white Pawn ? JRNC MP25 ; Yes - Jump CPI 29 ; Promote black Pawn ? JRNC MP26 ; No - Jump MP25: LXI H,P2 ; Flag address SET 5,M ; Set promote flag MP26: CALL ADMOVE ; Add to move list INX Y ; Adjust to two square move DCR B LXI H,P1 ; Check Pawn moved flag BIT 3,M ; Has it moved before ? JRZ MP10 ; No - Jump JMP MP15 ; Jump MP30: EXAF ; Is forward square empty ? JRNZ MP15 ; No - Jump MP31: CALL ADMOVE ; Add to move list JMP MP15 ; Jump MP35: EXAF ; Is diagonal square empty ? JRZ MP36 ; Yes - Jump LDA M2 ; Get "to" position CPI 91 ; Promote white Pawn ? JRNC MP37 ; Yes - Jump CPI 29 ; Black Pawn promotion ? JRNC MP31 ; No- Jump MP37: LXI H,P2 ; Get flag address SET 5,M ; Set promote flag JMPR MP31 ; Jump MP36: CALL ENPSNT ; Try en passant capture JMP MP15 ; Jump
Image of page 32 for reference
; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx**xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; EN PASSANT ROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To test for en passant Pawn capture and ; to add it to the move list if it is ; legal. ; CALLED BY: -- MPIECE ; CALLS: -- ADMOVE ; ; ADJPTR ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ENPSNT: LDA M1 ; Set position of Pawn LXI H,P1 ; Check color BIT 7,M ; Is it white ? JRZ .+4 ; Yes - skip ADI 10 ; Add 10 for black CPI 61 ; On en passant capture rank ? RNC ; No - return CPI 69 ; On en passant capture rank ? RNC ; No - return LIXD MLPTRJ ; Get pointer to previous move BIT 4,MLFLG(X) ; First move for that piece ? RZ ; No - return MOV A,MLTOP(X) ; Get "to" postition STA M4 ; Store as index to board LIXD M4 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get piece moved STA P3 ; Save it ANI 7 ; Get piece type CPI PAWN ; Is it a Pawn ? RNZ ; No - return LDA M4 ; Get "to" position LXI H,M2 ; Get present "to" position SUB M ; Find difference JP .+5 ; Positive ? Yes - Jump NEG ; Else take absolute value CPI 10 ; Is difference 10 ? RNZ ; No - return LXI H,P2 ; Address of flags SET 6,M ; Set double move flag CALL ADMOVE ; Add Pawn move to move list LDA M1 ; Save initial Pawn position STA M3 LDA M4 ; Set "from" and "to" position8 for dummy move
Image of page 33 for reference
STA M1 STA M2 LDA P3 ; Save captured Pawn STA P2 CALL ADMOVE ; Add Pawn capture to move list LDA M3 ; Restore "from" position STA M1 ; ********************************************************************** ; ADJUST MOVE LIST POINTER FOR DOUBLE MOVE ; ; FUNCTION: -- To adjust move list pointer to link around ; second move in double move. ; ; CALLED BY: -- ENPSNT ; CASTLE ; (This mini-routine is not really called, ; but is jumped to to save time.) ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ; ********************************************************************** ADJPTR: LHLD MLLST ; Get list pointer LXI D,-6 ; Size of a move entry DAD D ; Back up list pointer SHLD MLLST ; Save list pointer MVI M,0 ; Zero out link, first byte INX H ; Next byte MVI M,0 ; Zero out link, second byte RET ; Return
Image of page 34 for reference
; ********************************************************************** ; CASTLE ROUTINE ; ; FUNCTION: -- To determine whether castling is legal ; (Queen side, King side, or both) and add it ; to the move list if it is. ; ; CALLED BY: -- MPIECE ; ; CALLS: -- ATTACK ; ADMOVE ; ADJPTR ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ; ********************************************************************** CASTLE: LDA P1 ; Get King BIT 3,A ; Has it moved ? RNZ ; Yes - return LDA CKFLG ; Fetch Check Flag ANA A ; Is the King in check ? RNZ ; Yes - Return LXI B,OFF03H ; Initialize King-side values CA5: LDA M1 ; King position ADD C ; Rook position MOV C,A ; Save STA M3 ; Store as board index LIXD M3 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get contents of board ANI 7FH ; Clear color bit CPI ROOK ; Has Rook ever moved ? JRNZ CA20 ; Yes - Jump MOV A,C ; Restore Rook position JMPR CA15 ; Jump CA10: LIXD M3 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get contents of board ANA A ; Empty ? JRNZ CA20 ; No - Jump LDA M3 ; Current position CPI 22 ; Wh.ite Queen Knight square ? JRZ CA15 ; Yes - Jump CPI 92 ; Black Queen Knight square ? JRZ CA15 ; Yes - Jump CALL ATTACK ; Look for attack on square ANA A ; Any attackers ? JRNZ CA20 ; Yes - Jump LDA M3 ; Current position CA15: ADD B ; Next position STA M3 ; Save as board index LXI H,M1 ; King position CMP M ; Reached King ?
Image of page 35 for reference
JRNZ CA10 ; No - jump SUB B ; Determine King's position SUB B STA M2 ; Save it LXI H,P2 ; Address of flags MVI M,40H ; Set double move flag CALL ADMOVE ; Put king move in list LXI H,M1 ; Addr of King "from" position MOV A,M ; Get King's "from" position MOV M,C ; Store Rook "from" position SUB B ; Get Rook "to" position STA M2 ; Store Rook "to" position XRA A ; Zero STA P2 ; Zero move flags CALL ADMOVE ; Put Rook move in list CALL ADJPTR ; Re-adjust move list pointer LDA M3 ; Restore King position STA M1 ; Store CA20: MOV AFB ; Scan Index CPI 1 ; Done ? RZ ; Yes - return LXI B,01FCH ; Set Queen-side initial values JMP CA5 ; Jump
Image of page 36 for reference
; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; ADMOVE ROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To add a move to the move list ; ; CALLED BY: -- MPIECE ; ENPSNT ; CASTLE ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENT: -- None ; **x***x*x*xx*xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ADMOVE: LDED MLNXT ; Addr of next loc in move list LXI H,MLEND ; Address of list end ANA A ; Clear carry flag DSBC D ; Calculate difference JRC AM10 ; Jump if out of space LHLD MLLST ; Addr of prev. list area SDED MLLST ; Savn next as previous MOV M,E ; Store link address INX H MOV M,D LXI H,Pl ; Address of moved piece BIT 3,M ; Has it moved before ? JRNZ .+7 ; Yes - jump LXI H,P2 ; Address of move flags SET 4,M ; Set first move flag XCHG ; Address of move area MVI M,0 ; Store zero in link address INX H MVI M,0 INX H LDA Ml ; Store "from" move position MOV M,A INX H LDA M2 ; Store "to" move position MOV M,A INX H LDA P2 ; Store move flags/capt. piece MOV M,A INX H MVI M,0 ; Store initial move value INX H SHLD MLNXT ; Save address for next move RET ; Return AM10: MVI M,0 ; Abort entry on table ovflow INX H MVI M,0 DCX H RET
Image of page 37 for reference
; **xxxxxx*x**xxxxx*xxx*xxxx*xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx ; GENERATE MOVE ROUTINE ; xxx*xx*x**xxxxxxx**xxxxxxxxx**x***x**xx*x*xx***x*x**x*xxxx*x ; FUNCTION: -- To generate the move set for all of the ; pieces of a given color. ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; CALLS: -- MIECE ; INCHK ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*x*xxxx*xxxx*xxxx*xx*xxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxx***x*x GENMOV: CALL INCHK ; Test for King in check STA CKFLG ; Save attack count as flag LDED MLNXT ; Addr of next avail list space LHLD MLPTRI ; Ply list pointer index INX H ; Increment to next ply INX H MOV M,E ; Save move list pointer INX H MOV M,D INX H SHLD MLPTRI ; Save new index SHLD MLLST ; Last pointer for chain init. MVI A,21 ; First position on board GM5: STA M1 ; Save as index LIXD Ml ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Fetch board contents ANA A ; Is it empty ? JRZ GM10 ; Yes - Jump CPI -1 ; Is it a boarder square ? JRZ GM10 ; Yes - Jump STA P1 ; Save piece LXI H,COLOR ; Address of color of piece XRA M ; Test color of piece BIT 7,A ; Match ? CZ MPIECE ; Yes - call Move Piece GM10: LDA M1 ; Fetch current board position INR A ; Incr to next board position CPI 99 ; End of board array ? JNZ GM5 ; No - Jump RET ; Return
Image of page 38 for reference
; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; CHECK ROUTINE ; xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-x*x*xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To determine whether or not the ; King is in check. ; CALLED BY: -- GENMOV ; FNDMOV ; EVAL ; CALLS: -- ATTACK ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Color of King ; x****xxx*xs**xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INCHK: LDA COLOR ; Get color INCHK1: LXI H,POSK ; Addr of white King position ANA A ; White ? JRZ .+3 ; Yes - Skip INX H ; Addr of black King position MOV A,M ; Fetch King position STA M3 ; Save LIXD M3 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Fetch board contents STA P1 ; Save ANI 7 ; Get piece type STA T1 ; Save CALL ATTACK ; Look for attackers on King RET ; Return Image of page 39 for reference ; ************************************************************ ; ATTACK ROUTINE ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To find all attackers on a given square ; by scanning outward from the square ; until a piece is found that attacks ; that,square, or a piece is found that ; doesn't attack that square, or the edge ; of the board is reached. ; ; In determining which pieces attack a square, ; this routine also takes into account the ability of ; certain pieces to attack through another attacking ; piece. (For example a queen lined up behind a bishop ; of her same color along a diagonal.) The bishop is ; then said to be transparent to the queen, since both ; participate in the attack. ; ; In the case where this routine is called by ; CASTLE or INCHK, the routine is terminated as soon as ; an attacker of the opposite color is encountered. ; ; CALLED BY: -- POINTS ; PINFND ; CASTLE ; INCHK ; ; CALLS: -- PATH ; ATKSAV ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ************************************************************** ATTACK: PUSH B ; Save Register B XRA A ; Clear MVI B,16 ; Initial direction count STA INDX2 ; Initial direction index LIYD INDX2 ; Load index AT5: MOV C,DIRECT(Y) ; Get direction MVI D,0 ; Init. scan count/flags LDA M3 ; Init. board start position STA M2 ; Save AT10: INR D ; Increment scan count CALL PATH ; Next position CPI 1 ; Piece of a opposite color ? JRZ AT14A ; Yes - jump CPI 2 ; Piece of same color ? JRZ AT14B ; Yes - jump Image of page 40 for reference ANA A ; Empty position ? JRNZ AT12 ; No - jump MOV A,B ; Fetch direction count CPI 9 ; On knight scan ? JRNC AT10 ; No - jump AT12: INX Y ; Increment direction index DJNZ AT5 ; Done ? No - jump XRA A ; No attackers AT13: POP B ; Restore register B RET ; Return AT14A: BIT 6,D ; Same color found already ? JRNZ AT12 ; Yes - jump SET 5,D ; Set opposite color found flag JMP AT14 ; Jump AT14B: BIT 5,D ; Opposite color found already? JRNZ AT12 ; Yes - jump SET 6,D ; Set same color found flag ; ***** DETERMINE IF PIECE ENCOUNTERED ATTACKS SQUARE ***** AT14: LDA T2 ; Fetch piece type encountered MOV E,A ; Save MOV A,B ; Get direction-counter CPI 9 ; Look for Knights ? JRC AT25 ; Yes - jump MOV A,E ; Get piece type CPI QUEEN ; Is is a Queen ? JRNZ AT15 ; No - Jump SET 7,D ; Set Queen found flag JMPR AT30 ; Jump AT15: MOV A,D ; Get flag/scan count ANI OFH ; Isolate count CPI 1 ; On first position ? JRNZ AT16 ; No - jump MOV A,E ; Get encountered piece type CPI KING ; Is it a King ? JRZ AT30 ; Yes - jump AT16: MOV A,B ; Get direction counter CPI 13 ; Scanning files or ranks ? JRC AT21 ; Yes - jump MOV A,E ; Get piece type CPI BISHOP ; Is it a Bishop ? JRZ AT30 ; Yes - jump MOV A,D ; Get flags/scan count ANI OFH ; Isolate count CPI 1 ; On first position ? JRNZ AT12 ; No - jump CMP E ; Is it a Pawn ? JRNZ AT12 ; No - jump LDA P2 ; Fetch piece including color Image of page 41 for reference BIT 7,A ; Is it white ? JRZ AT20 ; Yes - jump MOV A,B ; Get direction counter CPI 15 ; On a non-attacking diagonal ? JRC AT12 ; Yes - jump JMPR AT30 ; Jump AT20: MOV A,B ; Get direction counter CPI 15 ; On a non-attacking diagonal ? JRNC AT12 ; Yes - jump JMPR AT30 ; Jump AT21: MOV A,E ; Get piece type CPI ROOK ; Is is a Rook ? JRNZ AT12 ; No - jump JMPR AT30 ; Jump AT25: MOV A,E ; Get piece type CPI KNIGHT ; Is it a Knight ? JRNZ AT12 ; No - jump AT30: LDA T1 ; Attacked piece type/flag CPI 7 ; Call from POINTS ? JRZ AT31 ; Yes - jump BIT 5,D ; Is attacker opposite color ? JRZ AT32 ; No - jump MVI A,1 ; Set attacker found flag JMP AT13 ; Jump AT31: CALL ATKSAV ; Save attacker in attack list AT32: LDA T2 ; Attacking piece type CPI KING ; Is it a King,? JZ AT12 ; Yes - jump CPI KNIGHT ; Is it a Knight ? JZ AT12 ; Yes - jump JMP AT10 ; Jump Image of page 42 for reference ; ************************************************************* ; ATTACK SAVE ROUTINE ; ************************************************************* ; FUNCTION: -- To save an attacking piece value in the attack ; list, and to increment the attack count for that ; color piece. ; ; The pin piece list is checked for the attacking ; piece, and if found there, the piece is not ; included in the attack list. ; ; CALLED BY: -- ATTACK ; ; CALLS: -- PNCK ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ************************************************************* ATKSAV: PUSH B ; Save Regs BC PUSH D ; Save Regs DE LDA NPINS ; Number of pinned pieces ANA A ; Any ? CNZ PNCK ; yes - check pin list LIXD T2 ; Init index to value table LXI H,ATKLST ; Init address of attack list LXI B,0 ; Init increment for white LDA P2 ; Attacking piece BIT 7,A ; Is it white ? JRZ .+4 ; Yes - jump MVI C,7 ; Init increment for black ANI 7 ; Attacking piece type MOV E,A ; Init increment for type BIT 7,D ; Queen found this scan ? JRZ .+4 ; No - jump MVI E,QUEEN ; Use Queen slot in attack list DAD B ; Attack list address INR M ; Increment list count MVI D,0 DAD D ; Attack list slot address MOV A,M ; Get data already there ANI OFH ; Is first slot empty ? JRZ AS20 ; Yes - jump MOV A,M ; Get data again ANI OFOH ; Is second slot empty ? JRZ AS19 ; Yes - jump INX H ; Increment to King slot JMPR AS20 ; Jump AS19: RLD ; Temp save lower in upper MOV A,PVALUE(X) ; Get new value for attack list RRD ; Put in 2nd attack list slot JMPR AS25 ; Jump AS20: MOV A,PVALUE(X) ; Get new value for attack list RLD ; Put in 1st attack list slot Image of page 43 for reference AS25: POP D ; Restore DE regs POP B ; Restore BC regs RET ; Return ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; PIN CHECK ROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- Checks to see if the attacker is in the ; pinned piece list. If so he is not a valid ; attacker unless the direction in which he ; attacks in the same as the direction along ; which he is pinned. If the piece is ; found to be invalid as an attacker, the ; return to the calling routine is aborted ; and this routine returns directly to ATTACK. ; ; CALLED BY: -- ATKSAV ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- The direction of the attack. The ; pinned piece counnt. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* PNCK: MOV D,C ; Save attack direction MVI E,0 ; Clear flag MOV C,A ; Load pin count for search MVI B,0 LDA M2 ; Position of piece LXI H,PLISTA ; Pin list address PCl: CCIR ; Search list for position RNZ ; Return if not found EXAF ; Save search paramenters BIT 0,E ; Is this the first find ? JRNZ PC5 ; No - jump SET 0,E ; Set first find flag PUSH H ; Get corresp index to dir list POP X MOV A,9(X) ; Get direction CMP D ; Same as attacking direction ? JRZ PC3 ; Yes - jump NEG ; Opposite direction ? CMP D ; Same as attacking direction ? JRNZ PC5 ; No - jump PC3: EXAF ; Restore search parameters JPE PC1 ; Jump if search not complete RET ; Return PC5: POP PSW ; Abnormal exit POP D ; Restore regs. POP B RET ; Return to ATTACK Image of page 44 for reference ; .*x**xxxxtcxx*xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; PIN FIND ROUTINE ; .xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* ; FUNCTION: -- To produce a list of all pieces pinned ; against the King or Queen, for both white ; and black. ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; EVAL ; CALLS: -- PATH ; ATTACK ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; .xxxxxxxxx***x*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PINFND: XRA A ; Zero pin count STA NPINS LXI D,POSK ; Addr of King/Queen pos list PF1: LDAX D ; Get position of royal piece ANA A ; Is it on board ? JZ PF26 ; No- jump CPI -1 ; At end of list ? RZ ; Yes return STA M3 ; Save position as board index LIXD M3 ; Load index to board MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get contents of board STA P1 ; Save MVI B,8 ; Init scan direction count XRA A STA INDX2 ; Init direction index LIYD INDX2 PF2: LDA M3 ; Get King/Queen position STA M2 ; Save X RA A STA M4 ; Clear pinned piece saved pos MOV C,DIRECT.(Y) ; Get direction of scan PF5: CALL PATH ; Compute next position ANA A ; Is it empty ? JRZ PF5 ; Yes - jump CPI 3 ; Off board ? JZ PF25 ; Yes - jump CPI 2 ; Piece of same color found ? LDA M4 ; Load pinned piece position JRZ PF15 ; Yes - jump ANA A ; Possible pin ? JZ PF25 ; No - jump LDA T2 ; Piece type encountered CPI QUEEN ; Queen ? JZ PF19 ; Yes - jump MOV L,A ; Save piece type Image of page 45 for reference MOV A,B ; Direction counter CPI 5 ; Non-diagonal direction ? JRC PF10 ; Yes - jump MOV A,L ; Piece type CPI BISHOP ; Bishop ? JNZ PF25 ; No - jump JMP PF20 ; Jump PF10: MOV A,L ; Piece type CPI ROOK ; Rook ? JNZ PF25 ; No - jump JMP PF20 ; Jump PF15: ANA A ; Possible pin ? JNZ PF25 ; No - jump LDA M2 ; Save possible pin position STA M4 JMP PF5 ; Jump PF19: LDA P1 ; Load King or Queen ANI 7 ; Clear flags CPI QUEEN ; Queen ? JRNZ PF20 ; No - jump PUSH B ; Save regs. PUSH D PUSH Y XRA A ; Zero out attack list MVI B,14 LXI H,ATKLST MOV M,A INX H DJNZ .-2 MVI A,7 ; Set attack flag STA T1 CALL ATTACK ; Find attackers/defenders LXI H,WACT ; White queen attackers LXI D,BACT ; Black queen attackers LDA P1 ; Get queen BIT 7,A ; Is she white ? JRZ .+3 ; Yes - skip XCHG ; Reverse for black MOV A,M ; Number of defenders XCHG ; Reverse for attackers SUB M ; Defenders minus attackers DCR A ; Less 1 POP Y ; Restore regs. POP D POP B JP PF25 ; Jump if pin not valid PF20: LXI H,NPINS ; Address of pinned piece count INR M ; Increment LIXD NPINS ; Load pin list index MOV PLISTD(X),C ; Save direction of pin Image of page 46 for reference LDA M4 ; Position of pinned piece MOV PLIST(X),A ; Save in list PF25: INX Y ; Increment direction index DJNZ PF27 ; Done ? No - Jump PF26: INX D ; Incr King/Queen pos index JMP PF1 ; Jump PF27: JMP PF2 ; Jump Image of page 47 for reference ; ************************************************************* ; EXCHANGE ROUTINE ; ************************************************************* ; FUNCTION: -- To determine the exchange value of a ; piece on a given square by examining all ; attackers and defenders of that piece. ; ; CALLED BY: -- POINTS ; ; CALLS: -- NEXTAD ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None. ; ; ************************************************************* XCHNG: EXX ; Swap regs. LDA P1 ; Piece attacked LXI H,WACT ; Addr of white attkrs/dfndrs LXI D,BACT ; Addr of black attkrs/dfndrs .BIT 7,A ; Is piece white ? JRZ .+3 ; Yes - jump XCHG ; Swap list pointers MOV B,M ; Init list counts XCHG MOV C,M XCHG EXX ; Restore regs. MVI C,0 ; Init attacker/defender flag MVI E,0 ; Init points lost count LIXD T3 ; Load piece value index MOV D,PVALUE(X) ; Get attacked piece value SLAR D ; Double it MOV B,D ; Save CALL NEXTAD ; Retrieve first attacker RZ ; Return if none XC10: MOV L,A ; Save attacker value CALL NEXTAD ; Get next defender JRZ XC18 ; Jump if none EXAF ; Save defender value MOV A,B ; Get attacked value CMP L ; Attacked less than attacker ? JRNC XC19 ; No - jump EXAF ; -Restore defender XC15: CMP L ; Defender less than attacker ? RC ; Yes - return CALL NEXTAD ; Retrieve next attacker value RZ ; Return if none MOV L,A ; Save attacker value CALL NEXTAD ; Retrieve next defender value JRNZ XC15 ; Jump if none XC18: EXAF ; Save Defender MOV A,B ; Get value of attacked piece Image of page 48 for reference XC19: BIT 0,C ; Attacker or defender ? JRZ .+4 ; Jump if defender NEG ; Negate value for attacker ADD E ; Total points lost MOV E,A ; Save total EXAF ; Restore previous defender RZ ; Return if none MOV B,L ; Prev attckr becomes defender JMP XC10 ; Jump ; ************************************************************* ; NEXT ATTACKER/DEFENDER ROUTINE ; ************************************************************* ; FUNCTION: -- To retrieve the next attacker or defender ; piece value from the attack list, and delete ; that piece from the list. ; ; CALLED BY: -- XCHNG ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Attack list addresses. ; Side flag ; Attack list counts ; ; ************************************************************* NEXTAD: INR C ; Increment side flag EXX ; Swap registers MOV A,B ; Swap list counts MOV B,C MOV C,A XCHG ; Swap list pointers XRA A CMP B ; At end of list ? JRZ NX6 ; Yes - jump DCR B ; Decrement list count INX H ; Increment list inter CMP M ; Check next item in list JRZ .-2 ; Jump if empty RRD ; Get value from list ADD A ; Double it DCX H ; Decrement list pointer NX6: EXX ; Restore regs. RET ; Return Image of page 49 for reference ; ************************************************************* ; POINT EVALUATION ROUTINE ; ************************************************************* ; FUNCTION: -- To perform a static board evaluation and ; derive a score for a given board position ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; EVAL ; CALLS: -- ATTACK ; XCHNG ; LIMIT ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ************************************************************* POINTS: XRA A ; Zero out variables STA MTRL STA BRDC STA PTSL STA PTSWI STA PTSW2 STA PTSCK LXI H,T1 ; Set attacker flag MVI M,7 MVI A,21 ; Init to first square on board PT5: STA M3 ; Save as board index LIXD M3 ; Load board index MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get piece from board CPI -1 ,Off board edge ? JZ PT25 ; Yes - jump LXI H,P1 ; Save piece, if any MOV M,A ANI 7 ; Save piece type, if any STA T3 CPI KNIGHT ; Less than a Knight (Pawn) ? JRC PT6X ; Yes - Jump CPI ROOK ; Rook, Queen or King ? JRC PT6.B ; No - jump CPI KING ; Is it a King ? JRZ PT6AA ; Yes - jump LDA MOVENO ; Get move number CPI 7 ; Less than 7 ? JRC PT6A ; Yes - Jump JMP PT6X ; Jump PT6AA: BIT 4,M ; Castled yet ? JRZ PT6A ; No - jump MVI A,+6 ; Bonus for castling BIT 7,M ; Check piece color JRZ PT6D ; Jump if white MVI A,-6 ; Bonus for black castling Image of page 50 for reference JMP PT6D ; Jump PT6A: BIT 3,M ; Has piece moved yet ? JRZ PT6X ; No - jump JMP PT6C ; Jump PT6B: BIT 3,M ; Has piece moved yet ? JRNZ PT6X ; Yes - jump PT6C: MVI A,-2 ; Two point penalty for white BIT 7,M ; Check piece color JRZ .+4 ; Jump if white MVI A,+2 ; Two point penalty for black PT6D: LXI H,BRDC ; Get address of board control ADD M ; Add on penalty/bonus points MOV M,A ; Save PT6X: XRA A ; Zero out attack list MVI B,14 LXI H,ATKLST MOV M,A INX H DJNZ .-2 CALL ATTACK ; Build attack list for square LXI H,BACT ; Get black attacker count addr LDA WACT ; Get white attacker count SUB M ; Compute count difference LXI H,BRDC ; Address of board control ADD M ; Accum board control score MOV M,A ; Save LDA P1 ; Get piece on current square ANA A ; Is it empty ? JZ PT25 ; Yes - jump CALL XCHNG ; Evaluate exchange, if any XRA A ; Check for a loss CMP E ; Points lost ? JRZ PT23 ; No - Jump DCR D ; Deduct half a Pawn value LDA P1 ; Get piece under attack LXI H,COLOR ; Color of side just moved XRA M ; Compare with piece BIT 7,A ; Do colors match ? MOV A,E ; Points lost JRNZ PT20 ; Jump if no match LXI H,PTSL ; Previous max points lost CMP M ; Compare to current value JRC PT23 ; Jump if greater than MOV M,E ; Store new value as max lost LIXD MLPTRJ ; Load pointer to this move LDA M3 ; Get position of lost piece CMP MLTOP(X) ; Is it the one moving ? JRNZ PT23 ; No - jump STA PTSCK ; Save position as a flag JMP PT23 ; Jump Image of page 51 for reference PT20: LXI H,PTSW1 ; Previous maximum points won CMP M ; Compare to current value JRC .+4 ; Jump if greater than MOV A,M ; Load previous max value MOV M,E ; Store new value as max won LXI H,PTSW2 ; Previous 2nd max points won CMP M ; Compare to current value JRC PT23 ; Jump if greater than MOV M,A ; Store as new 2nd max lost PT23: LXI H,Pl ; Get piece BIT 7,M ; Test color MOV A,D ; Value of piece JRZ .+4 ; Jump if white NEG ; Negate for black LXI H,MTRL ; Get addrs of material total ADD M ; Add new value MOV M,A ; Store PT25: LDA M3 ; Get current board position INR A ; Increment CPI 99 ; At end of board ? JNZ PT5 ; No - jump LDA PTSCK ; Moving piece lost flag ANA A ; Was it lost ? JRZ PT25A ; No - jump LDA PTSW2 ; 2nd max points won STA PTSW1 ; Store as max points won XRA A ; Zero out 2nd max points won STA PTSW2 PT25A: LDA PTSL ; Get max points lost ANA A ; Is it zero ? JRZ .+3 ; Yes - jump DCR A ; Decrement it MOV B,A ; Save it LDA PTSW1 ; Max,points won ANA A ; Is it zero ? JRZ .+11. ; Yes - jump LDA PTSW2 ; 2nd max points won ANA A ; Is it zero ? JRZ .+5 ; Yes - jump DCR A ; Decrement it SRLR A ; Divide it by 2 SUB B ; Subtract points lost LXT 9,COLOR ; Color of side just moved BIT 7,M ; Is it white ? JRZ .+4 ; Yes - jump NEG ; Negate for black LXI H,MTRL ; Net material on board ADD M ; Add exchange adjustments LXI H,MVO ; Material at ply 0 Image of page 52 for reference SUB M ; Subtract from current MOV B,A ; Save MVI A,30 ; Load material limit CALL LIMIT ; Limit to plus or minus value MOV E,A ; Save limited value LDA BRDC ; Get board control points LXI H,BCO ; Board control at ply zero SUB M ; Get difference MOV B,A ; Save LDA PTSCK ; Moving piece lost flag ANA A ; Is it zero ? JRZ .+4 ; Yes - jump MVI B,0 ; Zero board control points MVI A,6 ; Load board control limit CALL LIMIT ; Limit to plus or minus value MOV D,A ; Save limited value MOV A,E ; Get material points ADD A ; Multiply by 4 ADD A ADD D ; Add board control LXI H,COLOR ; Color of side just moved BIT 7,M ; Is it white ? JRNZ .+4 ; No - jump NEG ; Negate for white ADI 80H ; Rescale score (neutral = 80H STA VALM ; Save score LIXD MLPTRJ ; Load move list pointer MOV MLVAL(X),A ; Save score in move list RET ; Return Image of page 53 for reference ; xxx*xxxxx*x*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx**xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; LIMIT ROUTINE ; ~*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To limit the magnitude of a given value ; to another given value. ; CALLED BY: -- POINTS ; CALLS: -- None ; ARGUMENTS: -- Input - Value, to be limited in the B ; register. ;. - Value to limit to in the A register ; Output - Limited value in the A register. ; **xx*******xxxxx**xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxx LIMIT: BIT 7,B ; Is value negative ? JZ LIM10 ; No - jump NEG ; Make positive CMP B ; Compare to limit RNC ; Return if outside limit MOV A,B ; Output value as is RET ; Return LIM10: CMP B ; Compare to limit RC ; Return if outside limit MOV A,B ; Output value as is RET Return .END Image of page 54 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOVE ROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To execute a move from the move list on the ; board array. ; CALLED BY: -- CPTRMV ; PLYRMV ; EVAL ; FNDMOV ; VALMOV ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; xxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOVE: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Load move list pointer INX H ; Increment past link bytes INX H MV1: MOV A,M ; "From" position STA M1 ; Save INX H ; Increment pointer MOV A,M ; "To" position STA M2 ; Save INX H ; Increment pointer MOV D,M ; Get captured piece/flags LIXD M1 ; Load "from" pos board index MOV E,BOARD(X) ; Get piece moved BIT 5,D ; Test Pawn promotion flag JRNZ MV15 ; Jump if set MOV A,E ; Piece moved ANI 7 ; Clear flag bits CPI QUEEN ; Is it a queen ? JRZ MV20 ; Yes - jump CPI KING ; Is it a king ? JRZ MV30 ; Yes - jump MV5: LIYD M2 ; Load "to" pos board index SET 3,E ; Set piece moved flag MOV BOARD(Y),E ; Insert piece at new position MVI BOARD(X),0 ; Empty previous position BIT 6,D ; Double move ? JRNZ MV40 ; Yes - jump MOV A,D ; Get captured piece, if any ANI 7 CPI QUEEN ; Was it a queen ? RNZ ; No - return LXI H,POSQ ; Addr of saved Queen position BIT 7,D ; Is Queen white ? JRZ MV10 ; Yes - jump INX H ; Increment to black Queen pos Image of page 55 for reference MV10: XRA A ; Set saved position to zero MOV M,A RET ; Return MV15: SET 2,E ; Change Pawn to a Queen JMP MV5 ; Jump MV20: LXI H,POSQ ; Addr of saved Queen position MV21: BIT 7,E ; Is Queen white ? JRZ MV22 ; Yes - jump MV22: LDA M2 ; Get rnewnQueenbpositionen pos MOV M,A ; Save JMP MV5 ; Jump MV30: LXI H,POSK ; Get saved King position BIT 6,D ; Castling ? JRZ MV21 ; No - jump SET 4,E ; Set King castled flag JMP MV21 ; Jump MV40: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Get move list pointer LXI D,8 ; Increment to next move DAD D JMP MV1 ; Jump (2nd part of dbl move) Image of page 56 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'xxxxx ; UN-MOVE ROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To reverse the process of the move routine, ; thereby restoring the board array to its ; previous position. ; CALLED BY: -- VALMOV ; EVAL ; FNDMOV ; ASCEND ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNMOVE: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Load move list pointer INX H ; Increment past link bytes INX H UM1: MOV A,M ; Get "from" position STA Ml ; Save INX H ; Increment pointer MOV A,M ; Get "to" position STA M2 ; Save INX H ; Increment pointer MOV D,M ; Get captured piece/flags LIXD M2 ; Load "to" pos board index MOV E,BOARD(X) ; Get piece moved BIT 5,D ; Was it a Pawn promotion ? JRNZ UM15 ; Yes - jump MOV A,E ; Get piece moved ANI 7 ; Clear flag bits CPI QUEEN ; Was it a Queen ? JRZ UM20 ; Yes - jump CPI KING ; Was it a King ? JRZ UM30 ; Yes - jump UM5: BIT 4,D ; Is this 1st move for piece ? JRNZ UM16 ; Yes - jump UM6: LIYD M1 ; Load "from" pos board index MOV BOARD(Y),E ; Return to previous board pos MOV A,D ; Get captured piece, if any ANI 8FH ; Clear flags MOV BOARD(X),A ; Return to board BIT 6,D ; Was it a double move ? JRNZ UM40 ; Yes - jump MOV A,D ; Get captured piece, if any ANI 7 ; Clear flag bits CPI QUEEN ; Was it a Queen ? RNZ ; No - return Image of page 57 for reference LXI H,POSQ ; Address of saved Queen pos BIT 7,D ; Is Queen white ? JRZ UM10 ; Yes - jump INX H ; Increment to black Queen pos UM10: LDA M2 ; Queen's previous position MOV M,A ; Save RET ; Return UM15: RES 2,E ; Restore Queen to Pawn JMP UM5 ; Jump UM16: RES 3,E ; Clear piece moved flag JMP UM6 ; Jump UM20: LXI H,POSQ ; Addr of saved Queen position UM21: BIT 7,E ; Is Queen white ? JRZ UM22 ; Yes - jump INX H ; Increment to black Queen pos UM22: LDA M1 ; Get previous position MOV M,A ; Save JMP UM5 ; Jump UM30: LXI H,POSK ; Address of saved King pos BIT 6,D ; Was it a castle ? JRZ UM21 ; No - jump RES 4,E ;. Clear castled flag JMP UM21 ; Jump UM40: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Load move list pointer LXI D,8 ; Increment to next move DAD D JMP UM1 ; Jump (2nd part of dbl move) Image of page 58 for reference ; ******************************************************** ; SORT ROUTINE ; ******************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To sort the move list in order of ; increasing move value scores. ; ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; ; CALLS: -- EVAL ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ******************************************************** SORTM: LBCD MLPTRI ; Move list begin pointer LXI D,0 ; Initialize working pointers SR5: MOV H,B MOV L,C MOV C,M ; Link to next move INX H MOV B,M MOV M,D ; Store to link in list DCX H MOV M,E XRA A ; End of list ? CMP B RZ ; Yes - return SR10: SBCD MLPTRJ ; Save list pointer CALL EVAL ; Evaluate move LHLD MLPTRI ; Begining of move list LBCD MLPTRJ ; Restore list pointer SR15: MOV E,M ; Next move for compare INX H MOV D,M XRA A ; At end of list ? CMP D JRZ SR25 ; Yes - jump PUSH D ; Transfer move pointer POP X LDA VALM ; Get new move value CMP MLVAL(X) ; Less than list value ? JRNC SR30 ; No - jump SR25: MOV, M,B ; Link new move into list DCX H MOV M,C JMP SR5 ; Jump SR30: XCHG ; Swap pointers JMP SR15 ; Jump Image of page 59 for reference ; xxxx*xxx***xxxxx**xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; EVALUATION ROUTINE ; *x*rt*xxxx*xxx*xx*xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To evaluate a given move in the move list. ; It first makes the move on the board, then ii ; the move is legal, it evaluates it, and then ; restores the boaard position. ; CALLED BY: -- SORT ; CALLS: -- MOVE ; INCHK ; PINFND ; POINTS ; UNMOV ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; **x**x*xxx**xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EVAL: CALL MOVE ; Make move on the board array CALL INCHK ; Determine if move is legal ANA A ; Legal move ? JRZ EV5 ; Yes - jump XRA A ; Score of zero STA VALM ; For illegal move JMP EV10 ; Jump EV5: CALL PINFND ; Compile pinned list CALL POINTS ; Assign points to move EV10: CALL UNMOVE ; Restore board array RET ; Return Image of page 60 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; FIND MOVE ROUTINE ; ****************************************************************** ; ; FUNCTION: -- To determine the computer's best move by ; performing a depth first tree search using ; the techniques of alpha-beta pruning. ; ; CALLED BY: -- CPTRMV ; ; CALLS: -- PINFND ; POINTS ; GENMOV ; SORTM ; ASCEND ; UNMOV ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ; ****************************************************************** FNDMOV: LDA MOVENO ; Currnet move number CPI 1 ; First move ? CZ BOOK ; Yes - execute book opening XRA A ; Initialize ply number to zer STA NPLY LXI H,0 ; Initialize best move to zero SHLD BESTM LXI H,MLIST ; Initialize ply list pointers SHLD MLNXT LXI H,PLYIX-2 SHLD MLPTRI LDA KOLOR ; Initialize color STA COLOR LXI H,SCORE ; Initialize score index SHLD SCRIX LDA PLYMAX ; Get max ply number ADI 2 ; Add 2 MOV B,A ; Save as counter XRA A ; Zero out score table MOV M,A INX H DJNZ .-2 STA BC0 ; Zero ply 0 board control STA MV0 ; Zero ply 0 material CALL PINFND ; Complie pin list CALL POINTS ; Evaluate board at ply 0 LDA BRDC ; Get board control points STA BC0 ; Save LDA MTRL ; Get material count STA MV0 ; Save FM5: LXI H,NPLY ; Address of ply counter INR M ; Increment ply count Image of page 61 for reference XRA A ; Initialize mate flag STA MATEF CALL GENMOV ; Generate list of moves LDA NPLY ; Current ply counter LXI H,PLYMAX ; Address of maximum ply number CMP M ; At max ply ? CC SORTM ; No - call sort LHLD MLPTRI ; Load ply index pointer SHLD MLPTRJ ; Save as last move pointer FM15: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Load last move pointer MOV E,M ; Get next move pointer INX H MOV D,M MOV A,D ANA A ; End of move list ? JRZ FM25 ; Yes - jump SDED MLPTRJ ; Save current move pointer LHLD MLPTRI ; Save in ply pointer list MOV M,E INX H MOV M,D LDA NPLY ; Current ply counter LXI H,PLYMAX ; Maximum ply number ? CMP M ; Compare JRC FM18 ; Jump if not max CALL MOVE ; Execute move on board array CALL INCHK ; Check for legal move ANA A ; Is move legal JRZ .+8 ; Yes - jump CALL UNMOVE ; Restore board position JMP FM15 ; Jump LDA NPLY ; Get ply counter LXI H,PLYMAX ; Max ply number CMP M ; Beyond max ply ? JRNZ FM35 ; Yes - jump LDA COLOR ; Get current color XRI 80H ; Get opposite color CALL INCHK1 ; Determine if King is in check ANA A ; In check ? JRZ FM35 ; No - jump JMP FM19 ; Jump (One more ply for check) FM18: LIXD MLPTRJ ; Load move pointer MOV A,MLVAL(X) ; Get move score ANA A ; Is it zero (illegal move) ? JRZ FM15 ; Yes - jump CALL MOVE ; Execute move on board array FM19: LXI H,COLOR ; Toggle color MVI A,80H X RA M MOV M,A ; Save new color Image of page 62 for reference BIT 7,A ; Is it white ? RNZ .+6 ; No - jump XI H,MOVENO ; Increment move number NR M HLD SCRIX ; Load score table pointer OV A,M ; Get score two plys above NX H ; Increment to current ply NX H OV M,A ; Save score as initial value CX H ; Decrement pointer HLD SCRIX ; Save it MP FM5 ; Jump FM25: LDA MATEF ; Get mate flag ANA A ; Checkmate or stalemate ? JRNZ FM30 ; No - jump LDA CKFLG ; Get check flag ANA A ; Was King in check ? MVI A,80H ; Pre-set stalemate score JRZ FM36 ; No - jump (stalemate) LDA MOVENO ; Get move number STA MATE ; Save MVI A,OFFH ; Pre-set checkmate score JMP FM36 ; Jump FM30: LDA NPLY ; Get ply counter CPI 1 ; At top of tree ? RZ ; Yes - return CALL ASCEND ; Ascend one ply in tree LHLD SCRIX ; Load score table pointer INX H ; Increment to current ply INX H MOV A,M ; Get score DCX H ; Restore pointer DCX H JMP FM37 ; Jump FM35: CALL PINFND ; Compile pin list CALL POINTS ; Evaluate move CALL UNMOVE ; Restore board position LDA VALM ; Get value of move FM36: LXI H,MATEF ; Set mate flag SET 0,M LHLD SCRIX ; Load score table pointer FM37: CMP M ; Compare to score 2 ply above JRC FM40 ; Jump if less JRZ FM40 ; Jump if equal NEG ; Negate score INX H ; Incr score table pointer CMP M ; Compare to score 1 ply above JC FM15 ; Jump if less than JZ FM15 ; Jump if equal Image of page 63 for reference MOv M,A ; Save as new score 1 ply above LDA NPLY ; Get current ply counter CPI 1 ; At top of tree ? JNZ FM15 ; No - jump LHLD MLPTRJ ; Load current move pointer SHLD BESTM ; Save as best move.pointer LDA SCORE+1 ; Get best move score CPI OFFH ; Was it a checkmate ? JNZ FM15 ; No - jump LXI H,PLYMAX ; Get maximum ply number DCR M ; Subtract 2 DCR M LDA KOLOR ; Get computer's color BIT 7,A ; Is it white ? RZ ; Yes - return LXI H,PMATE ; Checkmate move number DCR M ; Decrement RET ; Return FM40: CALL ASCEND ; Ascend one ply in tree JMP FM15 ; Jump Image of page 64 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; ASCEND TREE ROUTINE ; ****************************************************************** ; ; FUNCTION: -- To adjust all necessary parameters to ; ascend one ply in the tree. ; ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; ; CALLS: -- UNMOV ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ****************************************************************** ASCEND: LXI H,COLOR ; Toggle color MVI A,80H XRA M MOV M,A ; Save new color BIT 7,A ; Is it white ? JRZ .+6 ; Yes - jump LXI H,MOVENO ; Decrement move number DCR M LHLD SCRIX ; Load score table index DCX H ; Decrement SHLD SCRIX ; Save LXI H,NPLY ; Decrement ply counter DCR M LHLD MLPTRI ; Load ply list pointer DCX H ; Load pointer to move list to MOV D,M DCX H MOV E,M SDED MLNXT ; Update move list avail ptr DCX H ; Get ptr to next move to undo MOV D,M DCX H MOV E,M SHLD MLPTRI ; Save new ply list pointer SDED MLPTRJ ; Save next move pointer CALL UNMOVE ; Restore board to previous pl RET ; Return Image of page 65 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; ONE MOVE BOOK OPENING ; *****************************************x*************** ; FUNCTION: -- To provide an opening book of a single ; move. ; ; CALLED BY: -- FNDMOV ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ****************************************************************** BOOK: POP PSW ; Abort return to FNDMOV LXI H,SCORE+1 ; Zero out score MVI M,0 ; Zero out score table LXI H,BMOVES-2 ; Init best move ptr to book SHLD BESTM LXI H,BESTM ; Initialize address of pointer LDA KOLOR ; Get computer's color ANA A ; Is it white ? JRNZ BM5 ; No - jump LDAR ; Load refresh reg (random no) BIT 0,A ; Test random bit RZ ; Return if zero (P-K4) INR M ; P-Q4 INR M INR M RET ; Return BM5: INR M ; Increment to black moves INR M INR M INR M INR M INR M LIXD MLPTRJ ; Pointer to opponents 1st move MOV A,MLFRP(X) ; Get "from" position CPI 22 ; Is it a Queen Knight move ? JRZ BM9 ; Yes - Jump CPI 27 ;.Is it a King Knight move ? JRZ BM9 ; Yes - jump CPI 34 ; Is it a Queen Pawn ? JRZ BM9 ; Yes - jump RC ; If Queen side Pawn opening - ; return (P-K4) CPI 35 ; Is it a King Pawn ? RZ ; Yes - return (P-K4) BM9: INR M ; (P-Q4) INR M INR M RET ; Return to CPTRMV ; **x*********x*****x**x*xx*xx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxx Image of page 66 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxx ; GRAPHICS DATA BASE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; DESCRIPTION: The Graphics Data Base contains the ; necessary stored data to propuce the piece ; on the board. Only the center 4 x 4 blocks are ; stored and only for a Black Piece on a White ; square. A White piece on a black square is ; produced by complementing each block, and a ; piece on its own color square is produced ; by moving in a kernel of 6 blocks. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .LOC START+384 BLBASE = START+512 BLOCK = .-BLBASE .RADIX 16 .BYTE 80,80,80,80 ; Black Pawn on White square .BYTE 80,0A0,90,80 .BYTE 80,0AF,9F,80 .BYTE 80,83,83,80 .BYTE 80,0B0,0B0,80 ; Black Knight on White square .BYTE OBE,0BF,0BF,95 .BYTE OA0,0BE,0BF,85 .BYTE 83,83,83,81 .BYTE 80,0A0,00,80 ; Black Bishop on White square .BYTE OA8,0BF,0BD,80 .BYTE 82,0AF,87,80 .BYTE 82,83,83,80 .BYTE 80,80,80,80 ; Black Rook on White square .BYTE 8A,0BE,0BD,85 .BYTE 80,0BF,0BF,80 .BYTE 82,83,83,81 .BYTE 90,80,80,90 ; Black Queen on White square .BYTE OBF,0B4,0BE,95 .BYTE 8B,0BF,9F,81 .BYTE 83,83,83,81 .BYTE 80,088,90,80 ; Black King on White square .BYTE OBC,0BA,0B8,94 .BYTE OAF,0BF,0BF,85 .BYTE 83,83,83,81 .BYTE 90,0B0,0B0,80 ; Toppled Black King .BYTE OBF,0BF,0B7,80 .BYTE 9F,0BF,0BD,80 .BYTE 80,80,88,9D KERNEL = .-BLBASE .BYTE OBF,9F,0AF,0BF,9A,0A5 ; Pawn Kernel .BYTE 89,0AF,0BF,9F,0B9,9F ; Knight Kernel .BYTE 97,0BE,96,0BD,9B,0B9 ; Bishop Kernel .BYTE 0B5,0A1,92,0BF,0AA,95 ; Rook Kernel .BYTE OA8,9B,0B9,0B6,0AF,0A7 ; Queen Kernel .BYTE OA3,85,0A7,9A,0BF,9F ; King Kernel .BYTE 0A8,0BF,89,0A2,8F,86 ; Toppled King Kernel .RADIX 10 Image of page 67 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; STANDARD MESSAGES ; ********************tr********tt********trtt*trtt,etttt**tr**xtr,ttt .LOC START+1800H GRTTNG: .ASCII "WELCOME TO CHESS! CARE FOR A GAME?" ANAMSG: .ASCII "WOULD YOU LIKE TO ANALYZE A POSITION?" CLRMSG: .ASCII "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WHITE(w) OR BLACK(b)?" TITLEl: .ASCII "SARGON" TITLE2: .ASCII "PLAYER" SPACE: .ASCII " ; For output of blank area MVENUM: .ASCII "01 " TITLES: .ASCII " " .ASCII [^H83] ; Part of TITLE 3 - Underlines .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII " " .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII [^H83] .ASCII " " MVEMSG: .ASCII "al-al" 0.0: .ASCII "0-0 " 0.0.0: .ASCII "0-0-0" CKMSG: .ASCII "CHECK" MTMSG: .ASCII "MATE IN " MTPL: .ASCII "2" PCs: .ASCII "KQRBNP" ; Valid piece characters UWIN: .ASCII "YOU WIN" IWIN: .ASCII "I WIN" AGAIN: .ASCII "CARE FOR ANOTHER GAME?" CRTNES: .ASCII "IS THIS RIGHT?" PLYDEP: .ASCII "SELECT LOOK AHEAD (1-6)" TITLE4: -.ASCII " " WSMOVE: .ASCII "WHOSE MOVE IS IT?" BLANKR: .ASCII ["HlC] ; Control- P.PEP: .ASCII "PxPep" INVALI: .ASCII "INVALID MOVE" INVAL2: .ASCII "TRY AGAIN" Image of page 68 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; VARIABLES ; ****************************************************************** BRDPOS: .BLKB 1 ; Index into the board array ANBDPS: .BLKB 1 ; Additional index required for ANALYS INDXER: .WORD BLBASE ; Index into graphics data base NORMAD: .BLKW 1 ; The address of the upper left hand corner of the square on the board LINECT: .BYTE 0 ; Current line number ; ****************************************************************** ; MACRO DEFINITIONS ; ****************************************************************** ; All input/output to SARGON is handled in the form of macro calls to ; simplify conversion to alternate systems. All of the input/output macros ; conform to the Jove monitor of the Jupiter III computer. ; ****************************************************************** ;*** OUTPUT *** .DEFINE CARRET= [RST 7 .BYTE 92H,lAH .WORD 0] ;*** CLEAR SCREEN *** .DEFINE CLRSCR= [RST 7 .BYTE OB2H,lAH .WORD BLANKR,1] ;*** PRINT ANY LINE (NAME, LENGTH) *** .DEFINE PRTLIN[NAME,LNGTH)= [RST 7 .BYTE 0B2H,lAH .WORD NAME,LNGTH] ;*** PRINT ANY BLOCK (NAME, LENGTH) *** .DEFINE PRTBLK[NAME,LNGTH]= [RST 7 .BYTE OB3H,lAH .WORD NAME,LNGTH] ;*** EXIT TO MONITOR *** .DEFINE EXIT= [RST 7 .BYTE 01FH) Image of page 69 for reference ; ****************************************************************** ; MAIN PROGRAM DRIVER ; *********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To coordinate the game moves. ; ; CALLED BY: -- None ; ; CALLS: -- INTERR ; INITBD ; DSPBRD ; CPTRMV ; PLYRMV ; TBCPCL ; PGIFND ; MACRO CALLS: CLRSCR ; CARRET ; PRTLIN ; PRTBLK ; ARGUMENTS: None ; ********************************************************** .LOC START+lA00H ; Above the move logic DRIVER: LXI SP,STACK ; Set stack pointer CLRSCR ; Blank out screen PRTLIN GRTTNG,34 ; Output greeting DRIV01: CALL CHARTR ; Accept answer CARRET ; New line CPI 59H ; Is it a 'Y' ? JNZ ANALYS ; Yes - jump SUB A ; Code of White is zero STA COLOR ; White always moves first CALL INTERR ; Players color/search depth CALL INITBD ; Initialize board array MVI A,1 ; Move number is 1 at at start STA MOVENO ; Save STA LINECT ; Line number is one at start LXI H,MVENUM ; Address of ascii move number MVI M,30H ; Init to '01 ' INX H MVI M,31H INX H MVI M,20H CALL DSPBRD ; Set up graphics board PRTLIN TITLE4,15 ; Put up player headings PRTLIN TITLE3,15 DRIV04: PRTBLK MVENUM,3 ; Display move number LDA KOLOR ; Bring in computer's color ANA A ; Is it white ? JRNZ DR08 ; No - jump Image of page 70 for reference CALL PGIFND ; New page if needed CPI 1 ; Was page turned ? CZ TBCPCL ; Yes - Tab to computers column CALL CPTRMV ; Make and write computers move PRTBLK SPACE,1 ; Output a space CALL PLYRMV ; Accept and make players move CARRET ; New line JMPR DROC ; Jump DR08: CALL PLYRMV ; Accept and make players move PRTBLK SPACE,1 ; Output a space CALL PGIFND ; New page if needed CPI 1 ; Was page turned ? CZ TBCPCL ; Yes - Tab to computers column CALL CPTRMV ; Make and write computers move CARRET ; New line DROC: LXI H,MVENUM+2 ; Addr of 3rd char of move MVI A,20H ; Ascii space CMP M ; Is char a space ? MVI A,3AH ; Set up test value JRZ DR10 ; Yes - jump INR M ; Increment value CMP M ; Over Ascii 9 ? JRNZ DR14 ; No - jump MVI M,30H ; Set char to zero DR10: DCX H ; 2nd char of Ascii move no. INR M ; Increment value CMP M ; Over Ascii 9 ? JRNZ DR14 ; No - jump MVI M,30H ; Set char to zero DCX H ; 1st char of Ascii move no. INR M ; Increment value CMP M ; Over Ascii 9 ? JRNZ DR14 ; No - jump MVI M,31H ; Make 1st char a one MVI A,30H ; Make 3rd char a zero STA MVENUM+2 DR14: LXI H,MOVENO ; Hexadecimal move number INR M ; Increment JMP DRIV04 ; Jump Image of page 71 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; INTERROGATION FOR PLY & COLOR ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To query the player for his choice of ply ; depth and color. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; ; CALLS: -- CHARTR ; ; MACRO CALLS: PRTLIN ; CARRET ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None Image of page 72 for reference ; ************************************************************** INTERR: PRTLIN CLRMSG,41 ; Request color choice CALL CHARTR ; Accept response CARRET ; New line CPI 57H ; Did player request white ? JRZ IN04 ; Yes - branch SUB A ; Set computers color to white STA KOLOR LXI H,TITLE1 ; Prepare move list titles LXI D,TITLE4+2 LXI B,6 LDIR LXI H,TITLE2 LXI D,TITLE4+9 LXI B,6 LDIR JMPR IN08 ; Jump IN04: MVI A,80H ; Set computers color to black STA KOLOR LXI H,TITLE2 ; Prepare move list titles LXI D,TITLE4+2 LXI B,6 LDIR LXI H,TITLEI LXI D,TITLE4+9 LXI B,6 LDIR IN08: PRTLIN PLYDEP,23 ; Request depth of search CALL CHARTR ; Accept response CARRET ; New line LXI H,PLYMAX ; Address of ply depth variabl MVI M,2 ; Default depth of search CPI 31H ; Under minimum of 1 ? RM ; Yes - return CPI 37H ; Over maximum of 6 ? RP ; Yes - return SUI 30H ; Subtract Ascii constant MOV M,A ; Set desired depth RET ; Return Image of page 73 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; COMPUTER MOVE ROUTINE ; *********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To control the search for the computers move ; and the display of that move on the board ; and in the move list. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; ; CALLS: -- FNDMOV ; FCDMAT ; MOVE ; EXECMV ; BITASN ; INCHK ; MACRO CALLS: PRTBLK ; CARRET ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None *********************************************************** CPTRMV: CALL FNDMOV ; Select best move LHLD BESTM ; Move list pointer variable SHLD MLPTRJ ; Pointer to move data LDA SCORE+1 ; To check for mates CPI 1 ; Mate against computer ? JRNZ CPOC ; No - jump MVI C,1 ; Computer mate flag CALL FCDMAT ; Full checkmate ? CPOC: CALL MOVE ; Produce move on board array CALL EXECMV ; Make move on graphics board and return info about it MOV A,B ; Special move flags ANA A ; Special ? JRNZ CP10 ; Yes - jump MOV D,E ; "To" position of the move CALL BITASN ; Convert to Ascii S.HLD MVEMSG+3 ; Put in move message MOV D,C ; "From" position of the move CALL BITASN ; Convert to Ascii SHLD MVEMSG ; Put in move message PRTBLK MVEMSG,5 ; Output text of move JMPR CPlC ; Jump CP10: BIT 1,B ; King side castle ? JRZ .+11 ; No - jump PRTBLK 0.0,5 ; Output "0-O" JMPR CPlC ; Jump BIT 2,B ; Queen side castle ? JRZ .+11 ; No - jump Image of page 74 for reference PRTBLK 0.0.0,5 ; Output "O-O-O" JMPR CPlC ; Jump PRTBLK P.PEP,5 ; Output "PxPep" - En passant CPlC: LDA COLOR ; Should computer call check ? MOV B,A XRI 80H ; Toggle color STA COLOR CALL INCHK ; Check for check ANA A ; Is enemy in check ? MOV A,B ; Restore color STA COLOR JRZ CP24 ; No - return CARRET ; New line LDA SCORE+1 ; Check for player mated CPI OFFH ; Forced mate ? CNZ TBCPMV ; No - Tab to computer column PRTBLK CKMSG,5 ; Output "check" LXI H,LINECT ; Address of screen line count INR M ; Increment for message CP24: LDA SCORE+1 ; Check again for mates CPI OFFH ; Player mated ? RNZ ; No - return MVI C,0 ; Set player mate flag CALL FCDMAT ; Full checkmate ? RET ; Return Image of page 75 for reference ; *xxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FORCED MATE HANDLING ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To examine situations where there exits ; a forced mate and determine whether or ; not the current move is checkmate. If it is, ; a losing player is offered another game, ; while a loss for the computer signals the ; King to tip over in resignation. ; CALLED BY: -- CPTRMV ; CALLS: -- MATED ; CHARTR ; TBPLMV ; ARGUMENTS: -- The only value passed in a register is the ; flag which tells FCDMAT whether the computer ; or the player is mated. ; xxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FCDMAT: LDA MOVENO ; Current move number MOV B,A ; Save LDA PMATE ; Move number where mate occurs SUB B ; Number of moves till mate ANA A ;Checkmate ? JRNZ FMOC ; No - jump BIT 0,C ; Check flag for who is mated JRZ FM04 ; Jump if player CARF9T ; New line PRTLIN CKMSG,9 ; Print "CHECKMATE" CALL MATED ; Tip over King PRTLIN UWIN,7 ; Output "YOU WIN" JMPR FM08 ; Jump FM04: PRTLIN MTMSG,4 ; Output "MATE" PRTLIN IWIN,5 ; Output "I WIN" FM08: POP H ; Remove return addresses POP H CALL CHARTR ; Input any char to play again FM09: CLRSCR ; Blank screen PRTLIN AGAIN,22 "CARE FOR ANOTHER GAME?" JMP DRIV01 ; Jump (Rest of game init) FMOC: BIT 0,C ; Who has forced mate ? RNZ ; Return if player CARRET ; New line ADI 30H ; Number of moves to Ascii STA MTPL ; Place value in message PRTLIN MTMSG,9 ; Output "MATE IN x MOVES" CALL TBPLMV ; Tab to players column RET ; Return Image of page 76 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; TAB TO PLAYERS COLUMN ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To space over in the move listing to the ; column in which the players moves are being ; recorded. This routine also reprints the ; move number. ; ; CALLED BY: -- PLYRMV ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; MACRO CALLS: PRTBLK ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ; ************************************************************** TBPLCL: PRTBLK MVENUM,3 ; Reproduce move number LDA KOLOR ; Computers color ANA A ; Is computer white ? RNZ ; No - return PRTBLK SPACE,6 ; Tab to next column RET ; Return ; ************************************************************** TAB TO COMPUTERS COLUMN ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To space over in the move listing to the ; column in which the computers moves are ; being recorded. This routine also reprints ; the move number. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; CPTRMV ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; MACRO CALLS: PRTBLK ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ************************************************************** TBCPCL: PRTBLK MVENUM,3 ; Reproduce move number LDA KOLOR ; Computer's color ANA A ; Is computer white ? RZ ; Yes - return PRTBLK SPACE,6 ; Tab to next column RET ; Return Image of page 77 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; TAB TO PLAYERS COLUMN W/0 MOVE NO. ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- Like TBPLCL, except that the move number ; is not reprinted. ; ; CALLED BY: -- FCDMAT ; ************************************************************ ; TBPLMV: PRTBLK SPACE,3 ; LDA KOLOR ; ANA A ; RNZ ; PRTBLK SPACE,6 ; RET ; ; ************************************************************** TAB TO COMPUTERS COLUMN W/O MOVE NO. ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- Like TBCPCL, except that the move number ; is not reprinted. ; ;CALLED BY: -- CPTRMV ; ************************************************************** TBCPMV: PRTBLK SPACE,3 LDA KOLOR ANA A RZ PRTBLK SPACE,6 RET Image of page 78 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; BOARD INDEX TO ASCII SQUARE NAME ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To translate a hexadecimal index in the ; board array into an ascii description ; of the square in algebraic chess notation. ; ; CALLED BY: -- CPTRMV ; ; CALLS: -- DIVIDE ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Board index input in register D and the Ascii ; square name is output in register pair HL. ; ************************************************************** BITASN: SUB A ; Get ready for division MVI E,10 CALL DIVIDE ; Divide DCR D ; Get rank on 1-8 basis ADI 60H ; Convert file to Ascii (a-h) MOV L,A ; Save MOV A,D ; Rank ADI 30H ; Convert rank to Ascii (1-8) MOV H,A ; Save RET ; Return Image of page 79 for reference ; ************************************************************** ; PLAYERS MOVE ANALYSIS ; ************************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To accept and validate the players move ; and produce it on the graphics board. Also ; allows player to resign the game by ; entering a control-R. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; ; CALLS: -- CHARTR ; ASNTBI ; VALMOV ; EXECMV ; PGIFND ; TBPLCL ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ************************************************************** PLYRMV: CALL CHARTR ; Accept "from" file letter CPI 12H ; Is it instead a Control-R ? JZ FM09 ; Yes - jump MOV H,A ; Save CALL CHARTR ; Accept "from" rank number MOV L,A ; Save CALL ASNTBI ; Convert to a board index SUB B ; Gives board index, if valid JRZ PL08 ; Jump if invalid STA MVEMSG ; Move list "from" position CALL CHARTR ; Accept separator & ignore it CALL CHARTR ; Repeat for "to" position MOV H,A CALL CHARTR MOV L,A CALL ASNTBI SUB B JRZ PL08 STA MVEMSG+1 ; Move list "to" position CALL VALMOV ; Determines if a legal move ANA A ; Legal ? JNZ PL08 ; No - jump CALL EXECMV ; Make move on graphics board RET ; Return PL08: LXI H,LINECT ; Address of screen line count INR M ; Increase by 2 for message INR M CARRET ; New line CALL PGIFND ; New page if needed PRTLIN INVAL1,12 ; Output "INVALID MOVE" PRTLIN INVAL2,9 ; Output "TRY AGAIN" CALL TBPLCL ; Tab to players column JMP PLYRMV ; Jump Image of page 80 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; ASCII SQUARE NAME TO BOARD INDEX ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- To convert an algebraic square name in ; Ascii to a hexadecimal board index. ; This routine also checks the input for ; validity. ; CALLED BY: -- PLYRMV ; CALLS: -- MLTPLY ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Accepts the square name in register pair HL and ; outputs the board index in register A. Register ; B = 0 if ok. Register B = Register A if invalid. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ASNTBI: MOV A,L ; Ascii rank SUI 30H ; Rank 1 - 8 CPI 1 ; Check lower bound JM AT04 ; Jump if invalid CPI 9 ; Check upper bound JRNC AT04 ; Jump if invalid INR A . ; Rank 2 - 9 MOV D,A ; Ready for multiplication MVI E,10 CALL MLTPLY ; Multiply MOV A,H ; Ascii file letter (a - h) SUI 40H ; File 1 - 8 CPI 1 ; Check lower bound JM AT04 ; Jump if invalid CPI 9 ; Check upper bound JRNC AT04 ; Jump if invalid ADD D ; File+Rank(20-90)=Board index MVI B,0 ; Ok flag RET ; Return AT04: MOV B,A ; Invalid flag RET ; Return Image of page 81 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; VALIDATE MOVE SUBROUTINE ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To check a players move for validity. ; ; CALLED BY: -- PLYRMV ; ; CALLS: -- GENMOV ; MOVE ; INCHK ; UNMOVE ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Returns flag in register A, 0 for valid and 1 for ; invalid move. ; ********************************************************** VALMOV: LHLD MLPTRJ ; Save last move pointer PUSH H ; Save register LDA KOLOR ; Computers color XRI 80H ;Toggle color STA COLOR ; Store LXI H,PLYIX-2 ; Load move list index SHLD MLPTRI LXI H,MLIST+1024 ; Next available list pointer SHLD MLNXT CALL GENMOV ; Generate opponents moves LXI X,MLIST+1024 ; Index to start of moves VA5: LDA MVEMSG ; "From" position CMP MLFRP(X) ; Is it in list ? JRNZ VA6 ; No - jump LDA MVEMSG+l ; "To" position CMP MLTOP(X) ; Is it in list ? JRZ VA7 ; Yes - jump VA6: MOV E,MLPTR(X) ; Pointer to next list move MOV D,MLPTR+1 (X) XRA A ; At end of list ? CMP D JRZ VA10 ; Yes - jump PUSH D ; Move to X register POP X JMPR VA5 ; Jump VA7: SIXD MLPTRJ ; Save opponents move pointer CALL MOVE ; Make move on board array CALL INCHK ; Was it a legal move ? ANA A JRNZ VA9 ; No - jump VA8: POP H ; Restore saved register RET ; Return VA9: CALL UNMOVE ; Un-do move on board array VA10: MVI A,l ; Set flag for invalid move POP H ; Restore saved register SHLD MLPTRJ ; Save move pointer RET ; Return Image of page 82 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; ACCEPT INPUT CHARATER ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- Accepts a single character input from the ; console keyboard and places it in the A ; register. The character is also echoed on ; the video screen, unless it is a carrage ; return, line feed, or backspace. Lower case ; alphabetic characters are folded to upper case. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; INTERR ; PLYRMV ; ANALYS ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Character input is output in register A. ; ; NOTES: -- This routine contains a reference to a ; monitor function of the Jove monitor, there- ; for the first few lines of this routine are ; system dependent. ; ********************************************************** CHARTR: RST 7 ; Jove monitor single char inpt .BYTE 81H,0 CPI ODH ; Carriage return ? RZ ; Yes - return CPI OAH ; Line feed ? RZ ; Yes - return CPI 08H ; Backspace ? RZ ; Yes - return RST 7 ; Jove monitor single char echo .BYTE 81H,lAH ANI 7FH ; Mask off parity bit CPI 7BH ; Upper range check (z+l) RP ; No need to fold - return CPI 61H ; Lower-range check (a) RM ; No need to fold - return SUI 20H ; Change to one of A-Z RET ; Return Image of page 83 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; NEW PAGE IF NEEDED ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To clear move list output when the column ; has been filled. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; PLYRMV ; CPTRMV ; ; CALLS: -- DSPBRD ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Returns a 1 in the A register if a new ; page was turned. ; xx**x*xx*xx**x***xx*xx********x**x***x*xx*x*x*xxxx*xx*xx PGIFND: LXI H,LINECT ; Addr of page position counter INR M ; Increment MVI A,1BH ; Page bottom ? CMP M RNC ; No - return CALL DSPBRD ; Put up new page PRTLIN TITLE4,15 ; Re-print titles PRTLIN TITLE3,15 MVI A,1 ; Set line count back to 1 STA LINECT RET ; Return Image of page 84 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; DISPLAY MATED KING ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To tip over the computers King when ; mated. ; ; CALLED BY: -- FCDMAT ; ; CALLS: -- CONVRT ; BLNKER ; INSPCE (Abnormal Call to IP04) ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ********************************************************** MATED: LDA KOLOR ; Computers color ANA A ; Is computer white ? JRZ .+9 ; Yes - skip MVI C,2 ; Set black piece flag LDA POSK+1 ; Position of black King JMPR MA08 ; Jump MOV C,A ; Clear black piece flag LDA POSK ; Position of white King MA08: STA BRDPOS ; Store King position STA ANBDPS ; Again CALL CONVRT ; Getting norm address in HL MVI A,7 ; Piece value of toppled King MVI B,10 ; Blink parameter CALL BLNKER ; Blink King position LXI Y,MAOC ; Prepare for abnormal call PUSH Y PUSH H PUSH B PUSH D PUSH X PUSH PSW JMP IP04 ; Call INSPCE MAOC: MVI B,10 ; Blink again LDA ANBDPS STA BRDPOS CALL BLNKER RET ; Return Image of page 85 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; SET UP POSITION FOR ANALYSIS ; ********************************************************* ; FUNCTION: -- To enable user to set up any position ; for analysis, or to continue to play ; the game. The routine blinks the board ; squares in turn and the user has the option ; of leaving the contents unchanged by a ; carriage return, emptying the square by a 0, ; or inputting a piece of his chosing. To ; enter a piece, type in piece-code,color-code, ; moved-code. ; ; Piece-code is a letter indicating the ; desired piece: ; K - King ; Q - Queen ; R - Rook ; B - Bishop ; N - Knight ; P - Pawn ; ; Color code is a letter, W for white, or B for ; black. ; ; Moved-code is a number. 0 indicates the piece has never ; moved. 1 indicates the piece has moved. ; ; A backspace will back up in the sequence of blinked ; squares. An Escape will terminate the blink cycle and ; verify that the position is correct, then procede ; with game initialization. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; ; CALLS: -- CHARTR ; DPSBRD ; BLNKER ; ROYALT ; PLYRMV ; CPTRMV ; MACRO CALLS: PRTLIN ; EXIT ; CLRSCR ; PRTBLK ; CARRET ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ********************************************************** Image of page 86 for reference ANALYS: PRTLIN ANAMSG,37 ; "CARE TO ANALYSE A POSITION?" CALL CHARTR ; Accept answer CARRET ; New line CPI 4EH ; Is answer a "N" ? JRNZ AN04 ; No - jump EXIT ; Return to monitor AN04: CALL DSPBRD ; Current board position MVI A,21 ; First board index AN08: STA ANBDPS ; Save STA BRDPOS CALL CONVRT ; Norm address into HL register STA M1 ; Set up board index LIXD M1 MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Get board contents CPI OFFH ; Boarder square ? JRZ AN19 ; Yes - jump MVI B,4H ; Ready to blink square CALL BLNKER ; Blink CALL CHARTR ; Accept input CPI 1BH ; Is it an escape ? JRZ ANlB ; Yes - jump CPI 08H ; Is it a backspace ? JRZ ANIA ; Yes - jump CPI ODH ; Is it a carriage return ? JRZ AN19 ; Yes - jump LXI B,7 ; Number of types of pieces + 1 LXI H,PCS ; Address of piece symbol table CCIR ; Search JRNZ AN18 ; Jump if not found CALL CHARTR ; Accept and ignore separator CALL CHARTR ; Color of piece CPI 42H ; Is it black ? JRNZ .+4 ; No - skip SET 7,C ; Black piece indicator CALL CHARTR ; Accept and ignore separator CALL CHARTR ; Moved flag CPI 31H ; Has piece moved ? JRNZ AN18 ; No - jump SET 3,C ; Set moved indicator AN18: MOV BOARD(X),C ; Insert piece into board array CALL DSPBRD ; Update graphics board AN19: LDA ANBDPS ; Current board position INR A ; Next CPI 99 ; Done ? JRNZ AN08 ; No - jump JMPR AN04 ; Jump ANlA: LDA ANBDPS ; Prepare to go back a square Image of page 87 for reference SUI 3 ; To get around boarder CPI 20 ; Off the other end ? JNC AN08 ; No - jump MVI A,98 ; Wrap around to top of screen ANOB: JMP AN08 ; Jump ANlB: PRTLIN CRTNES,14 ; Ask if correct CALL CHARTR ; Accept answer CPI 4EH ; Is it "N" ? JZ AN04 ; No - jump CALL ROYALT ; Update positions of royalty CLRSCR ; Blank screen CALL INTERR ; Accept color choice ANlC: PRTLIN WSMOVE,17 ; Ask whose move it is CALL CHARTR ; Accept response CALL DSPBRD ; Display graphics board PRTLIN TITLE4,15 ; Put up titles PRTLIN TITLE3,15 CPI 57H ; Is is whites move ? JZ DRIV04 ; Yes - jump PRTBLK MvENUM,3 ; Print move number PRTBLK SPACE,6 ; Tab to blacks column LDA KOLOR ; Computer's color ANA A ; Is computer white ? JRNZ AN20 : No - jump CALL PLYRMV ; Get players move CARRET ; New line JMP DROC ; Jump AN20: CALL CPTRMV ; Get computers move CARRET ; New line JMP DROC ; Jump Image of page 88 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; UPDATE POSITIONS OF ROYALTY ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- To update the positions of the Kings ; and Queen after a change of board position ; in ANALYS. ; ; CALLED BY: -- ANALYS ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; ********************************************************** ROYALT: LXI H,POSK ; Start of Royalty array MVI B,4 ; Clear all four positions MVI M,0 INX H DJNZ .-3 MVI A,21 ; First board position RY04: STA M1 ; Set up board index LXI H,POSK ; Address of King position LIXD M1 MOV A,BOARD(X) ;Fetch board contents BIT 7,A ; Test color bit JRZ .+3 ; Jump if white INX H ; Offset for black ANI 7 ; Delete flags, leave piece CPI KING ; King ? JRZ RY08 ; Yes - jump CPI QUEEN ; Queen ? JRNZ RYOC ; No - jump INX H ; Queen position INX H ; Plus offset RY08: LDA M1 ; Index MOV M,A ; Save RYOC: LDA M1 ; Current position INR A ; Next position CPI 99 ; Done.? JRNZ RY04 ; No - jump RET ; Return Image of page 89 for reference ; ********************************************************** ; SET UP EMPTY BOARD ; ********************************************************** ; FUNCTION: -- Diplay graphics board and pieces. ; ; CALLED BY: -- DRIVER ; ANALYS ; PGIFND ; ; CALLS: -- CONVRT ; INSPCE ; ARGUMENTS: -- None ; NOTES: -- This routine makes use of several fixed ; addresses in the video stoFage area of ; the Jupiter III computer, and is therefor ; system dependent. Each such reference will ; be marked. ; ********************************************************** DSPBRD: PUSH B ; Save registers PUSH D PUSH H PUSH PSW CLRSCR ; Blank screen LXI H,OC000H ; System Dependent-First video address MVI M,80H ; Start of blank border LXI D,0C001H ; Sys Dep- Next boarder square LXI 8,15 ; Number of bytes to be moved LDIR ; Blank boarder bar MVI M,OAAH ; First black boarder box INR L ; Next block address MVI B,6 ; Number to be moved DB04: MVI M,80H ; Create white block INR L ; Next block address DJNZ DB04 ; Done ? No - jump MVI B,6 ; Number of repeats DB08: MVI M,OBFH ; Create black box INR L ; Next block address DJNZ DB08 ; Done ? No - jump XCHG ; Get ready for block move LXI B,36 ; Bytes to be moved LDIR ; Move - completes first bar LXI H,0C000H ; S D - First addr to be copied LXI B,ODOH ; Number of blocks to move LDIR ; Completes first rank LXI H,OC016H ; S D - Start of copy area LXI B,6 ; Number of blocks to move Image of page 90 for reference LDIR ; First black square done LXI H,OC010H ; S D - Start copy area LXI B,42 ; Bytes to be moved LDIR ; Rest of bar done LXI H,OC100H ; S D - Start of copy area LXI B,OCOH ; Move three bars LDIR ; Next rank done LXI H,OC000H ; S D - Copy rest of screen LXI B,600H ; Number of blocks LDIR ; Board done BSETUP: MVI A,21 ; First board index BSET04: STA BRDPOS ; Ready parameter CALL CONVRT ; Norm addr into HL regtisters CALL INSPCE ; Insert that piece onto board INR A ; Next square CPI 99 ; Done ? JRC BSET04 ; No - jump POP PSW ; Restore registers POP H POP D POP B RET Image of page 91 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; INSERT PIECE SUBROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- This subroutine places a piece onto a ; given square on the video board. The piece ; inserted is that stored in the board array ; for that square. ; CALLED BY: -- DPSPRD ; MATED ; CALLS: -- MLTPLY ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Norm address for the square in register pair HL. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INSPCE: PUSH H ; Save registers PUSH B PUSH D PUSH X PUSH PSW LDA BRDPOS ; Get board index STA M1 ; Save LIXD M1 ; Index into board array MOV A,BOARD(X) ; Contents of board array ANA A ; Is square empty ? JRZ IP2C ; Yes - jump CPI OFFH ; Is it a boarder square ? JRZ IP2C ; Yes - jump MVI C,0 ; Clear flag register BIT 7,A ; Is piece white ? JRZ IP04 ; Yes - jump MVI C,2 ; Set black piece flag IP04: ANI 7 ; Delete flags, leave piece DCR A ; Piece on a 0 - 5 basis MOV E,A ; Save MVI D,16 ; Multiplier CALL MLTPLY ; For loc of piece in table M'OV A,D ; Displacement into block table STA INDXER ; Low order index byte LIXD INDXER ; Get entire index BIT O,M ; Is square white ? JRZ IP08 ; Yes - jump INR C ; Set compliment flag IP08: INR L ; Address of first alter block PUSH H ; Save MVI D,® ; Bar counter IPOC: MVI B,4 ; Block counter IP10: MOV A,BLOCK(X) ; Bring in source block BIT 0,C ; Should it be complemented ? Image of page 92 for reference JRZ IP14 ; No - jump XRI 3FH ; Graphics complement IP14: MOV M,A ; Store block INR L ; Next block INX X ; Next source block DJNZ "P10 ; Done ? No - jump MOV A,L ; Bar increment ADI 3CH MOV L,A INR D ; Bar counter BIT 2,D ; Done ? JRZ IPOC ; No - jump POP H ; Address of Norm + 1 BIT 0,C ; Is square white ? JRNZ IP18 ; No - jump BIT 1,C ; Is piece white ? JRNZ IP2C ; No - jump JMPR IPIC ; Jump IP18: BIT 1,C ; Is piece white ? JRZ IP2C ; Yes - jump IPlC: MVI D,6 ; Multiplier CALL MLTPLY ; Multiply for displacement MOV A,D ; Kernel table displacement STA INDXER ; Save LIXD INDXER ; Get complete index MOV A,L ; Start of Kernel ADI 40H MOV L,A MVI D,0 ; Bar counter IP20: MVI B,3 ; Block counter IP24: MOV A,KERNEL(X) ; Kernel block BIT 1,C ; Need to complement ? JRNZ IP28 ; No - jump XRI 3FH ; Graphics complement IP28: MOV M,A ; Store block INR L ; Next target block INX X ; Next source block DJNZ IP24 ; Done ? No - jump MOV A,L ; Bar increment ADI 3DH MOV L,A INR D ; Bar counter BIT 1,D ; Done ? JRZ IP20 ; Repeat bar move IP2C: POP PSW ; Restore registers POP X POP D POP B POP H RET Image of page 93 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; BOARD INDEX TO NORM ADDRESS SUBR. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- Converts a hexadecimal board index into ; a Norm address for the square. ; CALLED BY: -- DSPBRD ; INSPCE ; ANALYS ; MATED ; CALLS: -- DIVIDE ; MLTPLY ;ARGUMENTS: -- Returns the Norm address in register pair ; HL. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONVRT: PUSH B ; Save registers PUSH D PUSH PSW LDA BRDPOS ; Get board index MOV D,A ; Set up dividend SUB A MVI E,10 ; Divisor CALL DIVIDE ; Index into rank and file ; file (1-8) & rank (2-9) DCR D ; For rank (1-8) DCR A ; For file (0-7) MOV C,D ; Save MVI D,6 ; Multiplier MOV E,A ; File number is multiplicand CALL MLTPLY ; Giving file displacement MOV A,D ; Save ADI 10H ; File norm address MOV L,A ; Low order address byte MVI A,8 ; Rank adjust SUB C ; Rank displacement ADI OCOH ; Rank Norm address MOV H,A ; High order addres byte POP PSW ; Restore registers POP D POP B RET ; Return Image of page 94 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; POSITIVE INTEGER DIVISION ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIVIDE: PUSH B MVI B,8 DD04: SLAR D RAL SUB E JM .+6 INR D JMPR .+3 ADD E DJNZ DD04 POP B RET ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; POSITIVE INTEGER MULTIPLICATION ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MLTPLY: PUSH B SUB A MVI B,8 ML04: BIT 0,D JRZ .+3 ADD E SRAR A RARR D DJNZ ML04 POP B RET Image of page 95 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; SQUARE BLINKER ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; ; FUNCTION: -- To blink the graphics board square to signal ; a piece's intention to move, or to high- ; light the square as being alterable ; in ANALYS. ; ; CALLED BY: -- MAKEMV ; ANALYS ; MATED ; ; CALLS: -- None ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Norm address of desired square passed in register ; pair HL. Number of times to blink passed in ; register B. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BLNKER: PUSH PSW ; Save registers PUSH B PUSH D PUSH H PUSH X SHLD NORMAD ; Save Norm address BL04: MVI D,0 ; Bar counter BL08: MVI C,0 ; Block counter BLOC: MOV AIM ; Fetch block XRI 3FH ; Graphics complement MOV M,A ; Replace block INR L ; Next block address INR C ; Increment block counter MOV A,C CPI 6 ; Done ? JRNZ BLOC ; No - jump MOV A,L ; Address ADI 3AH ; Adjust square position MOV L,A ; Replace address INR D ; Increment bar counter BIT 2,D ; Done ? JRZ BL08 ; No - jump LHLD NORMAD ; Get Norm address PUSH B ; Save register LXI B,3030H ; Delay loop, for visibility BL10: DJNZ BL10 DCR C JRNZ BL10 Image of page 96 for reference POP B ; Restore register DJNZ BL04 ; Done ? No - jump POP X ; Restore registers POP H POP D POP B POP PSW RET ; Return Image of page 97 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; EXECUTE MOVE SUBROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNCTION: -- This routine is the control routine for ; MAKEMV. It checks for double moves and ; sees that they are properly handled. It ; sets flags in the B register for double ; moves: ; En Passant -- Bit 0 ; 0-0 -- Bit 1 ; 0-0-0 -- Bit 2 ; ; CALLED BY: -- PLYRMV ; CPTRMV ; ; CALLS: -- MAKEMV ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- Flags set in the B register as described ; above. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXECMV: PUSH X ; Save registers PUSH PSW LIXD MLPTRJ ; Index into move list MOV C,MLPRP(X) ; Move list "from" position MOV E,MLTOP(X) ; Move list "to" position CALL MAKEMV ; Produce move MOV D,MLFLG (X) ; Move list flags MVI B,0 BIT 6,D ; Double move ? JRZ EX14 ; No - jump LXI D,6 ; Move list entry width DADX D ; Increment MLPTRJ MOV C,MLFRP(X) ; Second "from" position MOV E,MLTOP(X) ; Second "to" position MOV A,E ; Get "to" position CMP C ; Same as "from" position ? JRNZ EX04 ; No - jump INR B ; Set en passant flag JMPR EX10 ; Jump EX04: CPI 1AH ; White 0-0 ? JRNZ EX08 ; No - jump SET 1,8 ; Set 0-O flag JMPR EX10 ; Jump EX08: CPI 60H ; Black 0-0 ? JRNZ EXOC ; No - jump SET 1,8 ; Set 0-0 flag JMPR 8X10 ; Jump EXOC: SET 2,B ; Set 0-0-0 flag EX10: CALL MAkEMV ; Make 2nd move on board EX14: POP PSW ; Restore registers POP X RET ; Return Image of page 98 for reference ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; MAKE MOVE SUBROUTINE ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; FUNDTION: -- Moves the piece on the board when a move ; is made. It blinks both the "from" and ; "to" positions to give notice of the move. ; ; CALLED BY: -- EXECMV ; ; CALLS: -- CONVRT ; BLNKER ; INSPCE ; ; ARGUMENTS: -- The "from" position is passed in register C, and the ; "to" position in register E. ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAKEMV: PUSH PSW ; Save register PUSH B PUSH D PUSH H MOV A,C ; "From" position STA BRDPOS ; Set up parameter CALL CONVRT ; Getting Norm address in HL MVI B,10 ; Blink parameter CALL BLNKER ; Blink "from" square MOV A,M ; Bring in Norm 1plock INR L ; First change block MVI D,0 ; Bar counter MM04: MVI B,4 ; Block counter MM08: MOV M,A ; Insert blank block INR L ; Next change block DJNZ MM08 ; Done ? No - jump MOV C,A ; Saving norm block MOV A,L ; Bar increment ADI 3CH MOV L,A MOV A,C ; Restore Norm block INR D BIT 2,D ; Done ? JRZ MM04 ; No - jump MOV A,E ; Get "to" position STA BRDPOS ; Set up parameter CALL CONVRT ; Getting Norm address in HL MVI B,10 ; Blink parameter CALL INSPCE ; Inserts the piece CALL BLNKER ; Blinks "to" square POP H ; Restore registers POP D POP B POP PSW RET ; Return

Image of page 99 for reference

TDL/ZILOG Mnemonics Conversion


symbols used
r one of the 8-bit registers A,B,C,D,E,H,L
n any 8-bit absolute value
ii an index register reference, either X or Y
d an 8-bit index displacement, where -128< d< 127
zz B for the BC register pair, D for the DE pair
nn any 16-bit value, absolute or relocatable
rr B for the BC register pair, D for the DE pair, H for the HL pair, SP for the stack pointer
qq B for the BC register pair, D for the DE pair, H for the HL pair, PSW for the A/Flag pair
s any of r (defined above), M, or d(ii)
IFF interrupt flip-flop
CY carry flip.-flop
ZF zero flag
tt B for the BC register pair, D for the DE pair, SP for the stack pointer, X for index register IX
uu B for the BC register pair, D for the DE pair, SP for the stack pointer, Y for index register IY
b a bit position in an 8-bit byte, where the bits are numbered from right to left 0 to 7
PC program counter
b{n} bit n of the 8-bit value or register v
vv/H the most significant byte of the 16-bit value or register vv
vv/L the least significant byte of the 16-bit value or register vv
Iv an input operation on port v
Ov an output operation on port v
w <- v the value of w is replaced by the value of v
w <-> v the value of w is exchanged with the value of v

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