verb: look
mirarlook, look at, watch, see, view, glance
buscarsearch, search for, seek, look, look for, look up
versee, view, watch, look, witness, hear
parecerseem, appear, look, look like, sound, resemble
observarobserve, note, watch, look, notice, monitor
parecerselook alike
esperarwait, expect, wait for, hope, await, wait around
vigilarwatch, guard, watch over, keep an eye on, look, follow
mostrarseappear, look, come out, develop
aguardarwait, await, expect, look, watch
espiarspy, spy on, watch, keep watch on
acecharwatch, lie in wait, waylay, ambush, spy, look
estar orientadolook
tener ojowatch, look, watch out, look out
tener aire delook
guardarsave, keep, hold, guard, retain, observe
expresar con ojoslook
expresar con miradalook
tener orientaciónlook
tener traza delook
presentar atenciónlook
tener observadolook
ser cuidadosowatch, look
estar parecidotrace back, look
representarrepresent, depict, play, portray, act, perform
protegerprotect, safeguard, secure, shield, guard, look
miradalook, gaze, glance, peek, regard
aspectoaspect, appearance, look, point, side, regard
vistazolook, glance, browse, gander, squint, once-over
aparienciaappearance, look, semblance, seeming, veneer, illusion
caraface, side, look, appearance, facade, phiz
ojeadalook, glance, peek
aireair, wind, midair, look, tune
estilostyle, look, manner, design, stylus, stroke
carizlook, appearance, outlook
fachalook, figure, posh person
modafashion, fad, vogue, style, mode, look
empaquepacking, boxing, look
sentirfeel, sense, regret, be sorry, be sorry to
sentirsefeel, come over
experimentarexperiment, undergo, experiment with, feel, test, suffer
palparfeel, palpate, touch
tocartouch, play, perform, contact, ring, feel
darse cuenta derealize, aware of, perceive, feel, register, be alive to
sensaciónfeeling, sensation, sense, feel, thrill, stir
tactotouch, feel, tact, finesse, savoir faire, osculation
sentimientofeeling, sentiment, feel, regret, affect

Exemples of ' look and feel' use

English Catalan
[...] digest on the iPad to have a magazine look and feel.
[...]el seu compendi diari en l'iPad per tenir l'aspecte i tacte d'una revista.
[...] BumpTop has the look and feel of a real desktop, so it's natural and intuitive.
[...] BumpTop  l'aspecte i tacte d'un escriptori real, així que és natural i intuïu
[...] to develop appealing new products that provide new value by combining the latest digital technologies with top quality designs that deliver an attractive look and feel.
[...]per desenvolupar atraients novetats que atorguen un valor afegit, combinant les últimes tecnologies digitals amb dissenys exclusius que proporcionen un atractiu aspecte i tacte.
[...] It combines the look and feel of a real desk with the power of your PC.
[...] Combina l'aspecte i tacte d'un escriptori real amb el poder del teu PC.
Furniture with a different look and feel.
Mobles amb un diferent aspecte i tacte.
Those that were planned, from the ground up, to be the home of the main federal institutions have a very different look and feel to cities that existed before becoming capital cities, or else have always been capitals.
Els que s'han previst, des de la base, per ser la llar de les principals institucions federals tenen un aspecte itacte molt diferent de les ciutats que existien abans d'esdevenir capitals, o que sempre ho havien estat.
[...] cutting edge and almost futuristic, infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of its rich history.
un aire modern, avantguardista i una gairebé futurista infraestructura, ha sabut preservar l'aspecte i tacte de la seva rica història.
Today the look and feel of SieMatic recessed grips has attained a degree of perfection [...]
Avui l'aspecte i tacte de les nanses plegables de SieMatic han arribat a un grau de perfecció.



[...] ways to personalize your computer's desktop with a look and feel that suits who you are.
[...] noves maneres de personalitzar l'escriptori de l'equip amb un aspecte i tacte acord amb la seva personalitat.
The new fabrics emphasize a "natural" look and feel with offerings such as Natté, Linen and Deauville that suggest cotton.
Les noves teles destaquen un aspecte i tacte "naturals", amb productes com Natte, Linen i Deauville que suggereixen el cotó.
We develop your site?s structure, prepare three different look&feel options for you to choose from as the starting point, and once you have defined the aesthetic details, we move on [...]

Desenvolupem  l'estructura del vostre web,  preparem tres opcions  d'aspecte i tacte perqué pogueu seleccionar-ne una com de punt de partida i un cop definits  els detalls estètics passem a [...]

Proposes three levels of preservation: preserving the "look-and-feel"; preservation of access, maintaining both the underlying material and an effective system of access;.
 Proposa tres nivells de preservació: preservació del "aspecte i tacte"; preservació de l'accés, conservant tant el material subjacent com un sistema d'accés eficaç;[...]
This evolution has also been reflected in the look and feel of the CORDIS front page.
Aquesta evolució s'ha reflectit també en l'aspecte itacte de la pàgina principal de CORDIS.
thumb up thumb down  
Optional adaptation of etracker products to the partner's look & feel, up to and including full integration into partner systems
Adaptació  opcional dels productes etracker a l'aspecte i tacte dels sistemes  associats, fins a la completa integració en els mateixos,
[...] outer drum and three different types of door leaves to choose from, each with a different look and feel.
[...] tambor exterior i tres tipus diferents de fulles de porta, cadascuna amb un aspecte i tacte diferent.
These products can colour a neutral material and produce a different look and feel to its surface.
Aquests productes poden acolorir un material neutre i produir un aspecte i tacte diferents en la seva superfície.
The 3G smart phones increasingly look and feel like personal computers.
Els smartphones 3G cada vegada tenen un aspecte itacte semblant als computadors personals.
A wave of names emerged that tended to be overly feminine, in look and feel, comprising constructs of open vowels and fluid consonants.
Va sorgir una onada de noms que tendien a ser descaradament femenins pel seu aspecte i tacte, amb vocals obertes i consonants líquides.
The soft look and feel of leather is of paramount importance today and new hand modifiers and cationic product technology have helped to achieve this.
L'aspecte i tacte suaus del cuir són de vital importància actualment i els nous modificadors manuals i la tecnologia de productes catiònics han ajudat a aconseguir-lo
One of the most important new styling directions for awning fabrics is the addition of texture that creates an entirely new look and feel.
Una de les més importants noves directrius de disseny  per als teixits de tendals és  l'addició de textures que creen un aspecte i tacte completament nous.


The euro dummy banknotes look and feel like the real euro banknotes that will be put into circulation .
Els bitllets d'euro falsos tenen un aspecte i tacte com els bitllets d'euro reals que es posaran en circulació  [...]